Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Stadt der Zukunft

Energy Flexible Buildings – Potential and Performance

26th September 2017, 10.00 a.m.
Kuppelsaal TU Wien, Karlsplatz, 1040 Wien

Workshop and technical visits in cooperation with IEA EBC Annex 67

Haus der Zukunft

ThermSat - pilot training program "Thermal renovation engineer in construction industry"

The goal was to design, offer, evaluate and refine a practical training, adapted to the current development. Aim of the courses is to have well-trained engineers and technicians with practical and theoretical knowledge in the field of thermal renovation of buildings.

Haus der Zukunft

Gründerzeit with future - demonstration project 2: ROOFJET Wißgrillgasse - sustainable solution for improving the thermal-energetic performance of a typical historical building in Vienna

The main aim of the project ROOFJET Wißgrillgasse is a building refurbishment by a factor of 8 which demonstrates that even historical buildings can be refurbished to lowest energy standard.This demonstration project shows a holistic and sustainable refurbishment concept for a special type of buildings with innovative technical and organizational solutions.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Formulation developement fo a repellant against "game bite" to be used for forestry and vineyards

A repellent against deers containing sheep fat in different formulations for usage in forestry and vineyards should be developed with special attention to get a stabilized formulation with high quality. Efficacy and stability will be tested.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Biobased Plastics Scenario 2050 - plastics made from renewable resources

A “2050 scenario - plastics made from renewable resources (bio-based plastics)” has been developed. The hypothetical target of this scenario is for bio-based plastics to have a 100 % market share of product manufacturing in the EU. The scenario provides the basis for further national RTI activities and for recommendations for regulation.

Haus der Zukunft

First remediation of already existing homes to passive house standard with Vacuum insulated panels (VIPs)

Demonstration of the way to redevelop a home of the 19th century to passive house standard in consideration of moisture process and the use of vacuum insulation.

Haus der Zukunft

Climate neutral buildings from the period of promoterism - ways, potentials and possibilities of implementation

The focus was on the goal-oriented and economic options, in order to achieve a CO2-neutral energy supply and hermetically sealed building envelope as well as to show high energy efficiency when using. On the other hand building protection regulations and the quality in use are to be considered.

Stadt der Zukunft

VAMOS - Casement windows with vacuum glazing: Performance-Monitoring for Building retrofit

Knowledge consolidation of the exploratory project VIG_SYS_RENO; This project focused on the application of vacuum glass in existing casement windows for purposes of energetic performance improvement of buildings. Expected results include new insights about and a guideline for the application and utilization of vacuum glass products in existing window systems.

Haus der Zukunft

green LIGHT: light, fresh air, exterior space, greening in the large volume PassivHaus

theoretical topics: Optimization of natural light, ambient humidity and of private exterior space, planted over buildings, evaluation of the energetic performance and special challenges of large volume "Passivhaus" residential buildings. applied research: concept for the renovation of a 13 storey residential building for senior citizens built in 1974 to PassivHaus standards, applying the results attained in the theoretical part.

Stadt der Zukunft

DRoB - Drones and robotics for efficient monitoring and management of green facades or roofs

Strategic transdisciplinary networking of experts for the analysis of innovative monitoring and management systems for green facades and roofs. The aim is to demonstrate the potential of different UAV sensors for vegetation monitoring and robots for maintenance measurements of green façades.

Haus der Zukunft

Evaluation of solar-thermal energy stores using a uniform and marketable system of characteristic numbers

Comparison of solar-thermal energy stores A clear and uniform system of characteristic numbers enables a cost-saving comparison of the efficiency of solar-thermal energy stores of different technologies for the first time and gives important impulses for the market.

Haus der Zukunft

Comfort for sustainability

Research project on comfort and on the health and recreational value of passive houses

Haus der Zukunft

Building and modernising with "Building of Tomorrow"

The project BauModern turned to non-profit and commercial housing developers and real estate managements. In close co-operation with the federations of the housing and real estate economy has been achieved that builders are informed about market-suited innovative technologies and concepts and use these strengthened for their projects both in the new building and in the refurbishment.

Haus der Zukunft

Renewable resources in the building sector

Investigation of factors which support and hinder acceptance: Technical, legal/political and organisational levels considered, focus on innovative solutions with high market potential, thematic focal areas: straw bale building, surface treatment, acoustic and thermal insulation

Stadt der Zukunft

lieBeKlima - quality assurance of cross-property greening for urban climate resilience in the neighbourhood development "Am Kempelenpark"

lieBeKlima aims to initiate the implementation of a cross-property and cross-system greening concept for the "Am Kempelenpark" neighbourhood development. This will be realized with innovative, identity-creating participation processes and a comprehensive quality assurance process. The focus lies on an interconnected consideration of integral greening concepts with higher-level water management and plus-energy concepts.

Stadt der Zukunft

LZE 100 Lighthouse Objects - Long-term evaluation of the energy consumption of 100 energy-efficient buildings in Austria as a representative cross-section of Austrian lighthouse objects

Collection, evaluation and analysis of energy consumption data from 100 energy-efficient buildings in Austria over an operating time of 3 to 25 years as a representative cross-section of Austrian lighthouse objects. Differentiation according to building types, energy sources and determination of real greenhouse gas emissions. Comparison of the measured consumption to benchmark values.

Haus der Zukunft

home dreams

Listening to the inhabitants of innovative buildings and using their satisfactory and unsatisfactory experiences as the basis for drawing up practice based criteria and recommendations for a quality, user-orientated building policy. The target groups are funding bodies, building contractors and town planners.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA Bioenergy Technology Collaboration Programme (IEA Bioenergy TCP)

IEA Bioenergy’s vision is to achieve a substantial bioenergy contribution to future global energy demands by accelerating the production and use of environmentally sound, socially accepted and cost-competitive bioenergy on a sustainable basis, thus providing increased security of supply whilst reducing greenhouse gas emissions from energy use.