Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Haus der Zukunft

CIT City in Transition - A Model for Comprehensive Renewal Processes to Increase the Value of Urban Areas

By means of pilot projects in two urban areas comprehensive goals and criteria, assessment approaches and a code of practice for sustainable urban renewal are elaborated jointly with decision makers and experts in urban development.

Haus der Zukunft

SchulRen+ Innovative plus-energy refurbishment concepts for school buildings

In a technical feasibility study and based on a real example, the project analysed innovative plus-energy refurbishment concepts for school buildings. The goal was to develop refurbishment concepts with a high replication potential which combine future-oriented energy concepts with feasible technical and architectural solutions.

Stadt der Zukunft

Future Quarter - Way to an energy-plus quarter in Vienna

Development of transferable concepts for energy-plus quarters as substantial preparatory work for the implementation of an energy showcase quarter in Vienna based on six concrete areas. The support for the broad application of the concept shall be a precursor for the realisation of future energy showcase quarters in Vienna and other cities.

Haus der Zukunft

SURO - The urban underground as mine? Potential of secondary resources in subsurface infrastructure systems

Feasibility of a resource cadaster to inventorize, characterize and locate material stocks in subsurface infrastructure networks. The results are used for the economic assessment of secondary resource potentials.

Stadt der Zukunft

MehrWertStrom 2030 - PV-Community system - Exploring a participatory pilot project with regional added value for structurally weak regions

The "MehrWertStrom 2030" project analysed the legal, technical, organizational and economic feasibility of PV community joint venture facilities on multi-party buildings including the added value for structurally weak regions and developed innovative solutions related to organization, financing and realization.

Stadt der Zukunft

SmartQ+ Bruck/Leitha - Energy saving potentials through neighbourhood and community planning

First-time linking of transport and energy simulation models for municipal planning in order to visualise (energy) saving potentials in settlement development and effects of planning projects on mobility demand and the energy network of a municipality in an interactive visualisation.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Apple & pear cascade: more value added in the Mostviertel region through bio-cascading

Creating a concept for the bio-cascading of apple and pear pomace in the Mostviertel region for an increased value added through innovative local products. Development of strategies for the implementation of a pilot plant.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Development of low emission cleaning processes for metal surfaces considering manufacturing processes within the automotive industry

Development of technological optimisation of cleaning processes within the automotive industry which guarantee defined cleaning requirements and fulfil the criteria of a sustainable process design with near zero emissions.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Creating a concept for the development of a "lubrication service" to maximize plant life on the basis of ionic liquids as special lubricants.

Creating a concept of a "lubrication service" to maximize plant life and reduce their resources consumption - a combination of development service, production and lubricating service.

Haus der Zukunft

Spatial Energy Planning for Smart City Quarters and Smart Regions

In the project ERP_hoch3 energy related policy research in three Austrian agglomerations (Vienna – Lower Austria, Graz – Styria and Vorderland-Feldkirch) has been done, scenarios of the current state and the target state have been modelled and calculated. The aim was to develop generic transferable recommendations for spatial energy planning in agglomerations.

Haus der Zukunft

BIGMODERN - Subproject 9: Demonstration project University Innsbruck, Faculty for Construction Engineering - Implementation

The demonstration project University Innsbruck, building of the faculty for construction engineering is part of the flagship project BIGMODERN. The demonstration project shows that in major renovation projects high energy and sustainability performance can be achieved using economically viable solutions.

Haus der Zukunft

Urban consolidation Lehen - subproject 6a and 6b: Energy efficient urban districts by means of community organizing and social measures in urban consolidation

Community organizing is used as a method to develop an activating social process to inform and include involved people in the district concerning new buildings but also in the process of urban renewal. Experiences and feedback were worked on scientifically to give feedback to the community as well as to builders and planners.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Watersorption - Water absorption of Wood Plastic Composites

Analysis of the water absorption in Wood Plastic Composites (WPC) in order to develop solutions to decrease and stop water absorption. This enables a big variety of new applications made of WPC and brings economical and ecological advantages for the polymer processing industries.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften


Initiatives and measures for the promotion of an environmentally sound product design Forschungsforum 2/1995

Herausgeber: BMVIT
Englisch, 6 Seiten

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Smart Metering consumption

Eigenverbrauch von Stromzählern Schriftenreihe 44/2012
M. Preisel et al.
Herausgeber: BMVIT
Deutsch, 110 Seiten

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Weitere Informationen

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA Solar Heating & Cooling Programme

Task 37: Fortschrittliche thermische Gebäudesanierung Schriftenreihe 57/2010
T. Mach, R. Heimrath
Herausgeber: BMVIT
Deutsch, 162 Seiten

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Weitere Informationen

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Mobile and modular thermally-driven-cooling-system

Development of a mobile and modular thermally-driven-cooling-system for cooling powers ranging from 17 to 210 kW. The driving heat is provided by solar collectors and a biomass boiler. For research purposes a cooling systems (70 kW) will be installed in Gleisdorf where the company EnergyCabin is located.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

Polymeric Materials for Solar Thermal Applications (October 2009)

IEA SHC Newsletter Task 39 Englisch

Haus der Zukunft


Guidelines for a sustainable real estate rating of residental buildings

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Energy storage systems

Key technologies for the energy transition energy innovation austria 5/2021

Herausgeber: BMK in cooperation with the Climate and Energy Fund
Englisch, 16 Seiten

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