Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet%3A Energietechnologien gestalten%2C die f%C3%BCr alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Haus der Zukunft

Platform for Energy-Efficient Hospitals - ways to a higher energy-efficiency

The present project is based on the results of the project "The energy-efficient hospital: realistic departure points and identification of possible measures"

Haus der Zukunft

SOL4 business and training center Eichkogel

Demonstration project for sustainable construction of a working and living environment

Haus der Zukunft

The Passive House Catalogue of Building details for renovations

"Building of Tomorrow" funded research reports dealing with building renovation will be analysed for solutions of construction details. This information will be supplemented with structural-physical descriptions, ecological ratings and technical discussions. All the information will be collected and systematically presented in a catalogue of building details for renovation.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Efficient biogas processing with membrane technique

Production of natural gas substitute with a newly developed gas permeation technology. Optimization of the process with biogas from energy crops fermentation. Screening of new methods of online product gas quality control.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Socio-technical support model - energy vision Murau

A socio-technical support model will be created for the Region of Murau. It will be established in strong cooperation with local and regional actors, to reach a broad realisation of a network on sustainable solutions on renewable energy sources. This pilot model will also be an example for multiply.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

Ringkøbing-Skjern, Denmark - Decentralised Biogas Network Model

Fallstudie über ein dezentrales Biogasnetzwerk in Dänemark

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA Bioenergy Task 42: Alternative sustainable carbon sources as substitutes for metallurgical coal (2019)

Dieser Report beschäftigt sich mit alternativen nachhaltigen Kohlenstoffquellen als Ersatz für metallurgische Kohle. Tests zeigen, dass Lignin ein geeigneter Ersatz für metallurgische Kohle sein kann. Sahajwalla et. al
Herausgeber: IEA-Task 42, 2019
Englisch, 31 Seiten

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Community & Veranstaltungen

Haus der Zukunft

Ausstellung: Baufamilien-Tag

29. Nov 2009
Passivhausdorf zum Probewohnen 3922, Großschönau, AT

Der Sonnenplatz Großschönau veranstaltet am 29. November 2009 erneut einen Baufamilien Tag. Dieses Mal zum Schwerpunktthema "Wärmepumpe".

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Distributed generation and renewables - Power Quality

The project will demonstrate how the integration of power electronics equipment in Distributed Generation (DG) units can actively improve the stability and quality of supply of electric power distribution networks in order to increase the penetration of DG and Renewable Energy Sources.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Development of a holistic valuation of enterprise-activities for sustainability and field test in leading industrial companies - InaBe

The development of a holistic model comprising method and instrument to evaluate ac-tivities from companies in context with sustainable development by integrating objective and subjective view.

Stadt der Zukunft

GLASGrün - Regulation of climate, energy demand and comfort in GLASS buildings through structurally integrated vertical GREEN

Development of vertical vegetation systems for summergreen shading of glass facades of food retail and commercial areas. GLASGrün generates quantitative data on energy and microclimate balance and qualitative data on user perception. The results are guidelines for scalable and transferable constructive solutions with maintenance and management plans.

Fabrik der Zukunft

PSS Strategies - Development of strategies for designing and implementing sustainable Product-Servicesystems

Based on a previous FdZ project it is intended to develop and implement strategies for sector specific sustainable product-servicesystems-innovations along product-chains in workshops with companies and other actors involved. Focus will be placed on implementation and possible restricting factors.

Haus der Zukunft

Integrated ecological and energy-oriented refurbishment of service buildings - development of quality criteria and tools within a pilot project (LCC-ECO)

Formulation of a procedure for the general refurbishment of service buildings and development of guidelines to support building owners and facility-managers in each stage of the refurbishment process in order to reach an integrated ecological and energy-oriented refurbishment.

Haus der Zukunft

Messe: RENEXPO® Austria

29. November - 1. Dezember 2012
Messezentrum SalzburgSalzburg, DE

4. Internationale Energiefachmesse - Österreichs Landesenergie­messe

Fabrik der Zukunft

Innovative technology for the treatment of municipal and industrial waste water and process waters (INNOWATEC)

Evaluation of a technology as a supporting module for process water and waste water treatment and testing in laboratory and pilot tests for specific fields of application in operational water management.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA SHC Task 70: Low Carbon, High Comfort Integrated Lighting

With the goal of decarbonization and sustainability of buildings in the sense of the circular economy, for integrated lighting systems the so far purely energy-based focus must be broadened to include the entire life cycle, with special consideration of visual and non-visual user requirements. In the task, strategic, technical, and economic information will be developed for the relevant stakeholders and networking activities will be offered.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Eco-textiles - from the eco-niche into the trend market!

Optimum communication strategies and motives for the purchase of eco-textiles by specific target groups are investigated. The results are reviewed with respect to the transferability to other branches of sustainable production and marketing. Aim of the project is to foster the supply of eco-textile products and thereby promoting the Austrian eco-textile producers and retailers.

Haus der Zukunft

Hygrothermal behaviour of double-skin facades in solar irradiation - theory evaluation by means of on-location measurements

Detailed clarification of the base parameters of thermodynamic simulation calculations by means of on-location measurements on the five-storey double-skin facade of the Federal Institute of Social Education in Baden bei Wien

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Further enhancement of biogas production in Vorarlberg and its use over the natural gas grid

Further enhancement of biogas production in Vorarlberg with the possible use over the natural gas grid; analysis of the potential availability of fermentation substrates; scenarios for the increase of production capacities in combination with existing plants; technical blueprint of realistic scenarios; economic feasibility of the described scenarios.