Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet%3A Energietechnologien gestalten%2C die f%C3%BCr alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Haus der Zukunft


Multi-Activ-Facade is a pre-manufactured, multifunctional panellised façade, which incorporates ventilation with heat recovery, passive house windows and photovoltaic for smart self-supply within retrofitting measures. The specific challenge is the application within social housing.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Assessment of user requirements and technical feasibility of lightweight applications based on renewables

Assessment of user requirements was studied. Furthermore, the technical feasibility of se-lected lightweight applications based on renewables in the furniture and interior design sector is investigated through involvement of all relevant stakeholders (panel manufacturers - further processing enterprises - distributors - consumers) in the value chain.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Formulation developement fo a repellant against "game bite" to be used for forestry and vineyards

A repellent against deers containing sheep fat in different formulations for usage in forestry and vineyards should be developed with special attention to get a stabilized formulation with high quality. Efficacy and stability will be tested.

Stadt der Zukunft

INNERGY - Real laboratory in the central Inn-valley for climate-neutral semi-urban areas

Sustainable energy supply solutions for existing quarters and industry had been surveyed holistically and cross-sectorally in a small-structured area, consequently pilot projects had been elaborated with the aim to build up a climate-neutral region.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Biobased Plastics Scenario 2050 - plastics made from renewable resources

A “2050 scenario - plastics made from renewable resources (bio-based plastics)” has been developed. The hypothetical target of this scenario is for bio-based plastics to have a 100 % market share of product manufacturing in the EU. The scenario provides the basis for further national RTI activities and for recommendations for regulation.

Haus der Zukunft

Evaluation of solar-thermal energy stores using a uniform and marketable system of characteristic numbers

Comparison of solar-thermal energy stores A clear and uniform system of characteristic numbers enables a cost-saving comparison of the efficiency of solar-thermal energy stores of different technologies for the first time and gives important impulses for the market.

Stadt der Zukunft

DRoB - Drones and robotics for efficient monitoring and management of green facades or roofs

Strategic transdisciplinary networking of experts for the analysis of innovative monitoring and management systems for green facades and roofs. The aim is to demonstrate the potential of different UAV sensors for vegetation monitoring and robots for maintenance measurements of green façades.

Stadt der Zukunft

GREeNvaluation - Real-time monitoring and performance evaluation

The aim of the project was the development of the GREeNvaluation toolkit, as a precursor to the implementation of green and liveable cities. The visualization and accounting (cost / benefit) of green infrastructure services makes the benefits more tangible and understandable. The GREeNvaluation toolkit aims to create awareness far beyond the target areas by means of target group-specific communication formats.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

IEA Bioenergy Task "Biomass Combustion and Co-firing"

Obtaining, preparation and circulation of information about international evolutions in the biomass combustion field and -co combustion, collaboration at and management of task emphases

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Secondary Materials in the Austrian Textile Industry - Study with Recommendations for the Austrian R&D-Politics

This study deals with the challenges and potentials for the use of secondary materials in the Austrian textile industry. It identifies challenges and potentials for establishing cycles in the textile industry with a focus on the use of secondary materials in Austria based on broad stakeholder involvement. Based on this, recommendations for research and development activities were formulated to promote recycling.

Haus der Zukunft

old house? old house!

The renovation and restructuring of existing housing stock using modern, ecologically efficient building technology as a means for developing Assisted Living Centres for senior citizens within an urban context

Haus der Zukunft

Building and modernising with "Building of Tomorrow"

The project BauModern turned to non-profit and commercial housing developers and real estate managements. In close co-operation with the federations of the housing and real estate economy has been achieved that builders are informed about market-suited innovative technologies and concepts and use these strengthened for their projects both in the new building and in the refurbishment.

Haus der Zukunft

Acceptance and improvement of low-energy-house components as a mutual learning process for users and producers

A social scientific investigation of acceptance and dissemination strategies for controlled ventilation systems with waste heat recovery and a joint heating system in low energy and passive houses.

Stadt der Zukunft

lieBeKlima - quality assurance of cross-property greening for urban climate resilience in the neighbourhood development "Am Kempelenpark"

lieBeKlima aims to initiate the implementation of a cross-property and cross-system greening concept for the "Am Kempelenpark" neighbourhood development. This will be realized with innovative, identity-creating participation processes and a comprehensive quality assurance process. The focus lies on an interconnected consideration of integral greening concepts with higher-level water management and plus-energy concepts.

Haus der Zukunft

S I P settlement models in passive house quality

Research, development and realization of integral building concepts in passive house quality!

Haus der Zukunft

Pilot project gaining-building-land Pongau

Gaining extra space for additional households through sustainable renovation and/or extension of 8 detached houses by integrating consulting, planning, energy efficiency concepts and financing.

Haus der Zukunft

(energy central 400+) Marketable energy central from 400 kW with innovative, simple electricity conversion for residential building, public utility and commercial objects

Development of a marketable, decentralised "energy central" on a scale from 400 kW for the generation of electricity, heating (and cooling) for residential building, public utility and commercial objects, with a broad variety of applicable fuels on the base of regionally available biogenous residual materials.

Haus der Zukunft

Innovative moth-protection system for sheepwool insulation

This project developed a novel "bio-pesticide"-formula by screening plant extracts and minerals for their strong repellant activity in order to protect sheepwool insulation from cloth moth infestation. It was investigated and examined by state-of-the-art-technology that the anti-moth-mixture extracted from plants and minerals, acts as a valid alternative to existing pest control agents.

Stadt der Zukunft

SPACE4free - Retrofitting souterrain areas in 19th century townhouses to apartments with high quality of life and low energy consumption

Planning of durable and damage-free apartments with high quality of life and low energy consumption in moisture exposed souterrain areas of 19th century townhouses. Using innovative ventilation control systems comfortable room climate will be created. Additionally the tolerance of different types of use is ensured. A planning tool enables the scaling of the findings and thus the applicability to various planning situations.

Stadt der Zukunft

LZE 100 Lighthouse Objects - Long-term evaluation of the energy consumption of 100 energy-efficient buildings in Austria as a representative cross-section of Austrian lighthouse objects

Collection, evaluation and analysis of energy consumption data from 100 energy-efficient buildings in Austria over an operating time of 3 to 25 years as a representative cross-section of Austrian lighthouse objects. Differentiation according to building types, energy sources and determination of real greenhouse gas emissions. Comparison of the measured consumption to benchmark values.