Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet%3A Energietechnologien gestalten%2C die f%C3%BCr alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Bregenz 2040 climate neutrality roadmap focussing on the electricity and heating transition, mobility and public acceptance

The central goal of the project is to create a consistent, comprehensive, and feasible roadmap to achieve climate neutrality in Bregenz by 2040.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Climate neutrality roadmap Feldkirch

Feldkirch has already implemented important measures in the field of climate and energy policy. The city is a member of a KEM and KLAR region and has been a very active e5-municipality since 2005.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA Solar Heating & Cooling Programme

Task 37: Fortschrittliche thermische Gebäudesanierung Schriftenreihe 57/2010
T. Mach, R. Heimrath
Herausgeber: BMVIT
Deutsch, 162 Seiten

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Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Smart Metering consumption

Eigenverbrauch von Stromzählern Schriftenreihe 44/2012
M. Preisel et al.
Herausgeber: BMVIT
Deutsch, 110 Seiten

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Nachhaltig Wirtschaften


Initiatives and measures for the promotion of an environmentally sound product design Forschungsforum 2/1995

Herausgeber: BMVIT
Englisch, 6 Seiten

Haus der Zukunft

Seminar: Energiesparen für öffentliche Gebäude

14. Feb 2004
Akademie für Recht & Steuern (ARS)Wien, AT

Der erfolgreiche Abschluss von Einspar-Contracting- Verträgen durch öffentliche Auftraggeber

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

Polymeric Materials for Solar Thermal Applications (October 2009)

IEA SHC Newsletter Task 39 Englisch

Haus der Zukunft

"Building of Tomorrow" on the road - knowledge transfer of the results from "Building of Tomorrow" to existing traineeships

Knowledge transfer of the programme "Building of Tomorrow" to specialists on universities, advanced technical colleges, polytechnics, construction academies, administration academies. Themes: Energy, Construction and Building Physics, Ecology and Architecture and Sociology.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Interregional Logistics- and Procurement Network for Forest Fuel in Austria

A concept for a cooperative forest fuel supply chain network for a large part of Austria (regions of Salzburg, Upper Austria, Lower Austria, Vienna) is developed in order to minimise transport-, storage- and total system costs while simultaneously increasing supply guarantee for the plants.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft


At the predefined locations of a dairy in Upper Austria and a brewery in Lower Austria the demonstration units of biogas - fuel cell are to be planned in the detail. Therefore exact economical and technical investigations and documentations will be prepared. Important goals are optimized energetic integration and best economical solutions.

Stadt der Zukunft

EnerPHit-green concept Modernisation of a historic building with application of an aerogel insulation plaster

This demonstration project shows the comprehensive modernization of a historic building within the constraints of a regional protection zone. By using the Aerogel high-performance insulating plaster, a comprehensive energy-efficient building refurbishment had been realized without changing the outer appearance of the façade.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

DIALOG an Deck - Energiewenden: von der Grundlagenforschung zur Anwendung

9. September 2010, 19.30 Uhr
MS Wissenschaft, Anlegestation Millennium Tower Wien, AT

anlässlich des erstmaligen Ankerns des Forschungsschiffes MS Wissenschaft in Wien.

Haus der Zukunft

Aufbau einer österreichischen EPD-Plattform für Bauprodukte

Haus der Zukunft


Guidelines for a sustainable real estate rating of residental buildings

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Energy storage systems

Key technologies for the energy transition energy innovation austria 5/2021

Herausgeber: BMK in cooperation with the Climate and Energy Fund
Englisch, 16 Seiten

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Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

DSM Newsletter Juni 2010

Das "DSM-Spotlight", der Newsletter des Demand-Side-Management Implementing Agreement, vom Juni 2010 ist verfügbar.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

DG DemoNetz - Konzept

Aktiver Betrieb von elektrischen Verteilnetzen mit hohem Anteil dezentraler Stromerzeugung - Konzeption von Demonstrationsnetzen Schriftenreihe 12/2010
H. Brunner, A. Lugmaier, B. Bletterie, H. Fechner, R. Bründlinger
Herausgeber: BMVIT
Deutsch, 198 Seiten

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Haus der Zukunft

BIGMODERN - Subproject 5: Feasibility studies about innovative technical solutions

The application of innovative technologies means additional planning and coordination effort which usually cannot be incorporated into the conventional planning processes of the BIG. To overcome these barriers for the application of innovative technologies, the sub project at hand aims at preparing information, feasibility studies, planning records, experiences and practical examples in a way, that they can be implemented directly into the planning process.

Stadt der Zukunft

G2G – Innovation axis Graz-Gleisdorf

Development of testbeds and demonstration zones within already designated areas for urban development along the Graz-Gleisdorf Innovation-Axis with a focus on energy, integrated building technology, smart city-spaces, compact settlement structures, generational living, and ‘cities of short ways’. It will pay specific attention to intermodal mobility as well as ICT-based solutions.