Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet%3A Energietechnologien gestalten%2C die f%C3%BCr alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA AFC Annex 35: Fuel cells für portable applications (Working period 2014 - 2017)

The aim of Annex 35 of Technology Collaboration Programm on Advanced Fuel Cells of the International Energy Agency (IEA) included information exchange on the status and new developments of portable fuel cell systems such as the direct ethanol fuel cell (DEFC) and the direct borohydride fuel cell (DBFC) and comprised the development and manufacture of membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs) all the way through to system components such as electronic converters or gas supply units.

Haus der Zukunft

Contracting as a instrument for renovation

Development of contracting models for comprehensive renovation service packages.

Stadt der Zukunft

Reallabor 100% renewable energy Waldviertel

Under the motto "Always one step ahead", the aim is to develop a content-related and economic implementation concept for a "Reallabor 100% erneuerbare Energie Waldviertel".

Haus der Zukunft

Developing of a cost-efficient, energy-optimized window, built of wood and ecological insulating materials

Development of a sustainable windowconstruction using solar energy and ecogical materials.

Haus der Zukunft

Reconstruction of residential buildings "Tschechenring": ecologically reconstruction of monumental-protected residential buildings for workers (1880) in Felixdorf

Planning and realisation of a demonstration project for the exemplary reconstruction of monumental-protected residential buildings of the late 19th century or comparable housing estates of the 30s under consideration of energetic optimization, renewable energy sources and regenerating raw materials.

Haus der Zukunft

LightFromFacade - Optimized Day- and Artificial Lighting by Facades

Multfunctional facades with integrated artificial- and daylighting systems had been simulated and evaluated regarding lighting and energy (lighting quality and energy demand). The results create basics for further façade developments and for academic education.

Haus der Zukunft - Network for increased use of Photovoltaics in buildings

IEA Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme (PVPS) - Co-ordination, perception of the functions and spreading of the results of this international solar network

Haus der Zukunft

Solar cooling machine with a cooling power of 2 kW

Development and building of a prototype of a coolingmachine with a cooling power of 2 kW, tests and optimizing on a test facility, connection to a solar unit and utilization for air conditioning.

Haus der Zukunft

ZSG - Sustainable Concepts in urban redevelopment and building refurbishment

Project on research and implementation for ecological and energy efficient concepts, urban redevelopment and building refurbishment. Performance of a routing project on a former ter-ritory of the Austrian armed forces in Steyr.

Haus der Zukunft

Experiences and attitudes of users as a basis for the development of sustainable housing concepts with high social acceptance

The aim of this project was to a) analyse current experiences of users of ecologically innovative residential buildings ("passive houses", solar houses, etc.) in Austria, b) to evaluate innovative housing concepts in focus groups, and c) to create a model for the continuous participation of users in the innovation process.

Stadt der Zukunft

PowerShade - Development of electricity-generating shading solutions for energy-flexible buildings in urban space

The main goal of the cooperative R&D project "PowerShade" is the development of low-cost and universally usable electricity-generating shading solutions for energy-flexible buildings in urban space.

Haus der Zukunft

THERM-opti-BALCONY-P2 - Thermal Optimized Renovation of Balconies Phase 2: In-Situ-Pilot-Station

Pre-cast cantilever balconies represent a particular problem in the case of thermal rehabilitation of buildings. With the THERM-opti-BALKON-System a solution is currently being investigated under laboratory conditions. Phase 2 aims to create an in-situ-pilot-station. The most important object of study is the long-term behavior of the THERM-opti-BALKON-System.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA Action Network "Intelligent Energy Systems": International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN TCP)

ISGAN is an international network for the development and exchange of expertise on smart, clean, flexible and resilient power grids ("smart grids"). ISGAN provides a platform for the communication of international experiences, trends and insights for the implementation of smart grid solutions in decarbonized energy systems of the future.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Development of a starch based thermoplastic Biopolymer as substitution of standard polymers in niche applications

Developement of a businessnetwork for the market implementation of biodegradable products made out of renewable substances.

Stadt der Zukunft

Energy Flexible Buildings – Potential and Performance

26th September 2017, 10.00 a.m.
Kuppelsaal TU Wien, Karlsplatz, 1040 Wien

Workshop and technical visits in cooperation with IEA EBC Annex 67

Stadt der Zukunft

DeLight Monitoring - Demo light Impact-Monitoring and metrological investigation of energy-efficient buildings

The Project consists of the metrological examination of eleven innovative buildings in terms of energy consumption and user comfort. In addition, building constructors and operators as well as the public are sensitized to the subject of energy-related optimization of building operation. Also, the potentials of energy-related optimization of building operation are shown.

Energie 2050

Innovative energy technologies in Austria - Market Development 2013

Market diffusion of photovoltaic systems reached in 2013 with a current production of 626 GWh its temporary peak - wind turbines increase in capacity of more than 22.4 % compared to 2012 - Stable growth in the field of heat pumps. Schriftenreihe 26/2014

Haus der Zukunft

Timber Passive House at Mühlweg, 1210 Vienna

Low-rise housing with 70 units (200 residents) in solid wood plate construction designed to meet European passive building standards. Strategies for highly ecological and sustainable building within the economic constraints of social housing, Mühlweg, 1210 Vienna. Industrial pre-fabrication, ...

Haus der Zukunft

ThermSat - pilot training program "Thermal renovation engineer in construction industry"

The goal was to design, offer, evaluate and refine a practical training, adapted to the current development. Aim of the courses is to have well-trained engineers and technicians with practical and theoretical knowledge in the field of thermal renovation of buildings.

Haus der Zukunft

Gründerzeit with future - demonstration project 2: ROOFJET Wißgrillgasse - sustainable solution for improving the thermal-energetic performance of a typical historical building in Vienna

The main aim of the project ROOFJET Wißgrillgasse is a building refurbishment by a factor of 8 which demonstrates that even historical buildings can be refurbished to lowest energy standard.This demonstration project shows a holistic and sustainable refurbishment concept for a special type of buildings with innovative technical and organizational solutions.