Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet%3A Energietechnologien gestalten%2C die f%C3%BCr alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA DHC Annex TS3: Proceedings of the Webinar on “Hybrid Energy Networks” (2021)

Präsentationsunterlagen des Webinars am 27. April 2021 mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Hybride Energiesysteme.
Herausgeber: IEA DHC Annex TS3, 2021
Englisch, 278 Seiten

Fabrik der Zukunft

Bio bitumen - bitumen substitute based on renewable raw materials and resulting in energy efficient asphalt

Development of a binder for asphalt based on renewable raw materials. Studies to choose the ideal natural base product, regarding the aspect of utilization of remaining material and the elaboration of practical methods of synthesis were made.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Smart grid innovations from Austria

New components and storage facilities for tomorrow‘s energy supply system. energy innovation austria 2/2018

Herausgeber: BMVIT und Klima- und Energiefonds
Englisch, 8 Seiten

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Haus der Zukunft

Passive house Kindergarten with an integrated therapeutical group

Applied passive house techniques with locally available materials for a public building using limited funds.

Stadt der Zukunft

SCI_BIM - Scanning and data capturing for Integrated Resources and Energy Assessment using Building Information Modelling

The aim of the project is to increase the resources- and energy efficiency through coupling of various digital technologies and methods for data capturing (geometry and materials composition) and modelling (as-built BIM), as well as through gamification.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

m-hub - a web-based data hub for collection and query of material compositions of the building stock of the City of Vienna

The project creates a web-based platform with which the material composition of buildings within the city of Vienna can be entered and queried. In the background, a prediction model based on artificial intelligence is trained to make forecasts for buildings that have not yet been cataloged.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Green Biorefinery

An innovative Technology Concept for the Creation of a Sustainable Supply of Raw Materials within the "Fabrik der Zukunft" Subprogram Forschungsforum 1/2004

Herausgeber: BMVIT
Englisch, 6 Seiten

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Klimaneutrale Stadt

Smart Dag - smart and climate-neutral renovation of the Dag Hammarskjöld housing estate

For a smart and sustainable renovation of the Dag Hammarskjöld housing estate in the city of Klagenfurt, a residential area from the 1950/1960s, the existing housing stock (buildings, green and open space, social structure) will be analysed and assessed based on the "Quartier &Wir" guide. The results are the basis for the launch of an architectural competition. The residents of the area who still live on site and the housing development agency of the department of the provincial Carinthian Government are involved in the feasibility study. The aim is to transfer the results of the study to other renovation projects and thus contribute to achieving the city of Klagenfurt's climate goals.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Sustainable trend-setters - LOHAS on the way to a sustainable society

"Sustainable trendsetters" investigated the consumer group "cultural creatives" by applying the Q-methodology. It provides criteria for product development and promotion of LOHAS products and services in the sustainable textile sector and for sustainable tourism.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Cascading BIOMATTERS for wellness and life-style

This application oriented and basic research aims to develop a pilot-master-project in the region of eastern Styria and Burgenland for the cascading use of regional cultivated plants and plant-residues in order to produce wellness and lifestyle-products - by which the creation of value is strongly realated to the functional qualities of the available biomatters.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Green Biorefinery - Development of key separation technologies to extract lactic acid and other valuable substances from silage juice

Juice from pressed silage grass has a high content of lactate and free amino acids. The goal of this project is to develop a technology for the separation of these valuable products.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

ZEBdemo - Development and demonstration of a scalable zero emission building for the realization of climate-neutral cities

The ZEBdemo project is developing and demonstrating a scalable zero-emission building that drastically reduces CO2 equivalent emissions during the construction phase by using building materials such as clay bricks and straw insulation. At the same time, operational emissions are minimized through an intelligent, data-driven energy management system.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Insulation material made of cattail

Development of the production technology for cattail insulating materials. Basis study to the feasibility of a serial production.

Haus der Zukunft

Development of the first legally compliant verification procedure for plus-energy buildings by a complete revision of the ÖNORMS

Within the project the current Austrian standards concerning building services and building physics have been revised and further developed to provide the designers with standardized calculation algorithms for the design of plus-energy buildings.

Haus der Zukunft

E_PROFIL - neighborhood profiles for optimized energy transformation processes

E_PROFIL is a set of methods (an IT-supported toolkit) for the elaboration of neighbourhood profiles. The aim of the project is to facilitate an energy and resource efficient development in the planning practice of Austrian cities. Furthermore, the project is an important asset for research and planning activities in Europe and can also be applied to other neighbourhoods.

Fabrik der Zukunft

INTOKI- Methods and tools for consumers' and stakeholder involvement in the development of sustainable products and services

Supporting SME bakeries in the involvement process of their stakeholders in sustainability oriented product service innovation processes. Development and pilot testing of a dialogue oriented toolkit ("The INNOVATIVE Bakery Dialogue" Handbook).

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA EBC Annex 67: Energy Flexibility of Domestic Thermal Loads - A Building Typology Approach of the Residential Building Stock in Austria (2017)

Der Artikel ist im Journal "Advances in Building Energy Research" von Taylor & Francis, Ausgabe ISSN: 1756-2201 (online), am 10. Jänner 2018 erschienen. Es wird ein Überblick über verschiebbare Heizlast für vier verschiedene Gebäudestandards in Österreich gegeben. Tobias Weiss, Armin Knotzer, Anna Maria Fulterer
Herausgeber: IEA-EBC Programm
Englisch, 17 Seiten

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

Webinar Balanced Heating & Cooling with Radiative Surfaces: Resilient answers to upcoming cooling needs, with new questions for the Comfort Community (2020)

Webinar zum Thema Resilient Ventilative Cooling in der Praxis
Herausgeber: INIVE EEIG – International Network for Information on Ventilation and Energy Performance

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Fair market conditions for virtual power plants

Analysis of technical, economical and regulatory conditions to get fair terms under competition in the liberalised market for virtual power plants on renewable energy basis.

Stadt der Zukunft

AFOM - Automatic failure and optimisation analysis by data-acquisition

In the project, methods will be developed for analysing measured value curves to detect changes in operation or failures in the system. By integrating BIM data of buildings, corresponding models will be generated to validate the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC)-networks, which will be used for analysis.