Building planner of tomorrow

Practical courses "Integrated and sustainable planning of buildings. Results of the Austrian program - Building of Tomorrow". For architects, civil engineers, environmental engineers and other building professionals within masters programmes.

Content Description




Background and objectives

The training of the responsible persons in the field of planning, construction and preservation of buildings is a substantial starting point to implement sustainable development on broad level. The goal of the project is to transfer the results of the program "Haus der Zukunft - Building of Tomorrow" in research and educational facilities for building construction and associated technical disciplines.


Of all the approx. 150 published projects as many as possible, which are relevant for the active transfer and the target groups, are processed. The emphasis is focussed on user behaviour and needs, planning process and quality control, concepts for sustainable buildings and their implementation (new development and refurbishment) as well as innovative building constructions and building services (heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration). Target group are students in educational facilities. The final target is to prepare graduates for future requirements and tasks of planning accordingly and to impart awareness for sustainable building methods and technologies.

The transfer of knowledge took place via lectures under intensive involvement from practical experts and a concluding excursion to exemplary pilot projects.

Special attention has been laid on a very practical instruction by integrating specialists, who had been involved in projects of the program. The lectures were held by people from administration, by scientists and persons from building practice, in order to obtain different perspectives. To support these tasks, planning documents from building material and component manufacturers have been used, in order to confront the participants with current products and planning aids.

The focus on large target groups aims at a broad conversion and therefore a strong impulse for sustainable building practice. The development of capacities and the training of all responsible persons within the field of planning, construction and preservation of buildings cause a steering effect of future building construction toward sustainable development.


  • Development of a project innovation matrix, in order to attain a rough overview on the specifically usable results of all HdZ projects.
  • Workshops with selected building-experts to identify the most important practice-relevant results of the program "Building of Tomorrow".
  • Extension and update of the existing lecture "Ressourcenorientiertes Bauen" (Building oriented towards use of resources) at the BOKU Vienna.
  • Extension and update of the existing lecture "Solares Bauen" (Solar Building) at the TU Vienna.
  • Extension and update of the existing lecture " Solares Bauen" (Solar Building) at the TU Graz.
  • Realization of a new lecture "Integrierte und nachhaltige Hochbauplanung" (Integrated and sustainable planning of buildings) at the BOKU Vienna and TU Vienna with co-operation of TU Graz.
  • Excursion to HdZ demonstration buildings for students of the BOKU Vienna, TU Vienna and the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna. Production of excursion documents.
  • Script for the new lecture "Integrierte und nachhaltige Hochbauplanung" (Integrated and sustainable planning of buildings) to the BOKU Vienna and DOES Vienna.


The knowledge transfer reached a large target group of students at several Austrian universities. Thus a broad diffusion of know-how was caused and a strong impulse for teaching sustainable building planning was set. The evaluation and the direct feedback of the students were very favourable. It can be assumed that the results of the project generate permanent lectures. Beyond that, a contribution to the UN decade "education for sustainable development" has been made.

Project Partners

Project management

Univ.Prof. Arch. DI Dr. Martin Treberspurg
Universität für Bodenkultur, Department für Bautechnik und Naturgefahren, Institut für konstruktiven Ingenieur-bau, Arbeitsgruppe Ressourcenorientiertes Bauen

Project collaborator:

DI Roman Smutny, DI Ulla Ertl, DI Roman Grünner, DI Mariam Djalili

Project or cooperation partner

  • Ao.Univ.Prof. DI Dr. Wolfgang Streicher, DI Dr. Richard Heimrath, DI Dr. Hermann Schranzhofer, DI Thomas Mach
    Technische Universität Graz, Institut für Wärmetechnik, Arbeitsbereich Energieeffiziente Gebäude


Univ.-Prof. Arch. DI Dr. Martin Treberspurg
Peter Jordan Staße 82, 1190 Wien
Tel.: + 43 (1) 47654-5260
Fax: +43 (1) 47654-5299