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There are 1286 results.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Wood Plastic Composites - Development of an extrusion tool

Development of a new generation extrusion tool for a wood plastic composite. This material will be developed in a second project an should show a fiber content of 60 - 85%. Important is a high profile quality as well as a high output to ensure an economical production.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Wood Plastic Composites - New property profile by refiner fibres

The mechanical properties and thus the application area of wood plastic composites with a wood content > 60 % shall be explicit increased by means of long wood fibres. The realization of a technological direct feeding system in extrusion process will enable an innovation jump of this wood like material.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Wood-processing employing a superimposition of ultrasonic vibrations

Development of wood-processing techniques employing high-frequency ultrasonic vibrations in terms of applications in the woodworking industry.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

ZEBdemo - Development and demonstration of a scalable zero emission building for the realization of climate-neutral cities

The ZEBdemo project is developing and demonstrating a scalable zero-emission building that drastically reduces CO2 equivalent emissions during the construction phase by using building materials such as clay bricks and straw insulation. At the same time, operational emissions are minimized through an intelligent, data-driven energy management system.

Fabrik der Zukunft

ZERIA 3 (Zero Emissions Research in Application)

Elaboration of the principles for zero emission enterprises. The results show that this approach can be realistic and economically advantageous in many cases.

Fabrik der Zukunft

ZERMEG - Zero Emission Retrofitting Of Existing Galvanizing Plants

Method to optimize existing galvanizing plants consequently with the goal of zero emission and zero waste enterprises, to minimize operating cost including benchmarks and three case studies

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

ZERMEG II - Zero emission retrofitting method for existing galvanising plants

ZERMEG II is the follow up project of ZERMEG, which was commissioned after the first call of the Austrian Factory of the Future program in 2001. The project developed a method to revamp existing galvanising plants in order to operate them with a maximum reduction of the use of chemicals and maximum recycling.

Fabrik der Zukunft

ZERMEG III - Decision guidance for the visualisation of the achievements of sustainable corporate strategies

ZERMEG III creates a virtual factory of the future from the combination of the research results of different projects. This model will be used to generate real experience for managers in experimenting taking organisational and technical decisions with regard to a sustainable development.

Fabrik der Zukunft

ZERMET - Zero Emission Retrofitting For Existing Textile Plants

Minimisation of the consumption of water, chemicals and energy in the textile industry. Further development of the ZERMEG approach in the form of a questionnaire and application in the textile industry.

Stadt der Zukunft

ZQ3Demo - Implementation of urban Future Quarters including stakeholder integration and legally and economically replicable solutions

ZQ3Demo accompanies three innovative urban quarters in Vienna to demonstrate and further develop ecologically and economically sustainable solutions for the implementation of Plus-Energy-Quarters (PEQ) on the basis of real-life examples.

Haus der Zukunft

Zero Carbon Buildings International - Evaluation and Analysis

Analysis of the performance of a demonstration building on the Philippines and potential for transferability to other developing and newly industrialising countries.

Haus der Zukunft

Zero Carbon Village - energy autarcic settlement

Development and demonstration of a totally CO2 neutral and energy self sufficient residential area, produced in prefabricated straw bale constructions. The focus of the research is put on industrialized modular mass production of "Zero Carbon Houses", energy self sufficiency and the use of energy efficient and sustainable materials like straw.

Stadt der Zukunft

Zukunftsquartier Österreich - Development of Quality-assured positive energy district concepts

The aim of this project is therefore to make a significant contribution to the (further) development and testing of systematically interlinked and innovative overall solutions for the implementation of quality-assured positive energy districts in Austria and to prepare the first demonstration projects.

Haus der Zukunft

aspern + Vienna's Urban Lakeside - sustainable urban development

The focal points of the largest urban development project in Europe are the topics public space and microclimate as well as cross-building energy supply. Landmark projects will be implemented in the areas residential buildings, office/industry buildings and mobility.

Haus der Zukunft

aspern Vienna´s Urban Lakeside - subproject 1: Public Space and Micro Climate: Basics for climate sensitive planning in Aspern

The Project will derive planning examples and recommendations in order to optimize the building performance as well as outdoor amenity. The study will be based on a climate prognosis of the aspern area and compare different reference examples of construction and open space design.

Haus der Zukunft

aspern Vienna´s Urban Lakeside - subproject 3a: Technology Centre aspern IQ

The demonstration project "Technology centre aspern IQ" showed that the energy required for space conditioning (heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting, hot water) can be covered from domestic energy production.

Haus der Zukunft

aspern Vienna´s Urban Lakeside - subproject 5: Monitoring of Energy Consumption in Demonstration Buildings in Seestadt Aspern

Goal of the project is to develop a monitoring tool that allows to predict the expectable (final) quality of the residential buildings based on decisions made during the planning and construction phase. For this purpose, the current certification tool for the determination of "TQB-points" will be equipped with "interim" certifications, which shall allow the land developer to carry out a quality monitoring parallel to the construction phase. The tool will be tested with the data obtained from selected construction projects during the first residential development phase in seestadt aspern.

Haus der Zukunft

aspern Vienna´s Urban Lakeside - subproject 6a: Energy Consumption Monitoring

This subproject of the flagship project "aspern plus" derived the basis for a centralised monitoring of the energy consumption in Seestadt aspern.

Haus der Zukunft

aspern Vienna´s Urban Lakeside - subproject 6b: Monitoring of Energy Consumption in Demonstration Buildings in Seestadt Aspern

The project deals wtih the energy consumption monitoring of demonstration buildings, which are erected within the framework of the landmark project "aspern+". As both, office/manufacturing as well as residential buildings will be constructed, these different user groups will have to be considered. The derivation of the concepts will be done in accordance of the specific needs of the individual demonstration buildings.

Haus der Zukunft

aspern Vienna´s Urban Lakeside subproject 2: Inter-building energy distribution

Development of comprehensive concepts for local distribution systems for thermal and electric energy within a residential area including the consideration of the interaction with construction and city planning. Derivation of measures for demonstration buildings and the infrastructure of the residential area. Integration of computing models to a prototype simulating energy distribution in the residential area.