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There are 47 results.
"Green Biorefinery - Utilitsation of Grass Fibres"
Basic properties of grass fibres from a green biorefinery will be investigated in order to have a sound base for comparison of grass fibres with other renewable fibres. Selected prototype-products with these grass fibres as main raw material source (e.g. insulation materials, gardening material, animal nutrition) will be developed, tested and evaluated whether they are technologically as well as economically feasible.
"NAWARO-Peat" - Peat replacement products by regional renewable resources
Possibilities to stop the peat usage in horticulture by using renewable resources and biological wastes which are regional available. Efficient economical as well ecological solutions for the usage of alternatives to peat, development and testing of treatment technologies which are necessary to create such a substrate in laboratory and field scale.
"eco fashion - fashion for the future" - Congress about ecological and social impacts of textile production
The project was intended to promote a change of image related to ecotextiles. A congress provided teachers and education experts with background information and tools for their work, thus leading to a sustainable transfer of knowledge in education.
Adsorbent Materials of Residues from Corn Cob
Development and testing of processes to produce adsorptive materials from agricultural residues of corn production with focus on corn cob grit as oil bonding agent (e.g., applicable to the remediation of oil spills).
Apple & pear cascade: more value added in the Mostviertel region through bio-cascading
Creating a concept for the bio-cascading of apple and pear pomace in the Mostviertel region for an increased value added through innovative local products. Development of strategies for the implementation of a pilot plant.
Assessment of user requirements and technical feasibility of lightweight applications based on renewables
Assessment of user requirements was studied. Furthermore, the technical feasibility of se-lected lightweight applications based on renewables in the furniture and interior design sector is investigated through involvement of all relevant stakeholders (panel manufacturers - further processing enterprises - distributors - consumers) in the value chain.
Bio bitumen - bitumen substitute based on renewable raw materials and resulting in energy efficient asphalt
Development of a binder for asphalt based on renewable raw materials. Studies to choose the ideal natural base product, regarding the aspect of utilization of remaining material and the elaboration of practical methods of synthesis were made.
Candles, based on regional, renewable raw-materials
Feasibility study of candles based on growing again, regional raw materials, corresponding to todays market demands and produced with current production techniques.
Cascading BIOMATTERS for wellness and life-style
This application oriented and basic research aims to develop a pilot-master-project in the region of eastern Styria and Burgenland for the cascading use of regional cultivated plants and plant-residues in order to produce wellness and lifestyle-products - by which the creation of value is strongly realated to the functional qualities of the available biomatters.
Chemical modification of wood particles for high value wood plastic composites
Based on promising preliminary work feasibility and recycling strategy of the modifying process shall be evaluated economically and ecologically.
Chemistry, process design and sustainable economic development
The results of this project were to deliver the basics for chemical process engineering taking into account the requirements of sustainable development. The proposed results will have to be in conformity with ecological, economic and social requirements for sustainability. Hence the processes will mostly be based on renewable resources.
The factory of tomorrow as a regional production network using renewable raw materials. A pilot project in the field of insulating materials.
Complete use of Quinoa for surfactants, dietary aliments and fibrous material
Surfactants from the pericarp were isulated and used in personal-care products. The fruit is being processed to high quality diet nutrition for coeliacs and dietary supplement. Fibre material is being gained from the stems.
Concept for the preparation of the demo project "KernCraft Austria"
Compilation and integration of activities carried out in the field of cascade utilisation of stone fruits seeds ("KernCraft Austria") and planning of a demonstration project to start implementation of KernCraft Austria.
Development of a moulding technique for wood-based composites for the production of biogenic SiC-Ceramics.
New methods to produce SiC- ceramics based on wood based materials were developed and the samples developed were characterized according to their properties. The main objectives dimension stability and carbon utilization was analyzed.
Development of a starch based thermoplastic Biopolymer as substitution of standard polymers in niche applications
Developement of a businessnetwork for the market implementation of biodegradable products made out of renewable substances.
Development of foamed products based on protein
An extrusion process is applied for the production of foamed profiles and filling materials consisting of biogenous raw materials. Pellets can be used as insulation material in the building industry, profiles shall break into new markets because of its little weight.
Development of high quality ecological solutions for thermal insulation systems on the basis of reed
Exterior and interior insulation systems containing reed as insulation material were developed. The solutions integrate insulation material, fastening and plaster (as well as optional heating for the interior insulation). A concept for the renovation of an old building using a reed insulation system was developed.
Development of microreactor technology for enzymatic processes and application for lactose conversion
Accelerated design of a pilot scale process for enzyme-catalyzed hydrolysis of lactose in whey using microreactor technologies. Development of a prototypical immobilized enzyme microreactor for optimisation of enzymatic reactions; improved gathering of process-relevant parameters for reduced time-to-market and decision support for investment decisions.
Door inner layers based on renewable primary products and residue
Foam bodies are produced by extrusion of renewable primary products and/or residue and then squeezed with adhesives to plates, which can be used for door inner layers.