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There are 1286 results.

Haus der Zukunft

Comfort and cost optimised air guiding concept for energy efficient housing

Ventilation systems for dwellings can be more efficient in terms of cost and energy, if the air guiding concept with cascade principle (overflow of air from sleeping rooms into living room). In this project, the planning principles had been developed and published in practice guidelines.

Haus der Zukunft

Comfort ventilation plus+: First time development of high efficient comfort ventilation systems that enable demand-control of room-wise airflow for new buildings and refurbishment

First time development of innovative components for comfort ventilation systems used in new buildings and renovation that enable demand-control of air flow room-wise. The outcome is a considerable reduction of the primary energy balance and a sustainable solution of problems concerning the discrepance between satisfying humidity and very good indoor air quality within the heating period.

Fabrik der Zukunft


The factory of tomorrow as a regional production network using renewable raw materials. A pilot project in the field of insulating materials.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Company communication strategies for sustainability

Based on a representative empirical study among ultimate consumers (1000 interviews) and an empirical survey among 200 model companies in regard to sustainable management, communication strategies and concepts are developed.

Haus der Zukunft

Comparative analysis and evaluation of innovative building concept models in terms of key ecological and economic figures during life cycle of individual building concepts

The aim of this research project was to subject a number of building concept models to a comprehensive comparative analysis and evaluation in terms of key ecological and economic figures.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Compatibility of sustainability and economic efficiency of bioethanol production with a special focus on small-sized ethanol plants

Scientific investigation of compatibility of sustainability and economic efficiency of bioethanol production with a special focus on small-sized ethanol plants. Improvement of energetic efficiency by integration of residuals from feedstock- and bioethanol production.

Haus der Zukunft

Competition for prefabricated house producers to design types of attached houses

A competition for the builders of prefabricated houses provided new design-types of attached houses. The results have been awarded and published to encourage the participants to enter this segment of the market.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Complete use of Quinoa for surfactants, dietary aliments and fibrous material

Surfactants from the pericarp were isulated and used in personal-care products. The fruit is being processed to high quality diet nutrition for coeliacs and dietary supplement. Fibre material is being gained from the stems.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

Concentrated Solar Power Technologies - SolarPACES

SolarPACES aims at significantly increasing the share of concentrated solar power (CSP) in the global production of renewable energies. To this end, SolarPACES supports technological development and partnerships for developing CSP through an international network of independent experts. It coordinates and advances solar technology research, by focusing on the next generation of technologies; provides recommendations to policy makers and organises international conferences and workshops. In order to increase the transparency of the market and reduce risks associated with project development, SolarPACES also develops guidelines and standards for CSP industries.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Concept for the preparation of the demo project "KernCraft Austria"

Compilation and integration of activities carried out in the field of cascade utilisation of stone fruits seeds ("KernCraft Austria") and planning of a demonstration project to start implementation of KernCraft Austria.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Conception of innovative business models for active integration into network of decentraliced units for consumers and producers

Conception of economically and technically reasonable business models for network operators, producers as well as end users who have the chance to come into operation in active distribution networks until 2050.

Haus der Zukunft

Connection of innovative strategies and technologies to a holistic, resources-friendly plus energy building (FUTUREbase)

On the basis of a construction project in Giefinggasse 4 in Vienna the combination of new, innovative strategies and technologies to an integrated, resources conserving plus energy building with high signaling and multiplication effect had been tested for feasibility. A regional, energetical bond between the buildings TECHbase, ENERGYbase and the Klima-Windkanal had been developed.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Constructed Wetlands for Industrial Waste Water Treatment and Water Re-Use

Measures to achieve the aim of sustainable wastewater treatment, design and building of constructed wetlands for different types of industrial wastewater for selected enterprises in the food industry, monitoring in order to optimise systems performances

Haus der Zukunft

Construction Site SCHOOL - Sustainable Models for the Refurbishment of School Buildings?

In this research project, models for refurbishment and restructuring of school buildings were developed. The reconstruction concepts contain lists of measures for deploying sustainable building techniques and exemplary case studies for the reorganisation of buildings of different typologies.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Construction of a local biogas grid in Güssing - Technical and economical concept for the implementation

Decentralized energy supply systems are a very important contribution for the use of regional potentials as these technical solutions are always fitted to specific conditions. Local biogas grids should complement already existing technologies and be analyzed accordingly.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Contracting Platform for SME´s

Evaluation of requirements and framework conditions for the implementation and the operation of a Contracting Platform for SME´s in Austria for the cost efficient identification and realisation of energy efficiency measures.

Stadt der Zukunft

Cool Windows - Windows with shading optimising the trade-off between summery overheating, wintery heat protection and adequate illumination

Windows with their associated components such as sun and glare protection are optimised as a holistic building equipment unit regarding different seasonal requirements in light of the climate crisis. The results serve as a basis for new developments in the window and shading technology in order to provide summery and wintery heat protection as well as adequate natural illumination over the year.

Stadt der Zukunft

CoolAIR - Predictive control of natural nighttime ventilation and daylight-optimized shading for passive building cooling

Natural nighttime ventilation and daylight-optimized shadowing are high potential approaches to efficiently and economical cool buildings. Nevertheless, the full potential cannot be acquired, since, if at all, such behavior is manually initiated by users. Goal of this project is the development of an automated, self-learning system that can assess the full cooling capabilities and establish an alternative to conventional air conditioning systems.

Stadt der Zukunft

Cooling LEC - Energy-flexible buildings by controlling cooling systems via unidirectional communication in local energy communities

As a result of climate change and the rise in temperature, especially due to the increase in active cooling systems, especially at low-voltage level, new challenges are being posed to the electricity system (in particular to the distribution network). Due to the high electrical input of active cooling units and the high density of plants, which are sometimes operated uncoordinated and at unfavorable times, leads to peak consumption in the system. The project Cooling LEC therefore has as its overall objective the development and demonstration of a central control / intelligence of decentralized active cooling systems by further developing the unidirectional communication of ripple control systems to create energy-flexible buildings in the sense of the new approach of "Local Energy Communities" by creating a "special tariff". Ripple control systems have been established for many decades and are available and proven by all energy suppliers. The upscaling potential is very big.

Stadt der Zukunft

Cooperative Living Volkersdorf (KooWo - Volkersdorf) - sufficiency, space and energy efficiency in the quarter

The jointly planned demonstration project "KooWo" in Volkersdorf aims at reaching sufficiency as well as energy and CO2 reductions in a holistic way. System boundaries are shifted in order not to look only at energy consumption in buildings, relating to unit of floor space, but to consider all use of resources and relating it to persons and social communities.