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There are 1323 results.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Heat in containers

Storage of industrial waste heat in latent heat storage systems (common transport containers). Use of the heat in commercial enterprises and public or private buildings with integration of conventional energy suppliers. Technical and financial feasibility study.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Heat supply of development areas through supplementary solar supported near heat nets

Evolution of technical solutions for modular open ended near heat nets for development areas that are realized in several configuration levels. Adjusted solar heat and biomass solutions are supposed to be defined by modular construction and decentralized integration.


Hemp Ski, Recyclable ski manufacturing from hemp, bio-resin and waste streams

In industrial production for alpine skis, epoxy resins of fossil origin and pre-impregnated glass fiber reinforcements are processed today. Innovations that replace environmentally critical materials in skis with biogenic substitute materials with an improved environmental balance have so far been limited to the production of small series. This circumstance motivated the consortium to develop a solution for a circular bioeconomy with the HempSki project, which will also make industrial ski production from renewable raw materials and waste streams possible in the future.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Highlights of Factory of Tomorrow, presented on

Dissemination of the subprogram Factory of tomorrow's highlights in the field of biopolymer, composites and building material on (Information pool for biological materials). Additional current information about biological materials in articles on-line. Networking of relevant companies with the help of a cooperation forum and a database.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Homeservices by the company of tomorrow

Sustainable services in co-operation with the housing sector will be investigated, their effects on environment, employment, acceptance by consumers, hindrances as well as prerequisites for sustainable facility management and a new positioning of concierge systems analysed.

Stadt der Zukunft

Hook-and-Loop fastener application for the technical building equipment

The aim of this exploration study is to explore a possible systematic change that will allow for a more universal application of Hook-and-Loop (or similar) fasteners in the construction industry, especially in building installation phase.

Stadt der Zukunft

HotCity - Gamification as a possibility to generate data for energy-oriented neighbourhood planning

The aim of the project was a functional test to determine whether an up-to-date data set of energy-oriented data can be collected for neighbourhood planning through gamification, cost-efficiently, quickly and reliably. This had been determined using the example of the potential determination of industrial and commercial waste heat sources in Vienna and Graz.

Stadt der Zukunft

Housing 4.0 - digital platform for affordable living

The main aim of this project is the development of an integrated framework for the digital platform "Housing 4.0"; thus supporting integrated planning and project delivery through coupling various digital tools and databases. Thereby, the potentials of BIM for modular, off-site housing assembly in order to improve planning and construction processes, reduce cost and construction time and allow for mass customization will be explored. The novel approach in this project is user-involvement; which has been neglected in recent national and international projects on off-site, modular construction, supported by digital technologies.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

HyMeth: Increased Methane and Hydrogen Production and Process Stability by Sensoric Regulation

By deviding the 4 phases of the biogas production in 2 steps and an optimised measurement and control technique the stability of the process, the amount of methane and the efficency of biogas plants is increased.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Hydrogen from renewables in Austria - an energy carrier of the future?

Renewable hydrogen in Austria: Future perspectives for the production and use of hydrogen from renewable energy in Austria with the identification of projects to demonstrate the role of renewable hydrogen in an efficient and flexible energy system.

Haus der Zukunft

IDsolutions - Solutions for the refurbishment within existing building stock with interior insulation

The refurbishment of existing building stock demands solutions within single units. Interior insulation is a suitable technology. The challenge is to bring multiple demands and requirements together to create optimal solutions. Therefore it's necessary to arrange individual system components to form working model refurbishment solutions. The development of such solutions is the aim of the project. Not only durability and quality is to be ensured, but also user acceptance. Increasing the rate of refurbishments is the overall aim of the project.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA - Advanced Motor Fuels Technology Collaboration Programme (AMF-TCP)

The AMF Technology Collaboration Programme’s (AMF-TCP) vision is that advanced motor fuels, applicable to all modes of transport, significantly contribute to a sustainable society around the globe. The mission of AMF is to advance the understanding and appreciation of the potential of advanced motor fuels toward transport sustainability. We provide sound scientific information and technology assessments facilitating informed and science-based decisions regarding advanced motor fuels on all levels of decision-making.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA 4E Annex Electronic Devices and Networks Annex - EDNA (working period 2017 – 2019) Task 3: "Intelligent efficiency". Project: "Basket of products testing"

The "Electronic Devices and Networks Annex “EDNA” has emerged from the background of the global increase of electronic devices and digital solutions, which requires the evaluation of the energy efficiency of these devices. Energy efficiency measures should be developed and improved, and technological and regulatory challenges need to be addressed. The aim of EDNA is to develop policy and strategy recommendations for decision-makers, concerning network connected devices.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA 4E Annex: Electric Motor Systems Task 3: New Industrial Developments and Digitalisation (Working period 2021 - 2024)

In Task 3 of the Electric Motor Systems Annex "New Industrial Developments and Digitalisation", the development of technical and political recommendations for the use of digital technologies for increased energy efficiency in electric motor systems is planned. For this purpose, industrial use cases will be described, user interviews conducted and policy instruments analysed.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA 4E Annex: Electric Motor Systems. Working period 2008 - 2011

Promotion of energy efficiency of poly-phase electric AC motors and motor systems in relevant applications as pumps, fans, compressors and mechanical drives that are generally used in industry, infrastructure and large buildings. This work also included new technologies such as frequency inverters (adjustable speed drive) and permanent magnet motors.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA 4E Annex: Mapping and Benchmarking

In the Mapping and Benchmarking work (formerly M&B Annex) the following product were analyzed: domestic refrigeration (update), dishwashers, settop boxes, transformers and lights, for which this report includes most relevant results and the related M&B publications. It also introduces the 2015-2016 work on motors, liquid chillers, and water boilers.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA 4E EDNA: Efficient Demand-flexible Networks and Appliances Platform (Working period 2024 - 2027)

The IEA 4E EDNA Platform aims to recommend measures to promote the energy efficiency of network connected devices, and to make them available to key stakeholders such as policy makers and product developers in the form of reports, policy briefs and tools. In various tasks the opportunities and the barriers for the promotion of energy efficiency measures are researched and analyzed. On this basis ENDA recommendations should support the design of regulations for energy efficient network connected devices.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA 4E EDNA: Electronic Devices and Networks Annex (Working period 2019 - 2021)

By 2030, the number of network-connected electronic devices worldwide is expected to exceed 100 billion, resulting in significant consequences for global energy consumption. The IEA 4E Electronic Devices and Networks Annex - EDNA therefore aims to develop policy recommendations to promote the energy efficiency of network-connected devices, and make those project results available to key stakeholders such as policy makers and product developers in the form of reports, policy briefs and tools.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA 4E EDNA: Electronic Devices and Networks Annex (Working period 2022 - 2024)

By 2030, the number of network-connected electronic devices worldwide is expected to exceed 100 billion, resulting in significant consequences for global energy consumption. The IEA 4E Electronic Devices and Networks Annex - EDNA therefore aims to develop policy recommendations to promote the energy efficiency of network-connected devices, and make those project results available to key stakeholders such as policy makers and product developers in the form of reports, policy briefs and tools.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA 4E TCP-PECTA: Power Electronic Conversion Technology (Working period 2019 - 2021)

The IEA 4E Power Electronic Conversion Technology Annex (PECTA) aims to evaluate the efficiency potential related to the integration of Wide Bandgap (WBG) based power semiconductors for relevant applications and to act as an independent knowledge platform. In the first work period, energy savings have been initially assessed for selected applications, a roadmap for WBG materials was derived and the work plan for PECTA's Phase 2 was defined.