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There are 1339 results.
Antistatic coatings for flooring by ionic liquids
Development of tailor-made ionic liquids as additive for coatings to prevent electrostatic loading in case of floors. The aim is to enhance the well-being in living areas to improve the quality of life and the quality of living.
Apple & pear cascade: more value added in the Mostviertel region through bio-cascading
Creating a concept for the bio-cascading of apple and pear pomace in the Mostviertel region for an increased value added through innovative local products. Development of strategies for the implementation of a pilot plant.
Application of the Stirling cycle for environmentally compatible cooling - systems analysis
Conventional cooling has adverse effects on environment (eg. ozone depletion, global warming). One option for environmentally compatible cooling systems for near ambient temperatures (-10 to -50°C) is the Stirling cooler with environmental friendly process.
Applications of the synthesis gas from biomass gasification - polygeneration
Polygeneration based on biomass gasification offers a great variety of applications of the synthesis gas. A fundametnal study will be carried out to assess technical as well as economical and ecological possible routes to produce synthetic products.
ArcheNEO - an energy-autonomous office park in Kitzbühel
ArcheNEO is a highly energy efficient office park, that produces more energy than it needs. It features an integrated energy concept that saves energy, uses renewable energies in combination with electric mobility and batteries as electricity storage and manages energy and was planned and built in Kitzbühel Oberndorf. The demonstration object will be multiplied and exported.
Architectural Concept for Musicians
Starting from the special needs of a specific user group, an Architectural Concept for Musicians will be proposed and realized, with Housing as principal functional usage.
Assessment of user requirements and technical feasibility of lightweight applications based on renewables
Assessment of user requirements was studied. Furthermore, the technical feasibility of se-lected lightweight applications based on renewables in the furniture and interior design sector is investigated through involvement of all relevant stakeholders (panel manufacturers - further processing enterprises - distributors - consumers) in the value chain.
Autology - the automated ontology generator
Ontologies form the basis for the acquisition, analysis/processing, utilization, documentation, and archiving of building and component data throughout all stages of the lifecycle. Currently, the semantic description and structuring of data can only be achieved with significant manual effort. At this point, the Autology project utilizes Artificial Intelligence. The overarching project objective is the automated extraction and generation of metadata for the creation of ontologies from the building automation system, employing innovative AI-based approaches.
BATTBOX - BATTeryrecycling Best Operations by X-processes for circular battery ecosystem
In the BATTBOX project, e-mobility traction batteries are analysed for their cycle capability. The design and structure of battery systems are examined and evaluated regarding potential hazards. Based on this, the best possible handling and processing procedures are developed to improve and optimize the product life cycle regarding safety and recyclability.
BATTMON - Increasing the usable charging capacity, service life and safety of battery storage systems in urban areas
The aim of BATTMON is to develop an improved method of determining the condition of battery storage systems for applications in buildings and neighborhoods. To this end, area-based foil sensors are being developed for the spatially resolved measurement of temperature and pressure. This data will be used to estimate the state of charge and also the state of health more accurately and to detect cell damage at an early stage in order to reduce the risk of fire and explosion.
BIGMODERN - Subproject 10: Evaluation, Documentation and Ensuring Transferability
The subproject 10 is part of the flagship project BIGMODERN. It is based on the results of subproject SP 7 in which a monitoring concept has been developed. This concept is now implemented through monitoring of different aspects occurring during the first two years of operation of both BIGMODERN demonstration buildings.
BIGMODERN - Subproject 11: Dissemination of project results
The project is part of the flagship project BIGMODERN. It aims at disseminating all relevant results of BIGMODERN in a comprehensive and targeted way. It addresses different target groups, such as decision makers inside the BIG Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft, various users of federal buildings and other real estate companies nationally and internationally.
BIGMODERN - Subproject 2: Demonstration project of an official building in Bruck
In the frame of this subproject being part of the flagship project BIGMODERN, a decision matrix as well as a handbook for planning, including feasibility analysis and a collection of information, serving as decision guidance for planning and implementation of sustainable building refurbishment, is being developed. In this way, the risk for planners and builders of the usage of new sustainable technologies shall be minimised.
BIGMODERN - Subproject 4: Life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA) during the planning process
Creation of technical and organisational preconditions for constructors to integrate life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA) already into the planning process. Furthermore, the findings will be applied within the two demonstration projects of the flagship project BIGMODERN (SP2 and SP3). The publication of fundamental results makes conceptive basics and LCCA-results available for all stakeholders in the real estate industry.
BIGMODERN - Subproject 5: Feasibility studies about innovative technical solutions
The application of innovative technologies means additional planning and coordination effort which usually cannot be incorporated into the conventional planning processes of the BIG. To overcome these barriers for the application of innovative technologies, the sub project at hand aims at preparing information, feasibility studies, planning records, experiences and practical examples in a way, that they can be implemented directly into the planning process.
BIGMODERN - Subproject 6: Incentives to enforce energy efficiency and sustainability in modernizations of BIG-buildings
Development of approaches, which lead to general conditions for complete refurbishments in BIG-buildings, which support high standards regarding energy efficiency and sustainability. This will ensure high-quality modernizations for BIG's real estate.
BIGMODERN - Subproject 8: Demonstration building Amtshaus Bruck - Realisation
In the frame of the flagship project BIGMODERN the "Amtshaus Bruck an der Mur" had been renovated according to above-average quality standards concerning energy efficiency and sustainability while complying with an industrial management point of view.
BIGMODERN - Sustainable refurbishment standards of federal buildings constructed between 1950 and 1980
The project aims at developing sustainability and climate protection criteria for the refurbishment of federal buildings of the postwar period. These criteria will be tested for their practical suitability within the framework of demonstration projects. Subsequently, these criteria will be defined as fundamental guiding principles in the planning and building processes for all future BIG retrofit projects.
BIGMODERN Subproject 3: Demonstration building University Innsbruck - Main building of the Faculty for Technical Sciences - Planning process
Demonstration of feasibility of renovation of an official building in high thermal and energetical quality and consideration of further sustainable criteria.
BIGMODERN Subproject 7: Monitoring concept
Development of a pattern for comprehensive documentation of the project results. The concepts contain amongst others monitoring of energy consumption, resources, costs, functionality and comfort, etc.