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There are 1323 results.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Steyr 2040 climate neutrality roadmap - a city positions itself

The project will develop a climate neutrality roadmap for the city of Steyr on the basis of an energy and climate balance sheet to be drawn up.

Stadt der Zukunft

StirliQ+ Component development of the expansion Stirling generator with supercritical fluid as working & lubrication medium

Technical research and further development of details or components of the novel StirliQ engine, which has the potential to overcome the technical hurdles of conventional Stirling engines. On the basis of simulations as well as a laboratory plant, a narrowing down of the process parameters with regard to a resilient pre-dimension of apparatus components is carried out.

Stadt der Zukunft

Storage Cascade MZ: Storage cascade system to establish urban PLUS energy systems on the example of the city of Mürzzuschlag

In the "Storage Cascade MZ" project, battery storage systems are implemented on different grid levels in the city of Mürzzuschlag, whose measurement data enable an integrated grid monitoring and create the basis for a future expansion of the nominal power of photovoltaic (pv) systems.


StraTex ‐ Sorting and processing strategies for used textiles to produce recyclable fractions

In StraTex, suitable, economically viable and holistic strategies for the collection, processing and automated sorting of mixed non‐reusable textiles are being developed and experimentally implemented in order to increase the proportion of marketable fractions for high‐quality material recycling (preferably fibre2fibre).

Haus der Zukunft

Strat-CON - Strategic Actions for Realising the Vision of ICT in Construction

Refinement and validation of the implementation proposals in order to achieve the realisation of the ROADCON vision and roadmap for ICT in construction by means of stakeholder-workshops, structured interviews and questionnaires.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Strategic optimisation of the regulation of air moisture through ventilation systems to reduce energy demand for humidifiers and dehumidifiers

For the validation of coupled room and building component simulations, an analytical solution of this unsteady problem was developed. Finally, a simplified method for determining the humidification and dehumidification demands considering a room's effective moisture capacity was developed.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Strategies and Operator Tools for Grid Restoration with Massive Renewable Energy Sources (RestoreGrid4RES)

RestoreGrid4RES faces the future renewable based generation structure within the transformation to a renewable and ecological power supply. The project had been funded in the frame of the „Joint Programming Platform Smart Energy Systems“ (JPP SES).

Haus der Zukunft

Strategy development for (technical / economical feasibility of) energy autarcic buildings

Development of a strategy for energy autarcic buildings with appropriate Technology solutions.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Straw pellets for small-scale combustion units

Assessment of the operation of straw pellets fired small-scale combustion systems. Investigation and assessment of different refractory materials with respect to corrosion and evaluation of primary and secondary measures to reduce gaseous and particulate emissions.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Strengths and weaknesses of the Austrian construction sector in relation to the New European Bauhaus Initiative

In cooperation with Initiative Bauhaus, an Austrian thinktank founded by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) and different actors of the building industry like designers, architects, students, companies and the general public, the aim is to create a common strategy for the New European Bauhaus (NEB) initiative in Austria. This report shows best practice examples and further potential for new projects and guidelines in accordance with the goals of the NEB.

Haus der Zukunft

Stroh-Cert: certification, logistic and quality management for straw bale buildings

Certification of straw bales as insulating material, development of a straw bale logistic concept and a quality management system as strategic measures with the aim of the dissemination of straw bales as insulating material

Haus der Zukunft

StromBIZ - demonstration projects: business models for decentralized electricity generation and distribution

Feasible business models to utilize locally generated renewable energy are expected to induce a tipping point for the "Energy Turnaround" in Austria. Within the proposed project a number of demonstration PV plants on residential and non-residential buildings had been realized. On this basis new approaches of business cases had been developed, implemented, tested and disseminated.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Success strategies for product service systems (PSS)

Development of success oriented planning strategy for Austrian PSS providers based upon an analysis of best practice examples and international systematic PSS development approaches.

Haus der Zukunft

Sunny Energy Building: ENERGYbase - Office building of tomorrow

Energybase is a showcase project in terms of energy efficiency and use of renewable energies realized by the Vienna business agency. With 7.500 sqm net floor area ENERGYbase provides space for innovative business and research and development on the field of green energy.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Supply Chain Forest-Logistic-Saw as First application of platform of IT/Telematics concepts for resource efficient forestry use in montane forest

A Supply Chain Management concept for sustained use of the mountain forest in collaboration with all the individual participants is to be drawn up. Harvesting and transport from the forest to the mill will be registered and controlled by WEB-GIS technology. A CO2 balance sheet will be prepared and optimization potentials shown in the process. An outline will be made of an integrated job model.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Sustainability Balanced Scorecard

The method Balanced Scorecard was used to build a company-wide management-system which facilitates an easy communication and a focused and controllable implementation of the defined strategies (strategies for the company, business segments and defined areas of knowledge). The aspect of sustainability was strongly emphasized.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Sustainability Management System - Improvement and completion of the SMS by involvement of stakeholders

Comprehensive implementation of the SMS in four Austrian companies with a specific focus on the conceptual development of a companywide stakeholder management. Distribution of the project results through the publication of the praxis hand book "Systemic Sustainable Management"

Fabrik der Zukunft

Sustainability Management System - scorecard-based construction of an operative sustainability management

Implementation of a scorecard-based sustainability management system in four enterprises; adaptation of a web-based software for sustainability management and reporting; preparation of the manual "Sustainability Managing Systems" on the basis of the OIN guidelines "Reporting about Sustainability".

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Sustainability Reporting - Guidelines for Sustainability Reporting based on reporting processes of VA Technologie and Österreichische Bundesforste

Scientific attendance of sustainability reporting processes in two partner enterprises (VA Tech and ÖBf AG). Development of the guideline "Reporting about Sustainability" based on these practical experiences.