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There are 3 results.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Development of miniaturized, ceramic high-temperature fuel-cell-components using resources-perserving mass-production processes

The application of nano scaled powder and powder injection moulding (PIM) for energy efficient co-sintering of miniaturized solid oxid fuel cells which can produce current and heat by using renewable raw materials.

Fabrik der Zukunft

EasyCell - Design optimization of PEM fuel cells for reducing auxilliaries and simplificating the material-management to facilitate the mass production

EasyCell - A common use of PEM fuel cells is not yet established. It is the aim of this project to optimize the design of PEM fuel cells (minimization of peripheral units, simplified handling of gases and the right design for mass production) to ease a widespread use of PEM fuel cells.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA AFC: Technology Collaboration Programme on Advanced Fuel Cells

In the AFC TCP, both technology-oriented R&D activities (polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells, solid oxide fuel cells, electrolysers) as well as analysis to implement fuel cells in commercial applications (stationary and mobile applications) are carried-out. System investigations and modelling complement the activities of this TCP.