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There are 1323 results.

Stadt der Zukunft

DieWärmePioniere - Participatory climate transformation roadmap as basis for a demo district in the gas-supplied Kahlenbergerdorf

Development of a transformation roadmap for the decarbonization of a neighborhood and implementation of a subarea. Securing acceptance of the project and raising awareness through an active participation process of the population and the establishment of an energy community for heat supply.


DigiTech4CE - Digital key technologies for circular production

DigitTech4CE analysed industrial cycles in discrete, digitalised production; their participants, advantages/disadvantages and framework conditions, as well as the key digital technologies required. Fields of action were developed, according to the needs of Austrian industry. Recommendations for action serve the development of sustainable, Austrian production that builds and expands competitiveness through circular innovations.

Stadt der Zukunft

Digital Submission - Preparation of planning and decision-making processes, digitisation of building permit procedures (D-SUB)

The aim of this project was to develop and evaluate the foundation for the implementation of digital processes for building permit procedures in Styria. The project started with the recording, processing, and validation of the actual processes of building permit procedures of the city of Graz and the municipality of Stainach-Pürgg.

Stadt der Zukunft

Digital Twin / Building Tracker - Coupling of building simulation with a physical building in real time

The goal of the project ist o couple an office building during operation with its virtual twin, the "building tracker", which will be developed and applied for the first time within the project. Thanks to coupling of monitoring and simulation, innovative building energy management of nearly zero-energy building is possible.

Stadt der Zukunft

Digital transformation of the Austrian construction industry and its impact on employment

What are the impacts of the digital transformation of the Austrian construction industry on this sector’s labour market? By looking at the next five to ten years it will be analysed whether and to what extent digital applications lead to an increasing, falling or stagnant demand for employees in the construction industry and in construction occupations.

Stadt der Zukunft

DigitalFindetStadt - Platform for digital innovations in the building sector

"Digital Findet Stadt" strengthens the digital innovation power of the Austrian building sector and thus contributes to a significant increase in resource, energy and cost efficiency.

Stadt der Zukunft

Digitalization in Urban Planning: From Spatial Energy Planning to Digitalization in Construction Engineering (PBM_integrativ)

The project provides a comprehensive overview of conditions and interrelations between administration, economy and planning and to elaborate the most important features and deficits in the flow of relevant information between the different phases of a building’s life cycle - planning, construction and management/administration.

Stadt der Zukunft

Digitization in the construction and real estate industry

In the multitude of digital possibilities, it is very difficult to maintain an overview, to assess trends and potentials, and to recognize correlations. This report therefore aims to describe the current state of the art and the market assessment of promising digital technologies. Information is provided on concrete use cases, added value and challenges of the respective technologies. The analyses presented serve to assess the potential and set the strategic course for the integration of the currently most important digital technologies in the construction and real estate industry.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Direct Supply with Cold, Heat, Electricity and further Added Values Using Renewable Fuel for Stationary Fuel Cells

Fuel cells can use local resources and provide regional energy support if optimized. BIO-VISION leads to a demo-project.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Direct feeding system for biogas plants

The aim of this project is to develop an energy- and cost-saving direct feeding system for biogas plants, which deals with differing types of substrates and sizes of plants. Furthermore it solves previous logistical problems.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Direct feeding system for biogas plants

The aim of this project is to develop an energy- and cost-saving direct feeding system for biogas plants, which deals with differing types of substrates and sizes of plants. Furthermore it solves previous logistical problems.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Distributed generation and renewables - Power Quality

The project will demonstrate how the integration of power electronics equipment in Distributed Generation (DG) units can actively improve the stability and quality of supply of electric power distribution networks in order to increase the penetration of DG and Renewable Energy Sources.

Stadt der Zukunft

Documentation, comparison and processing of demonstration results on the topic of "Digital Building Twin"

The aim of the project was to compare results from two demonstration projects of a digital building twin and to document initial operational experiences.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Door inner layers based on renewable primary products and residue

Foam bodies are produced by extrusion of renewable primary products and/or residue and then squeezed with adhesives to plates, which can be used for door inner layers.

Stadt der Zukunft

E.Vent – Efficient, cost-effective and low-maintenance central ventilation systems for multi-family housing – Design, operation and fire protection measures

Die Synopsis ist eine drei- bis vierzeilige Beschreibung des Projektinhalts alsErgänzung zum Titel und nähere Erläuterung des Projekts.

Fabrik der Zukunft

EASEY - Ecological And Social EfficiencY

Developing an integrative concept for the evaluation of sustainability achievements of enterprises noted at Vienna's stock exchange.

Fabrik der Zukunft

EASEY Online Rating Preparation Transfer

Transfer of conceptual knowledge about rating of sustainability performance of SMEs to three different groups of consultants dealing with financial data. Sustainability in business, that is the thesis, contributes significantly to an increasing repay capability.

Fabrik der Zukunft

EASEY Venture Capital Transfer

Sensitizing and capacity building for networking of venture capital and developers of sustainability technologies was performed to develop options for establishing a financing platform which regards sustainability requirements.

Fabrik der Zukunft


A sustainability index will be implemented at the Vienna stock exchange

Stadt der Zukunft

ECC – EnergyCityConcepts – Development of a methodology and concept for the implementation of sustainable energy systems in cities by the example of Gleisdorf and Salzburg

In the context of this project two concrete model regions (small city Gleisdorf and urban city quarter Salzburg-Schallmoos) will be developed and tested with new methodical approaches (interdisciplinary urban and regional energy planning, modeling and simulation). An ambitious political commitment of both model regions is a 100% renewable or rather CO2-neutral energy supply.