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There are 1263 results.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Pilot-Biogas plant consisting of prefabricated units

Construction of a biogas tank built of prefabricated reinforced concrete elements, erected and operated at an existing biogas plant in Bruck an der Leitha. The precast concrete technology promised a lot of advantages but also posed a lot of questions that had to be solved. These problems considered especially the sealing method and the general construction with precast concrete elements.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Pioneer City - Partnership for Climate Neutral Cities 2030

With its participation in the "Mission:Klimaneutrale Stadt", the City of Innsbruck is pursuing the goal of setting the course for achieving climate neutrality. In addition to the creation of structures within the city administration, climate-effective measures are being tested in the existing "Eichhof"-residential quarter together with the stakeholders. Successful measures shall then be implemented throughout the city. The intensive exchange with the other pioneer cities, the conscious use of synergy and the associated broad spectrum of knowledge and experience are necessary resources for the implementation of this project

Klimaneutrale Stadt

PioneerCityDornbirn - Transformation of the city of Dornbirn towards a climate-neutral city.

The project "PioneerCityDornbirn" aims to transform the city of Dornbirn towards climate neutrality. Internal competencies are being developed, processes are being improved, and initial implementations are being driven forward to support the decarbonization of the city by 2040.

Stadt der Zukunft

Plan4.Energy – methodological set for the planning support of positive energy districts

Plan4.Energy develops a set of methods to support the planning of positive energy districts. The data-based system integration will enable a user-friendly quantitative assessment of the possibilities for building a positive energy district. This will allow stakeholders without the relevant background knowledge to realistically assess different project variants.

Haus der Zukunft

Platform for Energy-Efficient Hospitals - ways to a higher energy-efficiency

The present project is based on the results of the project "The energy-efficient hospital: realistic departure points and identification of possible measures"

Stadt der Zukunft

Plus Energy Melk - Path for the realization of Plus-Energy-Districs in Melk

The city of Melk has set itself the goal of playing a pioneering role in renewable energy supply and climate protection. In this context, an initiative aimed at implementing Positive Energy Districts. Two urban development projects are currently underway to examine under which framework conditions, technical and organisational solutions Positive Energy Districts can be realised. A proactive participation process aims at informing developers and investors as well as other stakeholders about the realization of PlusEnergy concepts.

Haus der Zukunft

Plus energy office building - Subproject 3: Austria's biggest plus energy office building

In course of the refurbishment of the Vienna University of Technology (Univercity 2015) Austria´s biggest plus energy office building is going to be built. This project intends to demonstrate not only the technical but furthermore the economical feasibility of plus energy office buildings. Within this building the plus energy concept is fulfilled by optimizing the power consumption of the whole building and the installation of Austria´s largest facade integrated photovoltaic plant.

Stadt der Zukunft

Plus-Energy-Campus - Energy-flexible Positive Energy District with "Living Lab"

The project explored paths to a sustainable, future-proof Positive Energy-District (PED) in the area surrounding the location of the University of Applied Sciences Vienna (FH-Technikum Wien). The feasibility of a new university building as a Plus-Energy teaching building had been examined in detail to prepare its implementation. Central innovation contents are the energetic flexibilization of the new building and the quarter as well as the conception of the Plus-Energy building as a "Living Lab".

Stadt der Zukunft

PlusIQ - Agricultural Photovoltaics: Integration as a Path to Plus-Energy-Quarters

This project examines opportunities, potentials and requirements of/for Agrophotovoltaic systems. Thereby, an interdisciplinary study will be conducted that integrates the major aspects of such systems holistically and from an integrative perspective. The complex interdependencies between the different aspects will be explored and described via a case study. Potential approaches toward realization will be studied and subjected to a comprehensive SWOT-analysis.

Haus der Zukunft

Poly2Facade - Innovative thermal self-regulating solar facades by means of functional polymers

The overall objective of the present project is to develop and implement an optimal overheating protection system based on polymeric materials. The aim is to reduce maximum room temperatures in buildings caused by facade integrated solar-thermal collectors in stagnation.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Polygeneration of bioethanol, biogas, electricity and heat through operating community Sun Power Plant Project GesbR.

Analysis of the economic feasibility of fuel-bioethanol production in the region Harmansdorf/Rückersdorf (NÖ), partner of Leaderregion "10 vor Wien", incorporating innovative combinations with biogas and process heat supplying plants considering also lignocellulosic material as feedstock for bioethanol- and biogas production.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Positioning of sustainable gardening products in retail sales markets

Market analysis for sustainable gardening products and research of marketing strategies. Promotion of a range of sustainable products in the Austrian retail sales market specialized in gardening. Development of a concept for implementation together with one Austrian chain of garden centres (bellaflora).

Haus der Zukunft

Possibilities of urban high-rise multi-storey buildings in a timber-frame method with target course eight or more floors

Research of urban high-rise multi-storey buildings in a timber-frame construction method. Fundamental clarification of the feasibility in relation to the supporting structure, fire prevention and security. SWOT analysis as well as economic, ecological research concerning sustainable design.

Stadt der Zukunft

Post City Linz - Biodiversity in the CO2-neutral urban quarter

The project "Post City Linz" aims to show that a currently unattractive industrial wasteland can be transformed into a microclimatically ambitious, energy- and resource-efficient quarter with 150,000m² of gross floor area by means of an innovative mix of office, commercial, hotel and residential uses. The focus is on the integration of biodiversity promotion, a CO2 neutral energy supply and innovative energy management in the quarter, animal aided design as well as rainwater management based on the principle of the "sponge city".

Haus der Zukunft

Potential and concepts for waste water heat recovery in combination with solar collectors and heat pumps (WRGpot)

The objective of the project is to find possibilities for the reduction of heat demand for hot water preparation of low energy and passive house buildings, in order to advance a further step into the direction of plus-energy buildings.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Potential for Growth and Exports of Renewable Energy Systems

Evaluation of mid- and longterm potential for growth and exports in various sectors of renewable energy systems. Analysis of corresponding impacts on employment and value added in Austria. Recommendations for research- and technology development.

Stadt der Zukunft

PowerShade - Development of electricity-generating shading solutions for energy-flexible buildings in urban space

The main goal of the cooperative R&D project "PowerShade" is the development of low-cost and universally usable electricity-generating shading solutions for energy-flexible buildings in urban space.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Presentation of the effective use of innovative bioenergy technologies in the Austrian energy system of the future (BioEff)

The study shows possibilities and strategies for the effective use of innovative bioenergy technologies in Austria.

Haus der Zukunft

ProKlim - Optimisation of Energy Efficiency of automated indoor climate systems by using weather forecasts

Investigation of the basic energy savings potential for buildings in commercial use by including weather forecasts as a variable. Additionally, a concept for integrating weather forecasts into the heating and air conditioning control systems in buildings is planned to be developed. Within the scope of the feasibility study, a detailed analysis of technological possibilities, including both hardware and software, will be conducted.

Haus der Zukunft

ProKlim+ - Use of Model Predictive Control to optimize solar power consumption in case of increased energy efficiency.

Using weather forecast for building automation can help improving the energy efficiency of buildings and, thus, saving energy. In the project ProKlim+ the forecast of solar radiation will be used to optimize the building automation to satisfy the needs of the building users, and at the same time to minimize the energy demand on the one hand and to maximize the consumption of self-produced energy on the other hand.