Search results

There are 1323 results.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Integration of aspects of sustainable investment into the training programme of selected financial service providers

Awareness raising and knowledge transfer by means of information processing and training of financial service providers concerning sustainable investment

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Integration of decentralised renewable energies in existing fossil district heating grids

Analysis of potentials as well as technical / economical and organisational solutions to integrate decentralised heating power production from renewables into existing fossil heating grids.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Integration of renewable energy sources for district heating in cities

Portfolio of technologies and action plan for the integration of renewable energy sources for district heating in cities and for enhancing the total efficiency of the supply chain from energy input to energy service.

Haus der Zukunft

Integration of results of the program "Building of Tomorrow" into the established qualification program of energy counsellors and their daily consultancy activities

Preparing the results of the "Building of Tomorrow" program for energy counsellors by elaborating a material collection and integrating it into the basic education of energy counsellors. Furthermore a one-day training course for already active energy counsellors will be designed and held.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Integration of wind energy by load management

Simulation of optimal strategies to integrate wind energy in Austria and Germany under consideration of load management to maximize the resulting CO2-savings.

Stadt der Zukunft

Intensified Density - a small scale densification strategy for the suburbs by using modular construction

The project investigated whether a small scale densification strategy for the suburbs / intermediary cities, using modular construction, and existing infrastructure on empty plots of land, can offer a competing alternative to not only the sprawl of single family dwellings but also to large projects.

Haus der Zukunft

International Passive House Summer School for Students (PH-SS)

Summer school / workshop for design, construction and calculation of buildings in the passive house standard for students from Austrian and European universities.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Interregional Logistics- and Procurement Network for Forest Fuel in Austria

A concept for a cooperative forest fuel supply chain network for a large part of Austria (regions of Salzburg, Upper Austria, Lower Austria, Vienna) is developed in order to minimise transport-, storage- and total system costs while simultaneously increasing supply guarantee for the plants.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Investigation of Industrial Processes (IEA- Solar Heating and Cooling Program, Task 33)

The central aim of this international research cooperation is to make industrial processes accessible for solar thermal plants. To achieve this aim basic information is elaborated and components as well as system engineering concepts are developed. Furthermore the intention of Task 33/IV is to survey a detail state of the art in the field of solar process heat that has a validity for Europe. The work of JOANNEUM RESEARCH - Institute of Sustainable Techniques and Systems focuses mainly on the contents of Subtask B.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Investigation of the sustainable utilisation of carbon from methane pyrolysis

One of the possible alternative production routes for renewable hydrogen is methane pyrolysis. Compared to other, alternative production routes, methane pyrolysis has the lowest energy input (less than a quarter of water electrolysis) with a very high hydrogen yield.

Stadt der Zukunft

Itz Smart – Carbon neutral city district development Itzling – Implementing innovation and technology via co-operative process design

The goal of the project “Itz Smart” is to tie in with existing activities and to consistently develop Itzling as a residential location further. In the test and demonstration area, sustainable residential quarters with trendsetting solutions for mobility are developed in the zone of the transport axis (railway and Schillerstraße) and along the local supply axis (Itzlinger Hauptstraße). The consideration of housing and mobility with regard to the aspect of “city of short ways“ also entails a discussion of determined mixed utilisation and the development of such residential quarters.

Stadt der Zukunft

IÖB-ENERGY - Public procurement for intelligent urban energy solutions

Assessment of the potential for pre-commercial procurement in the Smart City energy sector in Austria in the areas of innovative building technologies, urban energy systems and systems for urban planning. The results will serve as the basis for recommendations for future priority setting for public procurers.

Stadt der Zukunft

Joining Cards - Investigation of de-constructable fastening and joining techniques for the development of mono-material interior systems made of cardboard

Strategic examination of cardboard products and paper-based materials for the development of de-constructible interior systems and the definition of building components and their interfaces. The result forms the basis for further research projects in the form of a comprehensive knowledge gain.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

K3 - Climate-neutral Klagenfurt Clinic

As part of Klagenfurt on Lake Wörthersee's climate neutrality ambitions, the focus is on the development of climate-neutral districts with a wide variety of functions and uses in the city area. In collaboration with the state hospital operating company - KABEG, a climate neutrality roadmap for the Klagenfurt clinic district is being developed with scientific support from JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH.


KAFKA - Development of cascade reactions for a circular economy

KAFKA aims to expedite the development of biorefinery processes and showcase the potential of process cascades for producing high-quality chemical products from biogenic resources/waste. The central element of the project is an innovative reactor platform that flexibly combines biotechnological, electrochemical, and thermal processes. Investigations into new process cascades to enable a circular economy are thereby accelerated.

Haus der Zukunft

KELVIN - Reducing the urban heat island effect via improving the reflective properties of buildings and urban areas

The aim of this project was to estimate the potential to reduce urban heat islands via low-tech measures such as the variation of the surface albedo, using the City of Vienna as an example. The project has also assessed the energy savings and greenhouse gas emission reductions due to the decreased energy demand for cooling as a result of such measures.

Stadt der Zukunft

KING, KlimaINnovationsstadt Graz - Strategies and actions for a climate-neutral Graz

With the preparation of a climate protection plan by autumn 2021, a central cornerstone for achieving climate neutrality in Graz has been laid. KING builds on this climate protection plan and further develops and specifies the key measures defined therein in a comprehensive participation and consultation process.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

KLARA Amstetten: Klimaneutralitätsfahrplan Amstetten – Roadmap to Action

For the first time, goals for a climate-neutral Amstetten are defined and the necessary climate protection and climate change adaptation measures are developed and fields of action are prioritised.

Stadt der Zukunft

KLIMADEMO VIS-A-VIS: Participatory realization of a climate-neutral demonstration building Vis-à-Vis

Participatory development of a pilot project at the interface between climate neutrality, affordability and multi-storey wooden housing based on well-founded decision-making bases in terms of renewable materials and renewable energies. The result is a multipliable carbon neutral building and the dissemination of carbon neutrality know-how to a larger audience.

Stadt der Zukunft

KLIMDO - Urban energy and climate strategy of the city of Dornbirn as basis for achieving climate neutrality by 2030

A central goal of the project is to obtain detailed knowledge of energy consumption, energy consumption flows and energy potentials including spatialization in the entire urban araea of Dornbirn. Based on this data, various scenarios are to be elaborated that map possible developments in the city. Subsequently, the basis for an energy and climate strategy based on the vision of climate neutrality will be prepared.