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There are 38 results.
Adsorbent Materials of Residues from Corn Cob
Development and testing of processes to produce adsorptive materials from agricultural residues of corn production with focus on corn cob grit as oil bonding agent (e.g., applicable to the remediation of oil spills).
Circular Economy Compass (KLW-Komp)
The Circular Economy Compass project has developed a responsive online self-assessment tool for the circular economy in SMEs. Based on a theory-based evaluation scheme, it is be possible to determine a company's degree of preparedness for a circular economy at a reasonable cost. To this end, the tool has a computational logic that automatically generates a circularity score (KPI, Key Performance Indicator) based on the answers.
Company communication strategies for sustainability
Based on a representative empirical study among ultimate consumers (1000 interviews) and an empirical survey among 200 model companies in regard to sustainable management, communication strategies and concepts are developed.
Contracting Platform for SME´s
Evaluation of requirements and framework conditions for the implementation and the operation of a Contracting Platform for SME´s in Austria for the cost efficient identification and realisation of energy efficiency measures.
Creating a concept for the development of a "lubrication service" to maximize plant life on the basis of ionic liquids as special lubricants.
Creating a concept of a "lubrication service" to maximize plant life and reduce their resources consumption - a combination of development service, production and lubricating service.
De-lacquering as a service
Development of the service of de-lacquering in industrial plants on the basis of pulsed high pressure water with a new, energy efficient high pressure pump. Further possible applications will be searched for and evaluated.
Development of a holistic valuation of enterprise-activities for sustainability and field test in leading industrial companies - InaBe
The development of a holistic model comprising method and instrument to evaluate ac-tivities from companies in context with sustainable development by integrating objective and subjective view.
Development of methods and procedures to automate the operative production control and scheduling considering the aspects of sustainability
The production order doesn't only influence logistic and operational ratios, but also shows effects on the environment as well as ergonomics and the staff's psychology. Aim of the project was to develop a method to optimize the job order planning in consideration of an integrated evaluation in terms of sustainable economic activity.
ECODESIGN-Toolbox for Green Product Concepts - Method development for sustainable product design
The objective of the project is the method development for sustainable product design in close cooperation with industrial partners. The ECODESIGN Toolbox for Green Product Concepts - a six step approach has been developed here.
Eco-efficient Product Service Systems
Step by step methodology for the development of future markets by the introduction of eco-efficient product service systems
Eco-textiles - from the eco-niche into the trend market!
Optimum communication strategies and motives for the purchase of eco-textiles by specific target groups are investigated. The results are reviewed with respect to the transferability to other branches of sustainable production and marketing. Aim of the project is to foster the supply of eco-textile products and thereby promoting the Austrian eco-textile producers and retailers.
Energy Performance Contracting (IEA DSM Implementing Agreement - Task X)
The objective of this task within the IEA DSM programme is to facilitate the use of performance contracts and other energy service company (ESCO) contracts. In this scenario, the ESCO has taken on the project's performance risk by guaranteeing a specified level of energy savings. Its compensation for this risk is directly tied to achieving savings. The financing for such a project could come from the ESCO, the equipment supplier or a third-party company.
Energy Services as an Integral Part of the Distribution
Concept development for the implementation of efficient energy services as part of grid connected energy supply to increase energy end-use efficiency.
Environmental, Material Flow and Sustainability Management Accounting - Offensive diffusion in adult education
Diffusion of the "Factory of Tomorrow" project line on environmental and material flow cost accounting (EMA and MFCA) for corporate and national system boundaries, as well as related tools for sustainability accounting in existing post graduate studies.
Establishment of a "Sustainability Label for repair-friendly constructed electr(on)ic household appliances (brown and white goods) as a shopping guideline for consumers"
The scope of the project comprises the development of criteria for a Sustainability Label for repair-friendly constructed appliances, marketing and PR activities with a focus on producers and consumers, training of auditors and labelling of at least one product.
Green Biorefinery - Separation of Lactic Acid from Grass Silage Juice (Brown Juice)
Development of a technical process to separate lactic acid from Brown Juice. Lactic acid is a promising chemical commodity which may be produced from silage juice at low costs and in an environmentally friendly way for subsequent synthesis of valuable products.
Green Biorefinery - Separation of Proteins from Grass Juice (Green Juice)
Research and development of the technical process to separate protein from grass juice to gain high-protein concentrate for animal feed by ultra-filtration and other separation technologies.
Homeservices by the company of tomorrow
Sustainable services in co-operation with the housing sector will be investigated, their effects on environment, employment, acceptance by consumers, hindrances as well as prerequisites for sustainable facility management and a new positioning of concierge systems analysed.
IEA HPP Annex 33: Compact heat exchangers for heat pumping equipment
International cooperation aiming at widening the use of compact heat exchangers in heat pumping equipment. The goal of this project is to identify compact heat exchangers, either existing or under development, that may be applied in heat pumping equipment such as compression or absorption heat pumps.
INTOKI- Methods and tools for consumers' and stakeholder involvement in the development of sustainable products and services
Supporting SME bakeries in the involvement process of their stakeholders in sustainability oriented product service innovation processes. Development and pilot testing of a dialogue oriented toolkit ("The INNOVATIVE Bakery Dialogue" Handbook).