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There are 1263 results.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

BioShip - Potentials of Inland Waterways in Securing the Supply of the Austrian Bio-based Energy Industry

BioShip analyses the potentials to optimise and secure the supply chains of the austrian bio-energy plants (forest fuel, biofuel and biogas) with inland water navigation as an environmental friendly way of transport

Haus der Zukunft

BioSkin - Research potentials for biologically inspired energy efficient façade components and systems

The research study was targeting the identification of strategic research potentials in the field of biomimetics for innovative facade technologies of the future. With the identification of useful principles of biological role models and the transfer to bionic facade concepts, inter­disciplinary R&D research activities are improved to enable the develop­ment of sustainable solutions for climate-adaptive energy-efficient facades systems of the future.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Biobased Plastics Scenario 2050 - plastics made from renewable resources

A “2050 scenario - plastics made from renewable resources (bio-based plastics)” has been developed. The hypothetical target of this scenario is for bio-based plastics to have a 100 % market share of product manufacturing in the EU. The scenario provides the basis for further national RTI activities and for recommendations for regulation.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Biogas as Vehicle Fuel - Economic Feasibility in Austria

The main objectives of this project are to discuss the economic feasibility of the production and distribution of biogas used as transportation fuel and to identify those types of local distribution systems that are already economically feasible under the present economic conditions in Austria.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft


By establishing regionally best situated logistic centers it shall be guaranteed that in all of Styria transport and processing costs will be reduced and that a continual supply of biomass firewood of constant quality is ensured.

Haus der Zukunft

Biomimetic potentials - Interdisciplinary identification and preparation of innovative biological inspired key technologies for "Plus-energy buildings of the future"

Experts from various branches of industry and research as well as bionics representatives worked out innovative ideas regarding "Key technologies for Plus-Energy-Buildings". The results provide a collection of emergent bionic research potential for the implementation of innovative research in the Austrian building sector.

Stadt der Zukunft

Biotope City - construction manual for the green city of the future

"Biotope City" is an overall concept for the implementation of comprehensive urban greening with the aim of using the regenerative mechanisms of nature. With this approach, quality of life is to be comprehensively, sustainably and cost-effectively increased and resilience against extreme weather events in cities will be improved. The project aims to generate realistic components of a "construction manual" for the green city of the future, which are generalizable and transferable.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

BitKOIN - CO2-reduced binding agent through thermochemical conversion of mineral wool waste combinations

In the BitKOIN project, conceptual, experimental and model research activities are conducted in order to develop a substitute material for ground-granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS). First, mineral wool waste and other mineral residues, which are required as additives to achieve the desired chemistry, are sampled representatively. The materials are then characterized chemically, mineralogically and physically and are additionally classified according to waste regulations. By thermochemical conditioning of the mineral wool waste, combined with the other waste materials, the "Huettensand 2.0" (GGBS 2.0) is developed. The project aims to develop the "Huettensand 2.0" , a durable GGBS substitute.

Haus der Zukunft

Bluetooth home control system

Purpose of this project was to realise a wireless intelligent home, that can be radio controlled from each bluetooth compatible mobile (2 mrd in curculation all over around the world). Entrence, security and also to control electrical devices where the cornerstones of this project.

Haus der Zukunft

Booklet issued by Building of Tomorrow with about 20 practical passive house thermal bridges free connection details for large-volume residential buildings

In particular, for buildings with very low energy consumption on heating the influence of heat bridges have a special value. Since in passive house construction a largely heat bridge free execution is required, the most frequent and significant heat bridges are collected in a booklet.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Bregenz 2040 climate neutrality roadmap focussing on the electricity and heating transition, mobility and public acceptance

The central goal of the project is to create a consistent, comprehensive, and feasible roadmap to achieve climate neutrality in Bregenz by 2040.

Haus der Zukunft

Build to satisfy: Modeling of user behavior in lowest and plus energy buildings: Consequences for building and comfort

Aim of the project was a better understanding and modeling of effects of user behavior on energy performance in office and service buildings, built with lowest energy building and plus-energy building techniques. The results support facility managers of office/service buildings and integrate gender and diversity issues.

Stadt der Zukunft

Build4Climate - Demonstration building with a climate room concept at the Innovation Quarter Lavanttal in Carinthia

A new train station is being built near the exit portal of the future Koralm railway tunnel in Carinthia, in connection with a CO2-neutral technology park. The innovative entrance building of the newly developed area will be implemented as a frontrunner with a 'climate room' concept based on thermal component activation and extensive use of renewable energy sources.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

BuildReUse ‐ 100 percent re‐use and recycling in buildings with short usage cycles

Some buildings, such as supermarkets or office buildings, are often demolished and rebuilt after a few years or at least have their interiors changed, turning large quantities of building components into waste. The BuildReUse project aims to develop circular economy concepts for these buildings and to promote the necessary change in the construction industry.

Haus der Zukunft

Building and modernising with "Building of Tomorrow"

The project BauModern turned to non-profit and commercial housing developers and real estate managements. In close co-operation with the federations of the housing and real estate economy has been achieved that builders are informed about market-suited innovative technologies and concepts and use these strengthened for their projects both in the new building and in the refurbishment.

Stadt der Zukunft

Building as living lab - Buildings as a living lab for climate-neutral, needs-based and affordable housing

Within ÖWG, climate protection and sustainability are strategically anchored in renovation and densification projects. A comprehensive, climate-neutral renovation concept had been developed for a specific pilot property in Graz in an open, co-creative innovation process. The building becomes a living lab in which new solutions are tested in the everyday lives of the residents.

Haus der Zukunft

Building of Tomorrow for the construction industry

Dissemination of results of the research initiative "Building of tomorrow" for two specific target groups - master builder and installer - implementation in further vocational training concepts

Haus der Zukunft

Buildings of highest energy-efficiency with integrated renewable energy development

For the future supply of energy services the combination of energy efficiency, energy storage and decentralized use of renewable energy in buildings offers itself. The project identified dynamic potentials of possible active and passive energy yields of construction units with use of renewable energy sources, pointed future solutions to energy-efficient and ecological design of building construction-units and united all results to a signpost: From today's passive house to the energy-plus-house of the future.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Business model innovations for rental and service models in the manufacturing sector

The project aims to contribute to a better understanding of the economic and ecological potentials of an implementation of lending and service models in the manufacturing sector in Austria and to show which changes and R&D efforts are necessary so that these can be realized by suitable business models.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

CE4ALL – Circular economy for all – Incentives, enablers and inhibitors for sustainable consumption

Based on an analysis of current milieu-specific consumption behavior, the CE4ALL project aims to identify sector-specific incentives and enablers for strengthening the circular economy and to uncover inhibitors. Another focus of this work is the consideration of inclusion aspects. CE4ALL is working on a consumption-centered investigation beyond the previously production-oriented considerations of the circular economy.