BIGMODERN - Subproject 10: Evaluation, Documentation and Ensuring Transferability
Short Description
This project is a sub project of the flagship project "BIGMODERN - Sustainable modernisation standards for buildings owned by the Federal Republic of Austria of the period from the 1950s to the 1980s"
The subproject 10 is part of the flagship project BIGMODERN. It is based on the results of subproject SP 7 in which a monitoring concept has been developed. This concept is now implemented through monitoring of different aspects occurring during the first two years of operation of both BIGMODERN demonstration buildings. The subproject follows a comprehensive and integrative monitoring approach covering the following topics:
- Certification of building quality according to the TQB/ÖGNB label;
- Monitoring of energy consumption and consumption of other resources;
- Monitoring of functionality and achievement of comfort related to innovative technologies which have been applied in the demonstration projects;
- Detailed technical documentation of both demonstration projects;
- Monitoring of costs – related to the actual investment costs and operational costs;
- Finally, the results of the different monitoring activities lead to the derivation of requirements for further refurbishment projects implemented by BIG.
The subproject is based on the monitoring requirements prescribed by the programme “Building of Tomorrow Plus” and takes into account the monitoring and evaluation activities which are implemented in the frame of the project MONITOR PLUS.
Project Partners
Project management
Architekt Mag. Dirk Jäger
Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft m.b.H.
Mag. Klemens Leutgöb
e7 Energie Markt Analyse GmbH
Project or cooperation partners
- BIG Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft m.b.H.
- e7 Energie Markt Analyse GmbH
- Grazer Energieagentur
Contact Address
Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft m.b.H.
Architekt Mag. Dirk Jäger
1030 Wien, Hintere Zollamtsstr.1
Tel.: +43 5 0244 - 4829
Fax: +43 5 0244 - 4731
Mobil: +43 664 807 45 - 4829
e7 Energie Markt Analyse GmbH
Mag. Klemens Leutgöb
Theresianumgasse 7/1/8
1040 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: +43 (1) 9078026
Fax: +43 (1) 9078026-10