IEA Bioenergy Technology Collaboration Programme (IEA Bioenergy TCP)

IEA Bioenergy’s vision is to achieve a substantial bioenergy contribution to future global energy demands by accelerating the production and use of environmentally sound, socially accepted and cost-competitive bioenergy on a sustainable basis, thus providing increased security of supply whilst reducing greenhouse gas emissions from energy use.

Short Description

The task of IEA Bioenergy is to contribute to the elimination of environmental, institutional, technological and financial barriers to the use of bioenergy technologies in the future.

The focus is on the initiation, coordination and promotion of research, development and demonstration projects through international cooperation and the targeted exchange of information between experts from research, industry and politics in the participating countries.

This strategy is intended to help drive the development and commercialization of environmentally friendly, efficient and cost-effective bioenergy technologies. The cooperation takes the form of thematic networks („Tasks") and is led by an Executive Committee to which the participating countries send a representative.

Austria has been a member of IEA Bioenergy since 1978. Participation is funded by the Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK).

At present, 25 countries from Europe and overseas and the European Commission are participating in IEA Bioenergy. The cooperation thus enables a worldwide transfer of information and the coordination of national programs and research in the field of bioenergy use.

In IEA Bioenergy, national experts from research, politics and industry work closely together with experts from other countries. Austria's cooperation with IEA Bioenergy supports and promotes:

  • the Austrian research and development work through the international exchange of knowledge,
  • the international dissemination of the results of the Austrian papers,
  • Austrian networking with relevant stakeholders,
  • the initiation of international R&D projects and scientific exchange programs and
  • the establishment of contacts between Austrian companies and international companies with the aim of cooperation.

In addition, Austria's active participation in IEA Bioenergy represents a point of contact for all national task participants in the Implementing Agreement and ensures smooth coordination within national tasks.

Information about the work in the tasks is actively disseminated: on the one hand through lectures at national and international events as well as articles in specialized media, on the other hand reports and information are available from the Austrian representatives in the respective tasks and via the BMK. With this active information policy, institutions that are not directly involved in the tasks should be given access to the current state of knowledge at the international level.

The current Strategic Plan 2020 - 2025 builds on previous strategies and consistently pursues them for the next 5 years, taking into account current developments.

One goal is to support the commercialization of environmentally compatible, socially accepted and competitive bioenergy systems, thus contributing to the dissemination of bioenergy and bioenergy technologies in all energy markets.

IEA Bioenergy as a platform for international research and development cooperation aims to overcome institutional, technological and societal barriers that hamper the medium to long-term development of bioenergy.

In addition to the topics of biomass resources, supply systems, conversion, end products and cross-cutting issues along the value chain, the current Strategic Plan includes the new topics of production and conversion of microalgae and macroalgae as well as artificial photosynthesis.
Co-operation with relevant Technology Collaboration Programmes of the IEA and with other international organizations is also to be intensified.

Ongoing Tasks with Austrian Participation

The IEA Bioenergy tasks usually run for 3 years. In the current period 2022 - 2024, Austria participates in 7 of the 11 ongoing tasks. An overview of all tasks is provided by the IEA Bioenergy work program.

Completed Tasks

Task 29: Socio-Economic Drivers in Implementing Bioenergy Projects

Task 32: Biomass Combusting and Co-firing

Task 33: Gasification of Biomass and Waste

Task 34: Direct Thermochemical Liquefaction

Task 35: Techno-economic Assessments for Bioenergy Applications

Task 37: Energy from Biogas

Task 38: Climate Change Effects of Biomass and Bioenergy Systems

Task 39: Commercialising Conventional and Advanced Liquid Biofuels from Biomass

Task 40: Deployment of biobased value-chains

Task 42: Biorefining in a Circular Economy

Task 44: Flexible bioenergy and system integration


IEA Bioenergy Strategic Plan

Annual Reports


Newsletter "Biobased Future" (available in German)

ExCo Workshops

Expert discussion Bioenergy Research

Countrie's Reports

IEA Bioenergy/AMF/IETS Joint Workshops

Success Stories

2 Page Summaries


Further publications



Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States and the European Commission

Contact Address

Exco Delegate

Hannes Bauer
Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
Radetzkystraße 2
1030 Vienna
Tel.: +43-1-71162-652924

Exco Alternate

Dina Bacovsky
BEST – Bioenergy and Sustainable Technologies GmbH
Location Wieselburg-Land
Gewerbepark Haag 3
3250 Wieselburg-Land
Tel.: +43 5 02378 9435

Social Media

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