Working Party on End-Use Technologies (EUWP)
The EUWP supervises and supports all activity concerning end-use technologies. The EUWP monitors RD&D efforts on 14 IEA Technology Collaboration Programmes (TCPs). Furthermore the EUWP serves as reference for end-use energy questions and represents the IEA on these issues.
The 4 sectors of the End-Use Working Party (EUWP)
- Buildings
- Transport
- Industry
- Electricity
Buildings with the 6 IEA Technology Collaboration Programmes
- Decarbonization of Cities and Communities (Cities)
- Energy in Buildings and Communities (EBC)
- District Heating and Cooling (DHC)
- Heat Pumping Technologies (HPT)
- Energy Efficient End-Use Equipment (4E)
Transport with the 5 IEA Technology Collaboration Programmes
- Advanced Fuel Cells (AFC)
- Advanced Motor Fuels (AMF)
- Advanced Materials for Transportation (AMT)
- Hybrid and Electric Vehicles (HEV)
- Energy Conservation and Emissions Reduction in Combustion (Combustion)
Industry with the 1 IEA Technology Collaboration Programme
Electricity with the 3 IEA Technology Collaboration Programmes
Coordination Groups
Future Buildings Forum (FBF)
The Future Buildings Forum is a think-tank for future tasks and annexes by EBC and other building relevant TCPs and takes place every five years.
Buildings Coordination Group (BCG)
The BCG serves a platform for communication and personal contacts between the different TCPs dealing with buildings and forms a connection between TCPs and the IEA Secretariat. This provides the possibility of strengthening the development and distribution of information about end-use energy technologies with both sources of information.
The following TCPs are involved with the Buildings Coordination Group:
from the End-Use Working Party (EUWP)
- Energy in Buildings and Communities (EBS), mit dem Future Buildings Forum (FBF)
- Energy Storage (ES)
- District Heating and Cooling (DHC)
- User-Centred Energy Systems (UsersTCP)
- Heat Pumping Technologies (HPT)
- Energy Efficient End-Use Equipment (4E)
- International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN)
from the Renewable Energy Technologies Working Party (REWP)
Transport Coordination Group (TCG)
The following TCPs are involved with the Transport Coordination Group:
from the End-Use Working Party (EUWP)
- Advanced Fuel Cells (AFC)
- Advanced Motor Fuels (AMF)
- Advanced Materials for Transportation (AMT)
- Hybrid and Electric Vehicles (HEV)
from the Renewable Energy Technologies Working Party (REWP)
Industry Coordination Group ICG
The following TCPs are involved with the Industry Coordination Group:
from the End-Use Working Party (EUWP)
- Industrial Energy-related Technologies and Systems
- Heat Pumping Technologies
- Energy Conservation through Energy Storage
from the Renewable Energy Technologies Working Party (REWP)
Electricity Coordination Group ECG
The following TCPs are involved with the Electricity Coordination Group:
from the End-Use Working Party (EUWP)
- User-Centred Energy Systems (UsersTCP)
- Energy Storage
- International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN), das mit dem Electricity Networks Analysis, Research and Development IA (ENARD) zusammengeführt wurde
- High-Temperature Superconductivity (Superconductivity)
- Energy Technology Systems Analysis Programme (ETSAP Modelling)
from the Renewable Energy Technologies Working Party (REWP)
Mapping of IEA TCPs

The publication visualizes the current activities of the IEA Energy Technology Network and identifies possible gaps and overlaps. The mapping includes 185 ongoing tasks and annexes (Status September 2017).
Lukas Eggler, Andreas Indinger, Lukas Zwieb
Publisher: BMVIT
English, 64 Seiten
Publication Downloads
Participating States
Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Greece, Great Britain, Ireland, Canada, Korea, New Zeeland, Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey, Czech Republic, Hungary, USA
EUWP Chair and Austrian Alternate Delegate
Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment,
Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK)
Mag. Sabine Mitter
Tel.: +43 (1) 71162 652915
Austrian Delegate
The Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG
DI Karin Hollaus
Tel.: +43 5 7755 5046