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Energiesysteme der Zukunft


At the predefined locations of a dairy in Upper Austria and a brewery in Lower Austria the demonstration units of biogas - fuel cell are to be planned in the detail. Therefore exact economical and technical investigations and documentations will be prepared. Important goals are optimized energetic integration and best economical solutions.

Haus der Zukunft

"Building of Tomorrow" in the media

Press support for "Building of Tomorrow"

Haus der Zukunft

"Building of Tomorrow" on the road - knowledge transfer of the results from "Building of Tomorrow" to existing traineeships

Knowledge transfer of the programme "Building of Tomorrow" to specialists on universities, advanced technical colleges, polytechnics, construction academies, administration academies. Themes: Energy, Construction and Building Physics, Ecology and Architecture and Sociology.

Haus der Zukunft

"Communal living for elderly - ecological, social and economical aspects" - eco-com.60+

The research project examined different forms of communal living of elderly people and contributes to the development of new, common forms of living for the elderly. Questions concerning demographic change and economic as well as ecologic challenges of our time had been dealt with.

Fabrik der Zukunft

"Emerging Sustainability" - Summeracademy `09 for sustainable management

"Heading towards Sustainability" is the central motto for a six-day summer academy. During July 2009 "Emerging Sustainability" will offer an inspiring and activating framework for learning how to successfully implement sustainable development in companies.

Stadt der Zukunft

"Gasthermenersatz" - Modular heat pump with environmentally friendly refrigerant to replace natural gas-based heating systems in large-scale residential buildings

The project "Gasthermenersatz" aims at developing, manufacturing, and testing a functional prototype of a decentralized, sound-optimized heat pump solution with refrigerant circuit modules connected in series or parallel. This renewable technology is well-suited to replace existing natural gas-based heating systems in large-scale residential buildings and to pave the way to carbon-neutral cities.

Fabrik der Zukunft

"Green Biorefinery - Utilitsation of Grass Fibres"

Basic properties of grass fibres from a green biorefinery will be investigated in order to have a sound base for comparison of grass fibres with other renewable fibres. Selected prototype-products with these grass fibres as main raw material source (e.g. insulation materials, gardening material, animal nutrition) will be developed, tested and evaluated whether they are technologically as well as economically feasible.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

"IÖB-Tool" Housing and renewable energy technologies

Innovation-promoting public procurement tool for housing and renewable energy technologies

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

"Leitbilder" in "energy regions" or how to co-ordinate technical change

In three Austrian regions, which call themselves "energy regions", the processes leading to the formulation of common visions or "leitbilder" is analysed and the impact is assessed such "leitbilder" can have on technical change on the regional scale. On this basis and with help of external consulters adapted communication and network strategies are developed and examined with regard to transferable elements.

Fabrik der Zukunft

"NAWARO-Peat" - Peat replacement products by regional renewable resources

Possibilities to stop the peat usage in horticulture by using renewable resources and biological wastes which are regional available. Efficient economical as well ecological solutions for the usage of alternatives to peat, development and testing of treatment technologies which are necessary to create such a substrate in laboratory and field scale.

Fabrik der Zukunft

"Sustainable E-Spirit" - Entrepreneur: People who show sustainability and joined-up thinking - a workshop for young people and teachers

This project links sustainability and entrepreneurial spirit with the methodof joined-up thinking. A workshop and a workshop book will be developed.

Fabrik der Zukunft

"eco fashion - fashion for the future" - Congress about ecological and social impacts of textile production

The project was intended to promote a change of image related to ecotextiles. A congress provided teachers and education experts with background information and tools for their work, thus leading to a sustainable transfer of knowledge in education.

Haus der Zukunft

"gugler! build & print triple zero" - Subproject 7: Integrated General Planning

The aim of the subproject 7 is to aggregate a "normal" general planning process with innovative additional services. In the spirit of integrated planning in the design a higher number of design parameters must be resolved. This is different to a classic planning process with linear and chronological lined up add ons.

Haus der Zukunft

"gugler! build & print triple zero" - Subproject 8: Leuchtturm gugler – Ökoeffektive Plusenergiedruckerei

On the basis of the commercial building gugler with 2140 m² useable floor area existing and 3260 m² useable floor area to be built a concept for a 100% recyclable ecoeffective building had been developed.

Haus der Zukunft

"gugler! build & print triple zero" - subproject 1: lead project management

The lead project management provides furthermore for sufficient interlinking between the project partners by monthly, by requirement weekly project workshops. Besides the leading project management represents the project gugler to the outward and takes part in workshops of the program management

Haus der Zukunft

"gugler! build & print triple zero" - subproject 2: building with recycros

Building with recycros is working out basics in order to close the cycle of materials in the building sector as well as to increase the usage of recycled materials (recycros). The existing material cycles in the building sector are going to be analysed. Furthermore, there will be a catalogue presented, covering the actual situation of which materials are used in today´s engineering and how the waste is treated. The project will be completed with a summary of results and a proposal of concrete materials and constructional systems for the building project gugler.

Haus der Zukunft

"gugler! build & print triple zero" - subproject 3: recyclable constructing

Development of basic principles and proposals for highly recyclable constructions. A catalogue with main principles of recyclable designing with a particular focus on material inherent bonding and joint techniques as well as a selection of constructions including ecological benchmarks, calculation of building physics plus costs was created.

Haus der Zukunft

"gugler! build & print triple zero" - subproject 4: energy concept Gugler

The energy concept led Gugler in frame of the conversion and expansion of the company towards plus-energy standard. Significant measures ware a consequent maximum reduction of the energy demand, optimal utilisation of industrial waste-heat, maximum consumption of on-site energy sources, integrated energy production, ecologic load manage­ment with comprehensive response- and storage-techniques.

Haus der Zukunft

"gugler! build & print triple zero" - subproject 5: Ecoeffective building

On the basis of the commercial building gugler with 2140 m² useable floor area existing and 3260 m² useable floor area to be built a concept for a 100% recyclable ecoeffective building will be developed.

Haus der Zukunft

"gugler! build & print triple zero" - subproject 6: Integration of the C2C production into the flagship project Gugler

Print and media production at the media and communications company gugler GmbH are currently being optimized according to Cradle to Cradle (C2C) criteria. The goal of this subproject is to allow the demands of a C2C production process optimized for exchange with biological cycles to be included into the general planning of the new production building of the company, a pilot project within the "building of tomorrow" program line.