"Sustainable E-Spirit" - Entrepreneur: People who show sustainability and joined-up thinking - a workshop for young people and teachers
Short Description
This project is aimed at strengthening sustainability and joined-up thinking in young people (in Secondary Education - Higher Level, especially in VET schools). Sustained economic thinking is combined with creativity and innovation so that new approaches of economic management can succeed, i.e. it is an important part of entrepreneurship education and offers an interesting basis for value- and future-oriented discussion about economic management. The project should also be seen as a contribution to the European Year of Creativity and Innovation.
The workshop book offers a methodological and a content-related level, it serves as a basis for the realisation of the workshops through the teachers. The workshop is included in teacher training seminars and can be used par for par with young people in class.
Events (a selection):
- SE Nr. 75816B, 13.-17.7., Hochkitzbühel
Kitzbüheler Summer University Entrepreneurship - a Laboratory for Ideas,
Target group: treachers nationwide; registration: PH-Tirol (Nr. 75916B) and KPH Wien/Krems (Nr. 8700.132), incl. Pilot workshop - BizCamp, 12.-16.7., Hochkitzbühel
Kitzbüheler RYLA BizCamp für Entrepreneurship - a Festival of Ideas;
Traget group: Young people between 15-19 years; Registration with Gerhard Lötsch, Tel.: +43 5352 64573, Fax +43 5354 5300 732; mailto:gerhard.loetsch@gebro.com; Participation fee: 150,00 Euro (incl. Accommodation and food!), incl. Pilot workshop - SE Nr. 13911B 09W, 24.-25.9., Krems
eesi-Multipliers-Seminar; Target group: personal invitation - SE 13913B 09W, 16.11. Vienna Stock Exchange, 17.11. Haus der Industrie, Wien
"Feel the Business", with a focus on Case Studies and the Workshop Sustainable Entrepreneurial Spirit
Registration: PH-Burgenland (nationwide seminar) - SE, 20.-21.11., Stadtsaal der Kitzbühler Sparkasse, Kitzbühel
"Creativty and Innovation", with a focus on Sustainability and Entrepreneurship
Registration: PH-Tirol (nationwide seminar) - SE 8700.021, 8.2.-10.2.2010, Fortbildungszentrum Stephansplatz, Wien
Focus on sustainability and joined-up thinking
Registration: Zentrum für Berufsbildung der KPH-Wien/Krems
Project Partners
Project management
Dipl.-Kff. Monique Dorsch (Autorin)
Mag. Johannes Lindner (Autor)
Project or cooperation partner
- Mag. Gerald Fröhlich (Autor)
- Mag.a Erika Hammerl (Autorin)
- Mag.a Heide Huber (Lektorat)
- Mag.a Inge Koch (Autorin)
- Helmut Pokornig (lllustrationen im Workshop-Buch)
- Hermann Redlingshofer M.D. (Website-Arbeiten)
- MMag.a Beate Tötterström (Autorin)
- Mag. Tom Tötterström (Satz und Druckabwicklung des Workshop-Buchs)
Contact Address
Mag. Johannes Lindner
Initiative für Teaching Entrepreneurship
Unternehmer/innenzentrum Rochuspark
Erdbergstraße 10/57
1030 Wien
Tel.: +43 (699) 19670660
E-Mail: entrepreneurship@gmx.at