At the predefined locations of a dairy in Upper Austria and a brewery in Lower Austria the demonstration units of biogas - fuel cell are to be planned in the detail. Therefore exact economical and technical investigations and documentations will be prepared. Important goals are optimized energetic integration and best economical solutions.

Short Description




Starting position

In the program line "Energiesysteme der Zukunft" of the BMVIT the project "BIOVISION - Nahversorgung mit Kälte, Wärme, Strom und anderen Leistungen unter Nutzung von stationären Brennstoffzellensystemen" was accomplished as a first stage of a three-part project chain and it was successfully ended with June 2007. BIOVISION compiled a concept for a later realization of demonstration units. With these project results now the preparation of a demonstration unit is planned (this project) and finally the realization of a demonstration unit in a further project is foreseen. In the previous project BIOVISION those enterprises turned out as particularly economical, which produce the biogas from own wastes (whey from the milk processing and waste water from the brewery). In BIOVISION for a certain dairy in upper Austria a first collection on suitability for a stationary fuel cell was accomplished. A favorable picture resulted both from more technical and from economic view, since by the use of residual substances biogas can be produced at a relative low price and at the same time the "Oekostromtarif" can be used. In the case of the brewery the location exhibits a high internal interest rate in the economic comparison and is highly interested in an efficient use of renewable energy. At this location the possibility of the use of the yeast and/or husk wastes from beer production for the biogas production, which causes a further increase of the use of renewable energy, is interesting.

Goals and content of the project (BIOVISION II)

By the concrete examples of a dairy in Upper Austria and a brewery in Lower Austria the demonstration units by biogas -fuel cell are to be planned in the detail. In addition exact technical investigations of the given infrastructure as well as the optimal integration of the useful heat of the Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC) and/or the cooling capacity are necessary. In-plant synergies and characteristics in the energy distribution of load are adjusted with the characteristics of the MCFC and flow into the planning. Since in Austria no MCFC plant is existed, the experiences from Germany are used and merge these over the MCFC manufacturer into the project. Based on a computer assisted economy-model (developed in the previous project BIOVISION) both potential locations will be analysed in detail. Starting with an accurate description of the expected costs and benefits (capital costs, operation costs, receipts of the products of the MCFC and the respective tariffs) a comparative economical calculation is carried out using internal rate of return and capitalized value methods. The project flows finally into the development of detailed documents for a concrete demonstration project.

Project Partners

Project management

Johann Wöllinger
Landfrisch Molkerei reg.Gen.m.b.H.

Project or cooperation partner

  • Brau Union Österreich AG
  • TU Wien - EEG - Energy Economics Group (Werkvertragspartner)
  • MTU Onsite Energy GmbH (assoziierter Partner)
  • Energie AG (Finanzierungspartner und strategischer Beirat)
  • Erdgas OÖ GmbH&COKG (Finanzierungspartner und strategischer Beirat)
  • Wels Strom GmbH (Finanzierungspartner und strategischer Beirat)

Contact Address

Johann Wöllinger
Schubertstraße 30
4600 Wels
Tel.: +43 (0)7242/46996-250
Fax: +43 (0)7242/46996-251
E-Mail: j.woellinger@landfrische.at
Internet: www.landfrisch.at