There are 678 results.
IEA Clean Coal Center Newsletter #76, 8/2013
Publisher: IEA Clean Coal Center (CCC)
English, 8 pages
Publication Downloads
IEA Demand Side Management Programme - Newsletter #50, 10/2013
Publisher: IEA-DSM
English, 10 pages
Publication Downloads
IEA Heat Pump Centre Newsletter Vol. 31
Publisher: IEA Heat Pump Centre
English, 44 pages
Publication Downloads
IEA SHC - Strategic Plan 2014-2018
Publisher: IEA-Solar Heating & Cooling Programme
English, 34 pages
Publication Downloads
Energy efficiency in industry
Innovation at the production site Austria
energy innovation austria
Publisher: BMVIT
English, 8 pages
Publication Downloads
IEA Bioenergy Task 39 Newsletter #31 (2012)
Commercializing Liquid Biofuels from Biomass
English, 16 pages
Publication Downloads
IEA Bioenergy Task 39 Newsletter #33 (April 2013): South Afrika
Diese Ausgabe des Newsletters beinhaltet neben Neuigkeiten aus der Task, interessanten Berichten, Veranstaltungen und News, einen Schwerpunktsartikel über die Entwicklungen im Biotreibstoffbereich in Südafrika.
English, 16 pages
Publication Downloads
IEA Advanced Fuel Cells Implementing Agreement - Annual Report 2012
Publisher: IEA Advanced Fuel Cell Programme (AFC)
English, 75 pages
Publication Downloads
IEA Advanced Fuel Cells Implementing Agreement - Annual Report 2011
Publisher: IEA Advanced Fuel Cell Programme (AFC)
English, 75 pages
Publication Downloads
TASK 38 Case Study Report: GHG and energy analysis of a bioethanol oriented biorefinery concept in Austria (Graz, 2013)
F. Cherubini, G. Jungmeier, D. N. Bird
Publication Downloads
Energy R&D - Public Expenditure in Austria 2012
Membership of the International Energy Agency (IEA) obligates Austria to report on an annual basis all publicly financed energy research and development projects. This survey fulfils not only international requirements but also shows the importance of energy research in Austria and helps to set and test policy goals as well as to recognize respective trends at an early stage.
IEA Advanced Motor Fuels - Annual Report 2012
Publisher: International Energy Agency - Advanced Motor Fuels
English, 208 pages
Publication Downloads
IEA AMF - Newsletter 2/2013
Publisher: International Energy Agency - Advanced Motor Fuels
English, 14 pages
Publication Downloads
Environmental Sustainability of Biomass
Summary and Conclusions from the IEA Bioenergy ExCo68 Workshop
Publisher: IEA Bioenergy
English, 20 pages
Publication Downloads
IEA Bioenergy - Annual Report 2012
IEA Bioenergy Task 32 Report
Status overview of torrefaction technologies
J. Koppejan et al
English, 61 pages
Publication Downloads
IEA Bioenergy Task 39 Newsletter #32 (2012)
Commercializing Conventional and Advanced Liquid Biofuels from Biomass
English, 17 pages
Publication Downloads
Solar Heat Worldwide - Markets and Contribution to the Energy Supply 2011
Edition 2013
Werner Weiss and Franz Mauthner
Publisher: AEE Intec, im Auftrag des Solar Heating & Cooling Programme der International Energy Agency (IEA)
English, 64 pages
Publication Downloads
IEA Demand Side Management Task XVI Competitive Energy Services (Energy Contracting, ESCO Services)
Final Report Phase 1: 2006 - 2009
J. W. Bleyl-Androschin, D. Schinnerl
Publisher: BMVIT
English, 56 pages
Publication Downloads
Active networks
Austrian research, modelling and demonstration initiatives for tomorrow`s smart power supply system
Publisher: BMVIT
English, 6 pages