
There are 678 results.

Haus der Zukunft

old house? old house!

The renovation and restructuring of existing housing stock using modern, ecologically efficient building technology as a means for developing Assisted Living Centres for senior citizens within an urban context

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Existing building reconstruction and implementation of passive house components

Implementation of passive house components, systems and techniques into the practice of existing building reconstruction, in order to reduce the energy consumption as much as possible and to increase the living quality substantially. Craftspeople and planners, who are specialized in building renovation, should gain access to passive house know-how.

Haus der Zukunft

Subjective housing quality as social acceptance test of sustainability

Post occupancy evaluation with residents of four low energy building projects and four conventional residential buildings in the city of Salzburg. (A co-operative project with the Workers Chamber of Salzburg and provincial research into residential building).

Haus der Zukunft

Comfort for sustainability

Research project on comfort and on the health and recreational value of passive houses

Haus der Zukunft

Information point for renewable and ecological materials (II) internet platform, information and service offer and transfer event "Building of Tomorrow"

Establishment of www.nawaro.comas the central platform for building materials made of renewable resources will be realised with the help of the enlargement of the internet database and extensive service and information offer consisting of stake holder support, events, PR and transfer for "House of Tomorrow.

Haus der Zukunft

Binderfree Cellulose Compounds

Optimisation of weatherproof-performance (UV-protection and water-tightness) of binderfree cellulose compounds (incl. life cycle optimisation)

Haus der Zukunft

Specification for biomass heating systems for buildings with low energy demand

The aim of this project was to develop specifications for biomass heating systems for buildings with a low energy demand. The focus was on multi-family residential buildings and office buildings.

Haus der Zukunft

Benchmarking - sustainability of housing subsidies across the federal provinces

Systematical description, analysis and comparison of all ecological, economic and social sus-tainability of the systems aspects of housing subsidy for new buildings and the renovation of buildings across the federal provinces of Austria; an analysis of regional-economic effects and a statistical-econometric analysis of the allocation effects of housing subsidies.

Haus der Zukunft

Development of a passivehouse - external door

Development of a passive-house-suited external-door-system producible in series production.

Haus der Zukunft

Development of modular parts for clay-passive houses

Development of extensive storey-high modular parts made of renewable primary products (wood, straw, hemp) for clay-passive houses.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

Advanced and Sustainable Housing Renovation

A guide for Designers and Planners
Publisher: BMVIT
English, 240 pages

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Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

Bioenergy: Counting on Incentives (2010)

Response to the paper by D. Searchinger et. al., Letters to Science. 327 (2010), 1199 - 1200. Pingoud K., Cowie A., Bird N., Gustavsson L., Rüter S., Sathre R., Soimakallio S., Türk A., Woess-Gallasch S. English

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Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

NAMA Guidelines for Land-Use and Bioenergy (2010)

The land use and bioenergy sectors from an integrated system. This system has features that are likely to require approaches distinct from those suitable for other sectors. Thus, although a general framework for NAMAs has been developed, requirements appropriate to specific sectors are needed. Multilingual

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Solar Heating Worldwide

Markets and Contribution to the Energy Supply 2001

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

Economics of mercury control (06-2008)


Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

Analysis of Long-Term Performance of PV Systems

IEA-PVPS Task 13, May 2014
Publisher: IEA Photovoltaik Power Systems Programme
English, 60 pages

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Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Design Guidelines - Solar Space Heating of Factory Buildings

This booklet presents a method to design solar thermal systems for space heating of factory buildings using underfloor heating systems.

Haus der Zukunft

Model region Güssing

English, 6 pages

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