Energy- Research and Development

Short Description




In 2006 Austria's public expenditures for energy related research and development were 42.399.551,-- Euro. Compared to 2005 this means an increase of 41,3 % (12.382.932,--Euro).

Almost three quarters of this amount (72,9 %) [2005: 68,2 %] was supplied by the government (state, federal) and funding organisations. However (27,1 %) [2005: 31,8 %] of Austria's expenditures were spent by universities, colleges of higher education and research institutions, which are (partly) publicly financed.

The expenditures of the federal ministries amount 23.176.071,-- Euro [2005: 13.267.705,-- Euro], lead by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology with 82,0 % [2005: 63,4 %].

Universities spent 7.144.127,-- Euro [2005: 6.768.824,-- Euro], lead by Vienna and Graz University of Technology (TU Vienna 37,7 %, TU Graz 36,7 %).

The federal provinces (Länder) spent 2.980.568,-- Euro [2005: 3.893.886,-- Euro]. Styria was the province with the highest expenditures - 36,5 % [2005: 70,5 %], followed by the province of Upper Austria - 28,4 % [2004: 22,0 %]. In 2006 Burgenland exceeded Vienna and is now ranked third.

The most important fields were "renewable energy" with some 32,6 % [2005: 36,3 %] and "energy efficiency" amounting up to 23,6 % [2005: 31,8 %]. Please be aware of substantial changes of sectors and their definitions, which took place in 2006.

About 56 % [2005: 65 %] of the budget was spent for applied research, the share of experimental development was 33 % [2005: 21 %]. The remaining 11 % [2005: 14 %] were spent for basic research.

560 [2005: 434] energy-R&D projects were identified and analysed in 2006.