Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet%3A Energietechnologien gestalten%2C die f%C3%BCr alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Haus der Zukunft

Aufbau einer österreichischen EPD-Plattform für Bauprodukte

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Energy storage systems

Key technologies for the energy transition energy innovation austria 5/2021

Herausgeber: BMK in cooperation with the Climate and Energy Fund
Englisch, 16 Seiten

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Haus der Zukunft


Guidelines for a sustainable real estate rating of residental buildings

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

70th IEA Fluidized Bed Conversion (FBC) Meeting

13. - 14. June 2015
Åbo Akademi University, building: Axelia IITurku, FI

Das nächste internationale IEA Wirbelschichttechnologie Treffen findet in Turku, Finnland statt. Interessierte können sich jetzt anmelden.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

DG DemoNetz - Konzept

Aktiver Betrieb von elektrischen Verteilnetzen mit hohem Anteil dezentraler Stromerzeugung - Konzeption von Demonstrationsnetzen Schriftenreihe 12/2010
H. Brunner, A. Lugmaier, B. Bletterie, H. Fechner, R. Bründlinger
Herausgeber: BMVIT
Deutsch, 198 Seiten

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Haus der Zukunft

ECR Energy City Graz - subproject 3: +ERS - Plus Energy Network Reininghaus Süd

The multifunctional neighbourhood "+ERS - Plus Energy Network Reininghaus Süd" was realized within the urban planning area of Graz-Reininghaus. The project aims to optimize the energy concept of the single buildings as well as of the building cluster in order to achieve a plus-energy standard within the residential neighbourhood.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Development of a method and an innovative machine for the industrial application of environmentally friendly, mineral oil free lubricants in deep drawing processes

Eliminating the usage of mineral oil based lubricants in deep drawing processes by an innovative machine for clean application of environmentally friendly wax-based forming emulsions.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Spatial models as a basis of decision making for the utilisation of regionally available energy potentials for a CO2 neutral satisfaction of the local heat demand

Analytical GIS-methods to model regionally available renewable energy potentials for the evaluation of measures to achieve a CO2-neutral heating and cooling supply.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Valuation models for future energy clusters considering market, technology and policy uncertainty - Case Study Biomass

Market liberalization, technological change and increasing complexity of international policy processes (e .g. climate negotiations) necessitate new approaches to evaluating investments in an uncertainty and risk-augmented framework. This project developed valuation methods from financial theory - such as real options valuation and portfolio optimization - to quantify the relative competitiveness of bioenergy chains and total energy systems.

Haus der Zukunft

BIGMODERN - Subproject 5: Feasibility studies about innovative technical solutions

The application of innovative technologies means additional planning and coordination effort which usually cannot be incorporated into the conventional planning processes of the BIG. To overcome these barriers for the application of innovative technologies, the sub project at hand aims at preparing information, feasibility studies, planning records, experiences and practical examples in a way, that they can be implemented directly into the planning process.

Stadt der Zukunft

CO2-Demobau - Exploration of the feasibility of carbon-neutral model construction sites

By highlighting green innovations, networking with stakeholders in the construction industry and applying the findings of the previous study "CO2 neutrale Baustelle", the foundation is set for future carbon-neutral model construction sites. These construction sites will serve as best-practice examples in the fields of contracting, construction operations organization and technology.

Stadt der Zukunft - Development of a Vision 2030 for a Digital Building Authority and Recommendations for Action in Austria

In Austria, planning permission applications are submitted and managed largely manually. The aims of the project are to evaluate the potential and limitations of digitizing building approval processes and to create a Vision 2030 strategy for a digital building authority.

Stadt der Zukunft

VERTICAL FARMING - Investigation on requirements of a Vertical Farm-prototype development for crop plant production

In the center of interest stands the investigation of fundamental principles for a new building typology – the Vertical Farm. Urban vertical food production can contribute to more energy efficient cities by concurrently reducing land use. Substantial influencing factors to achieve these goals are intended to be revealed.

Haus der Zukunft

BIMaterial Process Design for Material Building Pass

Building Information Modelling supported compilation of a Material Building Pass; as a qualitative and quantitative documentation of the material composition of, and the material distribution within, a building structure. This project is a central milestone towards standardized, BIM-generated building material passes.

Stadt der Zukunft


The integration of heat pumps can increase the cost effectiveness of existing heating networks and counter the high costs for the expansion of power grids at the same time. Aim of the project is to develop innovative business models for small and medium municipal heating networks with focus on synergies between heat and power market. Main focus is a heat pump pooling for several heat grids.

Stadt der Zukunft

G2G – Innovation axis Graz-Gleisdorf

Development of testbeds and demonstration zones within already designated areas for urban development along the Graz-Gleisdorf Innovation-Axis with a focus on energy, integrated building technology, smart city-spaces, compact settlement structures, generational living, and ‘cities of short ways’. It will pay specific attention to intermodal mobility as well as ICT-based solutions.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Compatibility of sustainability and economic efficiency of bioethanol production with a special focus on small-sized ethanol plants

Scientific investigation of compatibility of sustainability and economic efficiency of bioethanol production with a special focus on small-sized ethanol plants. Improvement of energetic efficiency by integration of residuals from feedstock- and bioethanol production.

Stadt der Zukunft

ECC – EnergyCityConcepts – Development of a methodology and concept for the implementation of sustainable energy systems in cities by the example of Gleisdorf and Salzburg

In the context of this project two concrete model regions (small city Gleisdorf and urban city quarter Salzburg-Schallmoos) will be developed and tested with new methodical approaches (interdisciplinary urban and regional energy planning, modeling and simulation). An ambitious political commitment of both model regions is a 100% renewable or rather CO2-neutral energy supply.

Haus der Zukunft

Seminar: Energiesparen für öffentliche Gebäude

14. Feb 2004
Akademie für Recht & Steuern (ARS)Wien, AT

Der erfolgreiche Abschluss von Einspar-Contracting- Verträgen durch öffentliche Auftraggeber

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

Solar Heat Worldwide: Marktbericht über Solarwärme­technologien (Edition 2009)

Markets and Contribution to the Energy Supply 2007 Werner Weiss, Irene Bergmann, Roman Stelzer (AEE INTEC - AEE Institute for Sustainable Technologies)
Herausgeber: IEA Solar Heating & Cooling Programme