There are 679 results.
Carbon Management

Concepts and technologies for sustainable carbon balance
energy innovation austria
Publisher: BMK in cooperation with the Climate and Energy Fund
English, 12 pages
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Pioneering Austrian Cities

Pioneering Austrian cities leading the way to climate neutrality.
energy innovation austria
Publisher: BMK in cooperation with the Climate and Energy Fund
English, 12 pages
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Industry on the path to climate neutrality

Focus: Circular economy
energy innovation austria
Publisher: BMK in cooperation with the Climate and Energy Fund
English, 12 pages
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Energy R&D 2023: Public Expenditures in Austria

Public spending on energy research totalled 310.8 million euros in 2023. The figure for 2021, by far the highest ever recorded in Austria, was therefore exceeded.
A. Indinger, F. Bettin, M. Rollings
Publisher: BMK
German, 150 pages
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Energy research expenditure - corporate sector in Austria 2021

759.8 million in research expenditure was allocated to the topic of energy by domestic companies in 2021. This figure was 16% higher than the comparable figure from the 2019 survey. The report contains detailed figures and analyses of various technologies with regard to company and public R&D investments.
A. Indinger, F. Bettin
Publisher: BMK, 2024
German, 66 pages
Shaping the energy transition

Women point the way in research and the energy industry
energy innovation austria
Publisher: BMK in cooperation with the Climate and Energy Fund
English, 12 pages
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50 Years International Energy Agency

Austria’s contribution to global research collaboration.
energy innovation austria
Publisher: BMK in cooperation with the Climate and Energy Fund
English, 16 pages
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Wind Energy - Industry in Austria

This brochure examines the existing domestic value-added in the wind energy sector as it stands today.
Publisher: IG Windkraft supported by BMK (2024)
English, 16 pages
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Photovoltaic - Industry and Research in Austria

This brochure examines the existing domestic value creation in the field of photovoltaics and provides an overview of the Austrian research landscape, along with open research questions related to photovoltaic technology.
Publisher: Austrian Photovoltaic Technology Platform - TPPV supported by BMK (2024)
English, 13 pages
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Hydrogen for the energy transition

Research and technology development in Austria
energy innovation austria
Publisher: BMK in cooperation with the Climate and Energy Fund
English, 12 pages
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Testing the energy transition in practice

Living laboratories for a climate-neutral energy supply
energy innovation austria
Publisher: BMK in cooperation with the Climate and Energy Fund
English, 16 pages
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Climate-friendly buildings

Monitoring sustainable construction methods in Austria
energy innovation austria
Publisher: BMK in cooperation with the Climate and Energy Fund
English, 12 pages
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Energy R&D 2022: Public Expenditures in Austria

The public energy research expenditures amounted to 214.4 million euros in 2022, which is 9.6 million euros less than in the previous year.
A. Indinger, F. Bettin, M. Rollings
Publisher: BMK
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Innovations for energy communities

Research and technology development for their successful implementation in Austria
energy innovation austria
Publisher: BMK in cooperation with the Climate and Energy Fund
English, 12 pages
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Climate-neutral city

Strategies and examples for sustainable urban development
energy innovation austria
Publisher: BMK in cooperation with the Climate and Energy Fund
English, 12 pages
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Renewable Heating and Cooling

Innovative technologies and concepts for sustainable heating and cooling
energy innovation austria
Publisher: BMK in cooperation with the Climate and Energy Fund
English, 12 pages
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Energy R&D 2021: Public Expenditures in Austria

The public energy research expenditures amounted to 224.1 million euros in 2021, thanks to the economic stimulus plan. This is the highest value so far and an increase of 44.4%.
A. Indinger, M. Rollings
Publisher: BMK
English, 123 pages
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Climate-neutral industry

Paths towards clean, competitive manufacturing
energy innovation austria
Publisher: BMK in cooperation with the Climate and Energy Fund
English, 16 pages
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Digital technologies

Digital technologies in order to make the most out of renewable energy sources.
energy innovation austria
Publisher: BMK in cooperation with the Climate and Energy Fund
English, 12 pages
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IEA 4E Product Energy Efficiency Trends (PEET) Project – 4 Reports

The Product Energy Efficiency Trends (PEET) project aims to monitor the energy efficiency of selected product groups in the 4E member countries and regions, to provide information on progress from year to year. The latest PEET reports published in 2022 summarize the state of energy efficiency regulations for four product groups. These are: electric motors, room air conditioners, televisions and monitors, and household refrigerators.
Publisher: IEA - 4E Energieeffiziente Endverbrauchsgeräte, 2022