Industry on the path to climate neutrality

Focus: Circular economy
energy innovation austria 3/2024

Publisher: BMK in cooperation with the Climate and Energy Fund
English, 12 pages

Content Description

The decarbonisation of industry has an important role to play with achieving climate neutrality. The aim is to reduce emissions that negatively impact the climate and to use energy and resources sparingly and efficiently. New technologies and solutions for clean and competitive production are currently being researched and demonstrated in Austria. The circular economy is a pioneering concept for the sustainable transformation of industry.

Content overview

  • Topic: Zero emissions
    Concepts and measures for climate-neutral industry
  • Strategy: On the path to a circular economy
    Goals and activities
  • Project: DIGITECH4CE
    Key digital technologies for circular production
    with waste heat from industrial plants
  • International: International collaboration
    for the decarbonisation of industry
  • Project: Carbon-Cycle Economy Demonstration
    Lead project for a closed carbon cycle
  • Project: Biomass as an energy carrier
    for paper and pulp production at Sappi/Gratkorn
