Testing the energy transition in practice

Living laboratories for a climate-neutral energy supply
energy innovation austria 3/2023

Publisher: BMK in cooperation with the Climate and Energy Fund
English, 16 pages

Content Description

This special issue explores the idea of a living laboratory for a regional energy supply drawn 100% from renewable sources. Concepts from nine different areas in Austria showcase how the interaction between technologies, components and stakeholders in an integrated, renewable energy system can be illustrated in a true-to-life way and trialled under real-world conditions.

Content overview

  • Topic: 100% renewable energy supply
    How can the energy transition work in practice?
  • Flagship Initiative: The next step
    initial projects for living laboratories for 100% renewable energy
    a living laboratory in the central Inn valley for climate-neutral semi-urban areas
    creating climate-friendly, resource-efficient energy regions using innovative low-tech solutions
  • # MURAU
    a living laboratory to deliver the energy transition in inner Alpine regions
    heading for 100% renewable energy by 2040
  • REal
    a living laboratory for integrated regional renewable energy systems
  • REGOreal
    regional energy serving the economy and the common good
  • TANZ
    tourism as an opportunity for the energy transition
  • Living laboratory for a 100% renewable Waldviertel
  • WEIZ plus
    a living laboratory for the energy transition
