Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

Sensitivity of System Design on Heat Distribution Cost in District Heating (2014)

IEA Bioenergie Task 32 Thomas Nussbaumer, Stefan Thalmann
Herausgeber: Verenum und Schweizer Bundesamt für Energie

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Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Cepheus Cost Efficient Passive Houses As European Standards

Österreichische Teilnahme am Projekt im Rahmen des THERMIE-Programms der Europäischen Kommission Forschungsforum 2/2001

Herausgeber: BMVIT
Deutsch, 6 Seiten

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Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

Status Report on District Heating Systems in IEA Countries (2014)

IEA Bioenergie Task 32 Thomas Nussbaumer, Stefan Thalmann
Herausgeber: Verenum und Schweizer Bundesamt für Energie
Englisch, 48 Seiten

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Fabrik der Zukunft

Aufarbeitung von Filterrückständen bei der Bierherstellung zur Gewinnung einer innovativen pharmazeutischen Substanz

Schriftenreihe 26/2007
C. Zeppelzauer, K. Kühne
Herausgeber: Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie
Deutsch, 43 Seiten

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Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Aktoren unterstützte, adaptive Verbrennungsoptimierung zur Feinstaubreduzierung

Dipl.-Ing. Herbert Hartl, MBA
Herausgeber: Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie

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Haus der Zukunft

Ecological restoration of a listed building with passive house technologies

Ecological exemplary reconstruction of the "Haidenhof"-building, Bad Ischl, Upper Austria. Building refurbishment with respect to monumental protection and newest passive house technologies. Reorganisation of the former residential building to an academy of arts and culture.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA SHC Task 59/EBC Annex 76: Deep Renovation of Historic Buildings - Towards lowest possible energy demand and CO2 emission (nZEB)

The goal of Task 59 was to document international best practice examples (knowledge base), develop a multidisciplinary planning process, and develop holistic retrofit solutions for historic buildings. As a knowledge base, the Historic Building Retrofit Atlas ( emerged from the project. In the HiBERatlas more than 55 best practice examples are documented. In addition to the management of Subtask A (Knowledge Base) and Subtask C (Conservation compatible retrofit solutions & strategies), innovative technical and organizational retrofit solutions, which have already been applied in national demonstration projects and tested in practice, have been incorporated and further developed through the Austrian participation.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

Energieforschungsstrategie Österreich

Making the Zero Carbon Society Possible! Michael Cerveny, Johannes Gadner, Anton Graschopf, Michael Paula
Herausgeber: Rat für Forschung und Technologieentwicklung
Deutsch, 56 Seiten

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Fabrik der Zukunft

Erstellung eines Konzeptes zur Entwicklung der "Dienstleistung Schmierung" zur Maximierung der Anlagenlebensdauer auf Basis von Ionischen Flüssigkeiten als Spezialschmiermittel

Schriftenreihe 05/2007
DI Dr. Michael Kotschan MBA
Herausgeber: Bundesministeriums für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie
Deutsch, 43 Seiten

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Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Interregional Logistics- and Procurement Network for Forest Fuel in Austria

A concept for a cooperative forest fuel supply chain network for a large part of Austria (regions of Salzburg, Upper Austria, Lower Austria, Vienna) is developed in order to minimise transport-, storage- and total system costs while simultaneously increasing supply guarantee for the plants.

Haus der Zukunft

"Building of Tomorrow" on the road - knowledge transfer of the results from "Building of Tomorrow" to existing traineeships

Knowledge transfer of the programme "Building of Tomorrow" to specialists on universities, advanced technical colleges, polytechnics, construction academies, administration academies. Themes: Energy, Construction and Building Physics, Ecology and Architecture and Sociology.

Fabrik der Zukunft


Abbau von Markthemmnissen bei haushaltsnahen Produkt-Dienstleistungs-Systemen, insbes. Reparaturleistungen, durch Servicestellen an Standorten mit hoher Kundenfrequenz Schriftenreihe 25/2007
M. Neitsch, A. Potzinger, U. Kabosch
Herausgeber: Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie
Deutsch, 158 Seiten

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Fabrik der Zukunft

FABRIK der Zukunft Hintergrundband Teil 1, Auflage 1

Sammlung von Projektergebnissen aus der Programmlinie FABRIK der Zukunft Schriftenreihe 09/2008
Hans-Günther Schwarz, Mag. Sabine List
Herausgeber: Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie
Deutsch, 206 Seiten

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Haus der Zukunft

baubookPlus - Expansion of an extensive knowledge database of sustainable buildings

By the foundation of the baubook GmbH in 2008 the two databases of building products "öbox" and "" have been merged. The new database baubook was expanded. Essential functions (central product declaration, decentral quality management) and fields of products were added.


BuildReUse ‐ 100 percent re‐use and recycling in buildings with short usage cycles

Some buildings, such as supermarkets or office buildings, are often demolished and rebuilt after a few years or at least have their interiors changed, turning large quantities of building components into waste. The BuildReUse project aims to develop circular economy concepts for these buildings and to promote the necessary change in the construction industry.

Fabrik der Zukunft

RepaMobil - Reduction of market barriers for product-service-systems, especially repair- and other household services by setting up central service points at big company sites where a lot of potential customers pass by

Feasibility study / implementation concept for central repair- and service points (mobile or stationary) for repair- and other household services located directly at big company sites; raising the demand for sustainable services by private households.

Haus der Zukunft

Beacon of innovation gugler cross media, ecoeffective zero energy cross media enterprise featuring zero-emission, zero energy, zero waste

The aim of the flagship project is a new dimension of sustainability (cradle to cradle, ecoeffective zero energy enterprise) for business operation and building, which means zero emission, zero energy, zero waste. This will be shown on the basis of a beacon of innovation: Gugler GmbH, a modern sustainable media services enterprise (traditional print and new media) will extend their current building from about 2100 square meters and about 90 employees to about 5,000 square meters.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Production and upgrading of fermentation gas at the location Wals-Siezenheim to be feed into the natural gas distribution network

Production and multistage purification process of approx. 150 m³/ h biogas in Wals-Siezenheim. Prove the feasibility of trouble-free feeding of biogas into the natural gas grid of the Salzburg AG within an operation period of 3 years.

Haus der Zukunft

Haus der Zukunft in der Praxis Themenworkshop 12: Innovationen im großvolumigen Wohnbau

23. Okt 2006
FFG, Sensengasse 1 1090 Wien, AT

Themenworkshop aus der Reihe Haus der Zukunft in der Praxis

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Developing of a application for central visualisation of the energy and resource demand in a private household "ZENVIS"

The main focus of the research project ZENVIS is set on the analysis of the benefits provided by a "visualization device", which gathers the readings of energy and resource consumption (electricity, gas, water, heat energy and fuel consumption). This device ought to find its use in households and to allow the consumer to observe and to control his energy consumption.