Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Haus der Zukunft

"gugler! build & print triple zero" - subproject 4: energy concept Gugler

The energy concept led Gugler in frame of the conversion and expansion of the company towards plus-energy standard. Significant measures ware a consequent maximum reduction of the energy demand, optimal utilisation of industrial waste-heat, maximum consumption of on-site energy sources, integrated energy production, ecologic load manage­ment with comprehensive response- and storage-techniques.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Socio-technical support model - energy vision Murau

A socio-technical support model will be created for the Region of Murau. It will be established in strong cooperation with local and regional actors, to reach a broad realisation of a network on sustainable solutions on renewable energy sources. This pilot model will also be an example for multiply.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Reduction of Broke in Paper Production

Development of a measurement and control system that detects paper deformation during production. Thus, broke is reduced, significant savings in energy use are achieved, and the economic efficiency is well increased.

Energie 2050

Smart Grids Week - Graz 2014

Programm 19. Mai 2014

Fabrik der Zukunft

ZERIA 3 (Zero Emissions Research in Application)

Elaboration of the principles for zero emission enterprises. The results show that this approach can be realistic and economically advantageous in many cases.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Integral Resource Optimisation Network - Concept

An integral control network for optimizing the resource "electrical energy". Concept for new, innovative services for the power market based on the latest advances in the field of modern information- and communication technologies.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA-DHC Annex TS2: Implementation of Low Temperature District Heating Systems

The potential of alternative heat sources is highest at low system temperatures, but current district heating networks are usually high-temperature systems. The aim of the IEA DHC Annex TS2 is to support the transformation of district heating networks towards lower temperatures (the so-called 4th generation). For this purpose, Annex TS2 forms an international platform that enables an exchange on the topics of technology, system, demonstration and competitiveness.

Haus der Zukunft


Ein nachwachsendes Haus Schriftenreihe 27/2007
R. Korab, E. Delugan-Meissl, C. Schweiger, H. G. Ambrozy, H. Wimmer, N. Küblböck, H. Czaja, R. Mischek, T. Belazzi, R. Lechner, F. Waclawek
Herausgeber: Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie
Deutsch, 186 Seiten

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Fabrik der Zukunft

Development of microreactor technology for enzymatic processes and application for lactose conversion

Accelerated design of a pilot scale process for enzyme-catalyzed hydrolysis of lactose in whey using microreactor technologies. Development of a prototypical immobilized enzyme microreactor for optimisation of enzymatic reactions; improved gathering of process-relevant parameters for reduced time-to-market and decision support for investment decisions.

Haus der Zukunft


Development of transparent, technical and economic models for medium and high volume residential buildings, with special focus on the non-profit sector. Topics such as generation living, teleworking as well as smart homes are developed in an integrated model, for dense structures as well as pavillons and townhouses. All models follow the three pillars of sustainability.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Sustainable Lifestyles

Create sustainable products, services and lifestyles: Analysis of typologies of lifestyles, scope for design for companies, involvement of consumers and stakeholders.

Stadt der Zukunft

Green BIM - Green building infrastructure as part of BIM-based planning and maintenance

Fusion of greenery and BIM planning to achieve a friction-free conducting and maintenance. By analysing the case studies, “Green BIM” examined to what extent typical steps in planning regarding greened buildings can be edited by characteristic software programs in a BIM-equitable way. The expected outcomes are supplements to international standards for data structures in civil engineering (IFC / ISO 16739) which are further on added to BIM applications by the software industry.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Agricultural Resources for Biogas Production

Genotypes of energy plants adapted to the location will be identified and specialist crop rotation adapted to the location will be developed. The fermentation process will be optimised and the methane energy model will be advanced. The efficiency of the biogas production will be enhanced.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Saving energy with "single-family house contracting"

Saving energy with "single-family house contracting": developing of standardized modules for energy saving measures, evaluation methods for proving the quality of the measures, model contracts and marketing-strategies.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Compatibility of sustainability and economic efficiency of bioethanol production with a special focus on small-sized ethanol plants

Scientific investigation of compatibility of sustainability and economic efficiency of bioethanol production with a special focus on small-sized ethanol plants. Improvement of energetic efficiency by integration of residuals from feedstock- and bioethanol production.

Stadt der Zukunft

PhaseOut – Heat pump technologies in the renovation of existing buildings

The aim is the conception, optimization, implementation, demonstration and evaluation of innovative, minimally invasive renovation solutions (thermal renovation and heating system replacement) with heat pumps and PV in multi-storey buildings on seven identical buildings. The comprehensive comparison includes various technical solution variants based on modular and scalable building technology systems as well as multifunctional building components for the exchange of decentralized gas heating by central, semi-central and decentralized heat pump solutions.

Haus der Zukunft

Modular and standardised passive houses in solid timber construction

Concerning to an accurate and adaptable construction of 2 to 4 storey solid timber houses with the characteristics of a passive house, a digital construction and dimension system will be developed. The system which contains standardised modular ecological detailed solutions enables an exact dimensioning and installation of passive houses by small carpentering companies.

Haus der Zukunft

Platform for Energy-Efficient Hospitals - ways to a higher energy-efficiency

The present project is based on the results of the project "The energy-efficient hospital: realistic departure points and identification of possible measures"

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Field test of a virtual power Plant comprising 30 pellet-boiler fired micro-CHP modules

A virtual biomass plant comprising 30 micro-CHP-Modules, each of them integrated into an existing pellets-boiler in the Austrian region of eastern Styria is to be tested. The goal of this project is to gain experience and to introduce a new sustainable technology.

Haus der Zukunft

International eco-label for sustainable building products

Standardisation of testing criteria of acknowledged eco-labels in co-operation with the specialised trade for building products.