Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Fabrik der Zukunft

PSS-ÖB - Strategies to deal with barriers to the implementation of ecoefficient Product-Service-Systems in Public Procurement

Analysis of factors that support or hinder the implementation of Product-Service-Systems in public procurement, development of strategies to overcome those obstacles and investiga-tion and documentation of available Good-Practice-Examples.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Natural Dyes for the Textile Industry

New cooperations between agriculture und industry are necessary to ensure the utilization of renewable materials. The project´s focus is upon natural dyes and their application in textile industry. The goal of the project is to create a contact institution which connects various suppliers of diverse plant materials, takes on the processing, and standardising of the natural dyes, and makes a product that can be used by the industry.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Characterisation of material parameters as basis for innovative processing methods and products made of large dimensioned wood aiming at economically sustainable use of Austrian timber resources "XXL-Wood"

Facing the problem of decreasing demand for large dimensioned timber, investigations are carried out concerning certain properties like strength and fibre characteristics. Due to the data it is possible to create a model about the variability of special properties of a stem. Based on the model new concepts for optimised processing and products will be developed.

Haus der Zukunft

THERM-opti-BALKON-P2 - Thermisch optimierte Balkonsanierung Phase 2: In-Situ-Versuchsanlage

Bei der thermischen Sanierung von Gebäuden stellen frei auskragende Balkone ein besonderes Problem dar. Mit dem THERM-opti-BALKON-System wird derzeit unter Laborbedingungen ein diesbezüglicher Lösungsansatz erforscht. Phase 2 soll eine In-Situ-Versuchsanlage unter realen Bedingungen als Technologiedemonstrator schaffen. Wichtigster Untersuchungsgegenstand ist das Langzeitverhalten des THERM-opti-BALKON-Systems.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

The Paper Factory in the Year 2030

Paper factory in the year 2030 as an integrated part of a sustainable economy and a supplier of sustainable paper products fulfilling criteria for sustainability at highest possible level.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

#EEG++ Digital Energy Communities Optimized

The project aims to develop an innovative energy system for plus-energy neighborhoods by integrating advanced photovoltaic installations, IoT technology, and energy communities to maximize the self-consumption of renewable energy while ensuring economic efficiency and user-centricity.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Bio bitumen - bitumen substitute based on renewable raw materials and resulting in energy efficient asphalt

Development of a binder for asphalt based on renewable raw materials. Studies to choose the ideal natural base product, regarding the aspect of utilization of remaining material and the elaboration of practical methods of synthesis were made.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Colors of Nature - vegetable dyes in practice

By means of optimization of the production of vegetable dyes and dyeing technology, the vegetable dyestuff "Colors of Nature" will achieve market maturity. In co-operation with farmers and companies of the textile, food processing and wood working industry there has been developed a competitive product throughout the value chain, which will not only yield an ecological advantage, but also generate regional creation of value.

Stadt der Zukunft

NEBKrit - Quality criteria for buildings and neighbourhoods on the basis of the New European Bauhaus

Develop criteria of aesthetics and social inclusion based on the values of the New European Bauhaus to complement existing sustainability criteria in order to evaluate buildings and neighbourhoods more broadly. Since todayʼs necessary transformation of the economy always includes cultural and social aspects, such a broader assessment makes more sense than todayʼs usual methods.

Fabrik der Zukunft

New market potential for Wood Plastic Composites by applications for injection moulding

Wood Plastic Composites (WPC) should gain new market potential and create new value via applications in injection moulding. Therefore it is necessary to develop a formulation suitable for injection moulding to access the existing market potential.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Highlights of Factory of Tomorrow, presented on

Dissemination of the subprogram Factory of tomorrow's highlights in the field of biopolymer, composites and building material on (Information pool for biological materials). Additional current information about biological materials in articles on-line. Networking of relevant companies with the help of a cooperation forum and a database.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Open Innovation

Instruments and Strategies for the involvement of users and other relevant social groups in the design process: the example of fuel cell technology in end-user markets and wood-plastic composites.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Improvement of resource efficient use of wood

Modelling of wood processing in order to demonstrate the developments' impacts on performance

Klimaneutrale Stadt

RCC2 - Life cycle assessment of heatable formwork for CO2-reduced and climate-neutral concrete

Experimental development of innovative formulations of CO2-reduced concrete and heated formwork to support early strength development in wintry temperatures.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

ReBuildStock - Portfolio management for the decarbonisation of larger housing stocks

Portfolio management method to support the decision-making processes of owners of larger housing stocks in developing strategies for the rapid and socially responsible decarbonisation of their building stock.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Wiener Neustadt Climate neutral

Wiener Neustadt as a pioneering city, is making a conscious and ambitious transition towards climate neutrality. This complex transformation requires different measures. The measures shall both be developed in-house or developed by others and transferred to Wiener Neustadt. The effect of the entire bundle of measures from the different areas (e.g. governance, implementation districts, learning environment or energy, mobility, buildings, etc.) is subject to fact-based climate monitoring.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Wood Plastic Composite - Direct extrusion

Development of a wood composite direct dosing system

Fabrik der Zukunft

Concept for the preparation of the demo project "KernCraft Austria"

Compilation and integration of activities carried out in the field of cascade utilisation of stone fruits seeds ("KernCraft Austria") and planning of a demonstration project to start implementation of KernCraft Austria.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

PioneerCityDornbirn - Transformation of the city of Dornbirn towards a climate-neutral city.

The project "PioneerCityDornbirn" aims to transform the city of Dornbirn towards climate neutrality. Internal competencies are being developed, processes are being improved, and initial implementations are being driven forward to support the decarbonization of the city by 2040.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Investigation of the sustainable utilisation of carbon from methane pyrolysis

One of the possible alternative production routes for renewable hydrogen is methane pyrolysis. Compared to other, alternative production routes, methane pyrolysis has the lowest energy input (less than a quarter of water electrolysis) with a very high hydrogen yield.