Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Haus der Zukunft

Poly2Facade - Innovative thermal self-regulating solar facades by means of functional polymers

The overall objective of the present project is to develop and implement an optimal overheating protection system based on polymeric materials. The aim is to reduce maximum room temperatures in buildings caused by facade integrated solar-thermal collectors in stagnation.

Stadt der Zukunft

DigitalFindetStadt - Platform for digital innovations in the building sector

"Digital Findet Stadt" strengthens the digital innovation power of the Austrian building sector and thus contributes to a significant increase in resource, energy and cost efficiency.

Haus der Zukunft

BIMaterial Process Design for Material Building Pass

Building Information Modelling supported compilation of a Material Building Pass; as a qualitative and quantitative documentation of the material composition of, and the material distribution within, a building structure. This project is a central milestone towards standardized, BIM-generated building material passes.

Haus der Zukunft

HOTSPOTS - Holistic thermographic screening of urban physical objects at transient scales

HOTSPOTS enables new insights and perspectives for city development. According to the project idea innovations in acquisition and sensing as well as densification of geo-referenced city related data are supple­mented by novel processing chains in city data analytics. Driven by an integrated scientific approach we develop a novel method in the selec­tion, evaluation and prioritization of infrastructural city development measures which is directly derived from sensed data hence reducing the risk of ad-hoc decisions or lack in impact.

Haus der Zukunft

SynENERGY - Energy optimised settlement development by making use of synergies of energy efficiency, spatial planning and building culture

SynENERGY aims at an innovative, holistic approach to urban district optimization. The project targets a comprehensive analysis of the framework and urban development concept which includes not only optimisation of sustainable energy supply and use but also increased material flows (construction and disposal) at urban district level.

Haus der Zukunft The Open Content knowledge and learning platform

The objective of the project was to develop online teaching materials on the topics energy-efficient buildings and renewable energy sources in collaboration with technical vocational schools and vocational higher secondary schools.

Haus der Zukunft

Renovation with passive house technology by master-builder – verified planning documentation – Guide and seminars

The project aims at an increased implementation of passive house technology by the planning as well as the operating master-builder.

Haus der Zukunft

Booklet issued by Building of Tomorrow with about 20 practical passive house thermal bridges free connection details for large-volume residential buildings

In particular, for buildings with very low energy consumption on heating the influence of heat bridges have a special value. Since in passive house construction a largely heat bridge free execution is required, the most frequent and significant heat bridges are collected in a booklet.

Haus der Zukunft

Manage_GeoCity - Development of a method for the coordinated management of geothermal energy in urban areas

Based on the urban region Graz a method had been developed for the coordinated use and management of shallow geothermal energy for heating and cooling as well as seasonal heat storage in urban regions. Ground water flow, different geologic conditions, heating and cooling demand, heat input from solar collectors and industrial waste heat and the possibilities of seasonal heat storage in the subsurface were considered.

Haus der Zukunft

ECR Energy City Graz - subproject 3: +ERS - Plus Energy Network Reininghaus Süd

The multifunctional neighbourhood "+ERS - Plus Energy Network Reininghaus Süd" was realized within the urban planning area of Graz-Reininghaus. The project aims to optimize the energy concept of the single buildings as well as of the building cluster in order to achieve a plus-energy standard within the residential neighbourhood.

Haus der Zukunft

Quality criteria for the Building of Tomorrow

Development and implementation of contributions to the quality control of innovative technologies in the areas of building services and insulation that are derived substantially from HAUSderZukunft findings.

Stadt der Zukunft

GrünStattGrau – Innovations for Greening Cities "The green living laboratory"

GrünStadtGrau represents the holistic of competence for green building technologies such as green roofs and living walls in Austria. It generates impulses for urban green infrastructure on buildings and links innovative products and projects, supports through know-how and analysis for implementation processes. GrünStattGrau guides urban and participatory strategies from development to implementation.

Haus der Zukunft

Climate protection in Schools: a prototype for targeted oriented knowledge transfer for students on the basis of energy efficient buildings

The saying "Was Hänschen nicht lernt, lernt Hans nimmermehr." which can be translated with the English saying "You can´t teach an old dog new tricks." especially applies to the issue of "climate protection" in general. Therefore children must be made aware of the importance of the subject from the beginning on in order to live their life efficiently and environmentally friendly. Based on a research and on an evaluation of existing teaching materials teachers and students will develop, how students understand the topic "climate protection" with a focus on "building and living in the future" the easiest way.

Haus der Zukunft

Smart ABC Smart Energy Efficient Active Buildings and Building Clusters

The EPBD recast 2010 targeted "nearly zero energy buildings". This low amount of energy is to be covered by energy from renewable energy sources. The project "Smart ABC" analysed a variety of relevant solution sets regarding the building performance and the renewable based energy supply options. Energetic and ecological impacts were analyzed in order to optimize the integration of renewable energy technologies in building standards and to find answers how to depict a building cluster regarding standards and tools.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Secondary Phosphorus as Raw Material for the Chemical Industry

Recycling of Phosphorus as Contribution to the Security of Supply of Bioeconomy

Haus der Zukunft

Energy efficient, resource conserving and differentiated renovation of historic European building stocks (ReCoRe)

The project goal was the development of an integrated, long term and life cycle oriented approach to sustainable modernisation of historical building stocks. Within this project the partners used common objectives and planning tools and followed a common procedure in order to develop a specific national application which results from a historical, technical, social and cultural understanding of the specific national stock fragments.

Stadt der Zukunft

openBAM - Open Building Automation Modelling - Open modeling of building automation over the entire building life cycle

Platform-independent modeling of control and regulation logic for detailed study of building automation systems involving construction and building technology. The result enables the analysis of energy saving potentials through building automation before construction.

Haus der Zukunft

New4Old - New energies for old buildings

The project "New4Old - New energy for old buildings - Promoting the integration of RES & RUE measures in historic buildings" aims to promote the integration of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies into historic buildings, and to create a European-wide network of Renewable Energy Houses in the different Member States of the European Union.

Haus der Zukunft

Oekosan'11 - International symposium for high-quality retrofit of large-volume buildings to plus-energy-buildings

The AEE INTEC organized the international congress "ökosan'11 - high-quality retrofit of large-volume buildings to plus-energy-buildings" in September 2011. The position of Austrian companies in international cooperation was strengthened through personal contacts during the conference.

Haus der Zukunft

Sustainable ventilation systems in multi story residential buildings in the conflict areas of hygiene and costs

The goal of this project was to develop guidelines for hygienic and cost-efficient mechanical ventilation systems in residential buildings, in which maintenance and cleaning demands are described. These guide­lines are based on existing literature as well as practical experience of the property owners, finally they are based on results of hygienic measurements in existing ventilation systems conducted in this research project.