Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Stadt der Zukunft

3D*3B - 3D-Concret Printing, Reinforcement for low carbon and bending stressed structures.

The project is about 3D printed structural elements and their integration in building structures. The focus is predominantly set on bending stresses structural elements like panels and slabs. Results will point out technical, logistic and climate relevant aspects.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Development of a holistic valuation of enterprise-activities for sustainability and field test in leading industrial companies - InaBe

The development of a holistic model comprising method and instrument to evaluate ac-tivities from companies in context with sustainable development by integrating objective and subjective view.


RE-FORM earth - Earth Building for Building Sector Transformation

In order to promote the use of earth, the RE-FORM earth project is creating a planning basis for the construction of structures and buildings containing earth. In order to counter uncertainties regarding the health effects of earth building materials, a comprehensive program is being carried out to investigate radiation exposure and potential pollutants in earth. By erecting a temperature-controlled rammed earth wall in a test room with subsequent measurements, the aim is to determine the extent to which the material can contribute to healthy indoor air due to its moisture-regulating properties and help to balance out energy peaks.

Haus der Zukunft

Construction Site SCHOOL - Sustainable Models for the Refurbishment of School Buildings?

In this research project, models for refurbishment and restructuring of school buildings were developed. The reconstruction concepts contain lists of measures for deploying sustainable building techniques and exemplary case studies for the reorganisation of buildings of different typologies.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Product-related Environmental Information Systems in Austrian Companies

Inventory of product-related environmental information systems, survey of implementations within Austrian companies, and analysis with respect to principle applications

Haus der Zukunft

The Passive House Catalogue of Building details for renovations

"Building of Tomorrow" funded research reports dealing with building renovation will be analysed for solutions of construction details. This information will be supplemented with structural-physical descriptions, ecological ratings and technical discussions. All the information will be collected and systematically presented in a catalogue of building details for renovation.

Haus der Zukunft

Bi-directional integration of buildings with heat sources in thermal networks

This project analyzed the integration of decentralized heat sources into domestic heat grids technically, but also economically.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Chemistry, process design and sustainable economic development

The results of this project were to deliver the basics for chemical process engineering taking into account the requirements of sustainable development. The proposed results will have to be in conformity with ecological, economic and social requirements for sustainability. Hence the processes will mostly be based on renewable resources.



Fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composite components with low weight, so-called lightweight components for transport and mobility, lead to significant CO2 savings. Despite established production technologies and weight savings, further progress in lightweight construction is increasingly difficult because the sustainability of these products is currently not given due to the unresolved recycling problem, although the regulations require, among other things, 85 % recycling of an end-of-life vehicle.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Hydrogen from renewables in Austria - an energy carrier of the future?

Renewable hydrogen in Austria: Future perspectives for the production and use of hydrogen from renewable energy in Austria with the identification of projects to demonstrate the role of renewable hydrogen in an efficient and flexible energy system.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Green Biorefinery - Primary Processing and Utilization of Fibres from Green Biomass

Tests on optimisation of the essential process unit mechanical fractionation of the primary raw material "green biomass" into a liquid and a solid - fibres containing - fraction. Furthermore, lab and pilot scale tests with respect to technologies and processes for primary processing of the solid fraction (e.g. technologies for obtaining specified well defined fibre fractions, reduction of odour etc.). Finally, lab and pilot scale tests regarding manufacturing of prototype fibre products (fibreboards and adhesives & fillers for the construction sector) based on specific well defined fibre fractions from green biomass as primary raw material.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Energy centre for the thermal conversion of biogenous raw materials and residues of a region to produce heat, electricity, SNG and liquid biofuels II

Production of synthesis gas from biological fuels and residues using steam blown gasification. This synthesis gas will be used for polygeneration especially for heat, power, gaseous and/or liquid fuels.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Further enhancement of biogas production in Vorarlberg and its use over the natural gas grid

Further enhancement of biogas production in Vorarlberg with the possible use over the natural gas grid; analysis of the potential availability of fermentation substrates; scenarios for the increase of production capacities in combination with existing plants; technical blueprint of realistic scenarios; economic feasibility of the described scenarios.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Integral Resource Optimization Network Study

A robust, distributed control network for optimizing the resource "electrical energy". Consumers, producers and storages network in a self-organized way and coordinate autonomously their usage of electrical energy. Load-shaping, transparent flow of information, system-wide increase in efficiency.

Stadt der Zukunft

6D BIM-Terminal: Missing Link for the development of CO2 neutral buildings

The present project aims to close the gap between specialist consultants and Building Information Modeling (BIM) applications. For that, relevant data for cost estimation, scheduling construction planning and management or sustainable building operation and facility management, shall be added automatically to BIM elements and imported into the respective specialist planning software. This data exchange shall be carried out using IFC interface according to ÖNORM A6241-2 and the properties of the ASI properties server via a central platform, the "6D BIM-Terminal".

Fabrik der Zukunft

PRO WISSEN - Strategy and methods for a regionally embedded process of knowledge transfer aiming at introducing sustainable products and services in small and medium sized crafts enterprises

Development of a strategy and a down-to-earth and user-friendly set of methods for a regionally embedded process for the transfer of knowledge between crafts enterprises (SME) in order to introduce sustainable products and services in crafts enterprises

Fabrik der Zukunft

EASEY Online Rating Preparation Transfer

Transfer of conceptual knowledge about rating of sustainability performance of SMEs to three different groups of consultants dealing with financial data. Sustainability in business, that is the thesis, contributes significantly to an increasing repay capability.

Stadt der Zukunft

M-DAB - Digitise, analyse and sustainably manage the city's material resources

The research project investigates how digital technologies can support us in determining the existing and future material resources in construction qualitatively (building materials and their recycling) and quantitatively (quantities of building materials).

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Upgrading of biogas for the gas distribution system of Salzburg

Development of a cost-effective cleaning unit, free of waste-products, for the upgrading of biogas to natural gas quality. Elaboration of the basis for a demonstration project injecting biogas into the gas distribution system of Salzburg.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Innovative technology for the treatment of municipal and industrial waste water and process waters (INNOWATEC)

Evaluation of a technology as a supporting module for process water and waste water treatment and testing in laboratory and pilot tests for specific fields of application in operational water management.