Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Stadt der Zukunft

Move2Grid – Implementation of regional energy-supply-concepts by hybrid coupling

Based on the results of the national-funded exploratory projects called “Smart Exergy Leoben”, and “Energy Sponge Bruck”, the present implementation project aims at analysing how local, renewable resources support the supply of electric mobility in Leoben in the long term and to integrate it into the municipal distribution grid in a good economic sense.

Stadt der Zukunft

Plan4.Energy – methodological set for the planning support of positive energy districts

Plan4.Energy develops a set of methods to support the planning of positive energy districts. The data-based system integration will enable a user-friendly quantitative assessment of the possibilities for building a positive energy district. This will allow stakeholders without the relevant background knowledge to realistically assess different project variants.

Haus der Zukunft

Ecobuilding - Building Optimisation with Total Quality (TQ) Assessment

The construction, use, and disposal of buildings cause expenses, material flows, energy consumption, and emissions. With intelligent design, construction, management, and marketing, it is possible to reduce environmental burdens and costs, improve building quality, and increase building value.

Haus der Zukunft

HOTSPOTS - Holistic thermographic screening of urban physical objects at transient scales

HOTSPOTS enables new insights and perspectives for city development. According to the project idea innovations in acquisition and sensing as well as densification of geo-referenced city related data are supple­mented by novel processing chains in city data analytics. Driven by an integrated scientific approach we develop a novel method in the selec­tion, evaluation and prioritization of infrastructural city development measures which is directly derived from sensed data hence reducing the risk of ad-hoc decisions or lack in impact.

Haus der Zukunft

Renovation with passive house technology by master-builder – verified planning documentation – Guide and seminars

The project aims at an increased implementation of passive house technology by the planning as well as the operating master-builder.

Haus der Zukunft

Booklet issued by Building of Tomorrow with about 20 practical passive house thermal bridges free connection details for large-volume residential buildings

In particular, for buildings with very low energy consumption on heating the influence of heat bridges have a special value. Since in passive house construction a largely heat bridge free execution is required, the most frequent and significant heat bridges are collected in a booklet.

Haus der Zukunft

Manage_GeoCity - Development of a method for the coordinated management of geothermal energy in urban areas

Based on the urban region Graz a method had been developed for the coordinated use and management of shallow geothermal energy for heating and cooling as well as seasonal heat storage in urban regions. Ground water flow, different geologic conditions, heating and cooling demand, heat input from solar collectors and industrial waste heat and the possibilities of seasonal heat storage in the subsurface were considered.

Haus der Zukunft

Quality criteria for the Building of Tomorrow

Development and implementation of contributions to the quality control of innovative technologies in the areas of building services and insulation that are derived substantially from HAUSderZukunft findings.

Haus der Zukunft

Climate protection in Schools: a prototype for targeted oriented knowledge transfer for students on the basis of energy efficient buildings

The saying "Was Hänschen nicht lernt, lernt Hans nimmermehr." which can be translated with the English saying "You can´t teach an old dog new tricks." especially applies to the issue of "climate protection" in general. Therefore children must be made aware of the importance of the subject from the beginning on in order to live their life efficiently and environmentally friendly. Based on a research and on an evaluation of existing teaching materials teachers and students will develop, how students understand the topic "climate protection" with a focus on "building and living in the future" the easiest way.

Haus der Zukunft

Energy efficient, resource conserving and differentiated renovation of historic European building stocks (ReCoRe)

The project goal was the development of an integrated, long term and life cycle oriented approach to sustainable modernisation of historical building stocks. Within this project the partners used common objectives and planning tools and followed a common procedure in order to develop a specific national application which results from a historical, technical, social and cultural understanding of the specific national stock fragments.

Haus der Zukunft

Sustainable ventilation systems in multi story residential buildings in the conflict areas of hygiene and costs

The goal of this project was to develop guidelines for hygienic and cost-efficient mechanical ventilation systems in residential buildings, in which maintenance and cleaning demands are described. These guide­lines are based on existing literature as well as practical experience of the property owners, finally they are based on results of hygienic measurements in existing ventilation systems conducted in this research project.

Haus der Zukunft

Building of Tomorrow for the construction industry

Dissemination of results of the research initiative "Building of tomorrow" for two specific target groups - master builder and installer - implementation in further vocational training concepts

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Practice Guide for Sustainable Building Sanitation and Modernisation within Construction Intents

A checklist considering priority, construction progress and actors is elaborated to serve a future-oriented selection of materials, energy carriers, design and construction within building sanitation, under a deliberate consideration of the involved actors from the construction branch

Stadt der Zukunft

GreenDeal4Real - Improving the thermal comfort in mixed-use areas through cost-effective green infrastructure

The aim of the project is to avoid overheating in summer by using innovative greening measures in the mixed residential and commercial area Aspernstraße/Lavaterstraße. The development of a guideline should facilitate the realisation of climate-sensitive projects from strategy to actual implementation and ensure a high degree of transferability to other areas.

Stadt der Zukunft

Indicators for urban areas – for construction, operation and mobility in climate-friendly areas

Development and coordination of indicators for energy and ecological evaluations of urban areas based on the Swiss 2000-Watt certification system. The results will be used for the development of a quality assurance system for urban areas similar to the klimaaktiv declaration for buildings and the e5 certification for communities.

Stadt der Zukunft

Biotope City - construction manual for the green city of the future

"Biotope City" is an overall concept for the implementation of comprehensive urban greening with the aim of using the regenerative mechanisms of nature. With this approach, quality of life is to be comprehensively, sustainably and cost-effectively increased and resilience against extreme weather events in cities will be improved. The project aims to generate realistic components of a "construction manual" for the green city of the future, which are generalizable and transferable.

Haus der Zukunft

Know-How-Plus - Options and constraints of building renovation towards plus energy building standard

Aim of this research project is to identify the realizable reduction potential of energy consumption and CO2 emissions by refurbishment of the Austrian building stock towards plus energy building standard. Furthermore a construction-oriented manual will be supplied for interdisciplinary planning.

Stadt der Zukunft


The project researches possibilities and potentials of highly efficient use of space through modern concepts of "stacked" functions and vertical production.

Haus der Zukunft

EnergieAudioAkademie - Development and usage of audiofiles for the training of professionals from the building sector

Important issues in building energy efficiency will be prepared as audio files. The target groups are builders and plumbers. The files complement existing training and educational programs and will be disseminated via CDs and/or USB sticks to the target groups via craftsmen networks and an internet platform.

Haus der Zukunft

New Standards for Old Houses. Sustainable Renovation Concepts for Houses on Estates Built Between the Wars and Post-War

The many housing estates of detached houses in Austria built in the times of economic crisis between the wars and post-war as part of publicly funded housing programmes are the starting point for this research project. The aim is to offer detailed guidelines with basic planning principles for the renovation of these housing estates with detached houses, aiming to reach the standard of a low-energy house or a passive house.