Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

PROMISE - Production with solar energy. Study on the potential of thermal solar energy systems in trade and industry depending on the production processes

Documentation of realized plants for the use of thermal solar energy in trade and industry companies. Identification of production processes and branches, which have a demand for low-temperature heat. Determine the potential of solarthermal systems to provide low-temperature heat. Case studies for branches and processes with the highest mid-term potential for realization of a solar plant.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

LICHTSTRASSE Oststeiermark - Konzeption eines innovativen Dienstleistungsbündels zur Energieeffizienzsteigerung kommunaler Straßenbeleuchtungsanlagen

Erleuchtung oststeirischer Straßen durch bedarfsgerechtes Dienstleistungsbündel: Quick-Checks.Energie-Monitoring.Best-PractiseKatalog.Benchmarking.Exkursionen. Informationen.Schulungen.INFO-Point.Begleitprozess. Steirischer SBL-Kongress. Handbuch. Kostenkalkulator.Contracting.Vorbereitung Musterregion energieeffiziente Straßenbeleuchtung.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Wood Plastic Composites - Neue Wertschöpfung aus Holzspänen

Systematische Untersuchung einer neuen Werkstofffamilie, welche aus Abfallstoffen der Holzindustrie, nämlich den Holzspänen, in Verbindung mit geringen Mengen an thermoplastischen Polymeren (Polyolefine, 5-40%) hergestellt werden. Sie haben holzähnlichen Charakter, können aber mit Fertigungstechnologien der Kunststoffindustrie verarbeitet werden.

Haus der Zukunft

Recommendations for a consolidated Austrian research in the topic of "Smart Cities"

Based on a clear definition of the topics and focusing on energy relevant aspects the project will provide an overview on the present points of focus in research on "Smart Cities". Furthermore, future research topics will be defined and evaluated, and action plans for political stakeholders will be elaborated in the framework of two expert workshops.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Application of the Stirling cycle for environmentally compatible cooling - systems analysis

Conventional cooling has adverse effects on environment (eg. ozone depletion, global warming). One option for environmentally compatible cooling systems for near ambient temperatures (-10 to -50°C) is the Stirling cooler with environmental friendly process.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Development and optimization of a parabolic trough solar collector for generation of process heat for industrial processes

Development and optimization of a parabolic trough solar collector for generation of process heat for industrial processes. The operating performance and optimization possibilities of a prototype were evaluated and an improved prototype was tested with respect to its efficiency characteristics as well as in a small-scale application with a realistic load profile.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Raise in efficiency due to optimized waste heat management in heat intensive processes of the metal-working industry

This project drives at optimizing the energy input at the manufacturing process of oil tempered spring steel. This aim is met by investigating different options of waste heat recovery from industrial furnaces and heat insulation of heat treatment bathes. Besides, options of lead removal from anthracite will be listed.

Haus der Zukunft

Passivhauskindergarten Ziersdorf Phase Errichtung

Errichtung eines Kindergartens in Passivhaus-Technik unter Verwendung von lokal verfügbaren Baustoffen mit der Vorgabe eines streng limitierten Kostenrahmens

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Einsatz von thermischen Kühltechnologien zur Nutzung der sommerlichen Bio-Nahwärme: Fallbeispiel Gemeinde Mureck

Optimierte Nutzung der Wärme aus einem Biogas-BHKW in der Gemeinde Mureck durch verbraucherseitige Maßnahmen; das MULTIfunktionale Energiezentrum MUreck auf dem Weg zur thermischen KLImatisierung: Multi-Mukli

Fabrik der Zukunft

Development of miniaturized, ceramic high-temperature fuel-cell-components using resources-perserving mass-production processes

The application of nano scaled powder and powder injection moulding (PIM) for energy efficient co-sintering of miniaturized solid oxid fuel cells which can produce current and heat by using renewable raw materials.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Wood Plastic Composites - Direktextrusion

Entwicklung einer Holzspänedirektdosierung

Fabrik der Zukunft

Increasing of the resources-efficiency by experimental optimisation of steam production and by reduction of production residues in a metal-processing factory

The project is based on the results of the currently running project "Use of waste heat and renewable energy sources in a metal-processing factory". In this project it was found, that nearly the half of the consumption of natural gas is needed for steam production. Based on calculations already carried out, it is planned to investigate experimentally the possibilities of increasing the resource-efficiency by lowering the steam temperature and by replacing steam by hot water. Further increasing of resource-efficiency shall be achieved by use of internal residues as an additional fuel in a solid fuel furnace.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Stoffliche Verwertung der textilen Restfraktion

Verwertung des im Zuge der Aussortierung von brauchbarer Second-hand Bekleidung aus gesammelter Altkleidung anfallende textile Abfall soll einer Wiederverwendung zugeführt werden; Entwicklung von automatisierten, mechanischen Verfahren zu Aufbereitung; Vermeidung von Abfall.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Transfer of results of the program "Factory of Tomorrow" into the target groups of energy managers and energy consultants

Transfer of results of the program "Factory of Tomorrow" with respect to energy efficiency and increased adoption of renewable energy technologies into the target groups of internal energy managers and external energy consultants. The transfer activities include carrying out a one-day-seminar twice and the preparation of freely available training materials.

Fabrik der Zukunft

New solvents and processes for post-combustion CO2 capture

New and better solvents for CO2 absorption can reduce the costs of Carbon Capture and Storage significantly. Therefore, the ability to absorb CO2 and the vapour - liquid equilibrium curve of different new solvents will be determined in the laboratory and under real operating conditions at a power plant. Furthermore, the achievable CO2 removal efficiency of spray towers will also be investigated for different solvents.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Sustainable energy supply: Production and import of biomass and bio fuels

The project gives an overview of the supply and demand for biofuels specifically dealing with the situation in Europe and that in threshold and developing countries using case studies as examples. Cases: Sweden and France as importing countries in the EU, and Senegal as a (potential) exporting nation.

Haus der Zukunft

Gründerzeit mit Zukunft - Demonstrationsprojekt 1: David´s Corner

Energetisch hochwertige Sanierung von drei benachbarten gründerzeitlichen Wohnhäusern in ertragsschwacher Lage.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Multifunctional Energy Centre Kötschach-Mauthen - model-system to achieve energy-self-sufficiency

Development of concepts for a multifunctional Energy Centre (biomass district heating und biogas polygeneration for the supply of heat, electricity, process heat, cooling and biofuels) and for a "Öko-Energietourismus" for the community of Kötschach-Mauthen on the way to energy-self-sufficiency

Haus der Zukunft

ProKlim - Prognosegesteuerte Gebäudeklimatisierung

Energieeffizienzsteigerung in der automatisierten Gebäudeklimatisierung durch wetterprognoseunterstützte Regelung

Haus der Zukunft

Development of a solid-wood-passivehouse-window

Based on experience with low-energy-windows, a solid wood window is being developed, which meets passivehouse-standards.