Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Stadt der Zukunft

KoPro Lzk+ - Cost and process optimization in the life cycle of nearly zero energy buildings

The aim of the project was to develop a continuous process chain for the energetic-economic optimization of zero and plus energy buildings. The project focused on proven and new approaches to cost reduction of nearly zero energy buildings (nZEBs) at all stages of the life cycle. The main goal was to identify the extra-costs for nZEBs, and to promote innovative approaches taking into account the cost-effectiveness for all the Stakeholders. A database containing important cost parameters and potential savings will be developed.

Haus der Zukunft

Mechanical ventilation system for windows for the renovation of old buildings

Analysis and implementation of alternative ventilation systems for windows, focusing on thermal renovation of old buildings. The investigated ventilation systems were presented to an expert group. The aim was to discuss ventilation technologies with the help of different aspects and to develop a SWOT analysis.

Haus der Zukunft

Refurbishment of a housing complex to passive-house standard, Graz - Dieselweg

Refurbishment of the former "Puch-Siedlung", built as a housing area for employees of the company "Puch", in Graz Liebenau, in the period from the 1950s to 1970s, as an exemplary model for a refurbishment in "passive house standard" with special thoughtfulness to the tenants. "From domestic fuel to solar self sufficiency"

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Climate neutral Wiener Neustadt 2040

Wiener Neustadt wants to develop its own vision and implementation strategy for climate neutrality by 2040 and develop it in four steps.

Stadt der Zukunft

GameOpSys - Gamification for optimizing the energy consumption of buildings and higher-level systems

The central goal is the development of a mobile application that enables the energy optimization and planning of buildings, neighborhoods and higher-level energy systems through the participation of the user and the user as a new source of data and information. The development of the application is strongly transdisciplinary and integrates mathematical methods of simulation and optimization as well as psychological aspects of user behavior in order to develop new business models and open up new markets.

Haus der Zukunft

P2H-Pot - Potentials, economic feasibility and system solutions for Power-to-Heat

P2H-Pot has identified economically feasible potentials for Power-to-Heat (P2H) in urban regions. The suitability of different technical system configurations were investigated using thermodynamic simulation and considering experiences from Scandinavian cases. The assessment of short, medium and long term relevance and economic feasibility of P2H were accomplished by simulating model-based scenarios up to 2050 of the Austrian and German electricity and heat market. In cooperation with a district heating company three case studies have been carried out.

Stadt der Zukunft

SYSPEQ - Systemische Lösung zum Betrieb von Plusenergiequartieren

Full-scale planning concepts for positive energy districts (PEDs) and their operation as energy communities (ECs). The focus is on the implementation in the existing building stock, especially in the area of social/non-profit housing. Financing options for renewable generation units, planning and operation of a PED (especially as an EC), marketing opportunities for surplus electricity and the development of an information and networking platform are part of this project. A special highlight is the practical proof-of-concept in Fuchsenloch, which is a social housing quarter of Sozialbau.

Haus der Zukunft

Optimization of energy supply

The purpose of the work is to analyze the possibilities of the reduction of the energy demand of residential buildings by using telecommunication technologies such as mobile phones or Internet. Lowering room and water temperature during the absence of the inhabitants are of particular relevance.

Haus der Zukunft

Inhabitants-friendly passive house renovation in Klosterneuburg / Kierling

Renovation of an apartment house from the 1970s as passive house using renewable energy.

Haus der Zukunft

FM.Comfort/FM.Ware - Software for optimizing the use of energie and other resources in the virtual house

The expert system FM.Comfort/FM.Ware realizes the so called virtual house (vh). The virtual house is the computer model of a real building. This computer model supports the optimization of the use of energy and other resources by analysis of the life and work habits of the residents and the positive influence on inhabitants-behaviours (user motivation).

Haus der Zukunft

FFF-TaliSys - Freeform Systems for Daylighting to be Integrated in a Façade and in a Skylight

In the course of the project FFF-TaliSys novel daylighting systems based on freeform surface technology were developed and implemented into functional models, thus, innovative systems that solve the contradictory requirements of daylighting systems.

Stadt der Zukunft

Sophokles - Solar shading lamellas with photovoltaic coating for climate-neutral, energy-efficient structures

Development of lightweight, strip-like photovoltaic modules that combine shading and emission-free power generation in one monolithic component. The size and module voltage of the photovoltaic blinds can be individually adapted to the conditions of the building. The core of the innovation is an interconnection concept for thin-film solar cells, with which the film-like photovoltaic material can be interconnected in series and in parallel as required.

Stadt der Zukunft

metaTGA - Metadata and process models for open BIM in building service engineering

The objective of this research project is to design a methodology for developing data and process models and to apply them by modelling selected MEP systems. A particular but not exclusive focus is put on the renewable heating technologies, e.g. heat pumps, solar heat and biomass as well as ventilation systems. The data and process models developed in this research project will be scientifically evaluated in two pilot projects. The models, the approaches taken during development and the project team’s experiences with the pilot application of the models will be disseminated openly.

Haus der Zukunft

AC/DC Office Buildings - Implementation of Electricity Networks with Alternating and Direct Current in Office Buildings - Feasibility and Energy Efficiency Potentials

Based on a literature and technology review this projects aimed to document and demonstrate already available and reasonable concepts for the implementation of electricity networks with alternating and direct current in modern office buildings. Focus of the study was to assess the feasibility in general and the energy efficiency potential in particular but it also documents necessary technical equipment and expected advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, important research questions for energy supply, energy distribution and application of direct current technologies were formulated.

Stadt der Zukunft

RAARA - Residential Area Augmented Reality Acoustics

Populations with high exposure to noise emissions will generally agree: Noise means trouble. The aim of project RAARA is to develop a simple, intuitive albeit accurate method for reducing noise imissions in urban areas. This method involves placing a noise-source into its planned real-world destination prior to actual installation, by means of augmented reality. The ensuing sound-imissions are then made tangible by means of sound effects and coloured visualizations. This exceptional approach will facilitate planning for heating and cooling devices and thus reduce noise pollution in urban areas. This, in turn, can contribute to an increase in societal acceptance and investment in renewable energy.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA SHC Task 42/ECES Annex 29: Compact Thermal Energy Storage - Material Development for System Integration

The key accomplishments of the task are summarized in the following points: New material characterizing methods were investigated, a new standard for an improved DSC measurement method has been developed, a data base for PCM, TCM and sorption materials was developed and established, advances in the numerical modelling of materials, compact thermal storage systems were developed for different material applications, a tool for the economic evaluation of thermal energy storages has been developed. Also numerous joint R&D Projects and more than twenty publications arose from the IEA-SHC Task 42 networking activity.

Stadt der Zukunft

FEELings - User Feedback for Energy Efficiency in Buildings

User behavior is a key factor for the energy consumption and the actual energetic performance of a building. A new type of user feedback system will be investigated in this research project. Users provide feedback on the sensed room quality. The data obtained by the feedback system are used to optimize settings of building services in order to improve the energy efficiency and the comfort in the building. A basic proof of concept of this system will be undertaken by means of two use cases.

Haus der Zukunft

Ways and means to increase the construction-volume by 500%, by means of standardised thermal restoration of old houses.

Development of practise-fit methods for intensification and rationalisation of processes in the field of restoration of one-and two-family houses built between 1945 and 1982 in Austria.

Haus der Zukunft

THERM-opti-BALCONY: Thermal Optimized Renovation of Balconies

Pre-cast cantilever balconies represent a particular problem in the thermal renovation of buildings. The central goal of this project is the development of practical and cost-effective mounting solutions for the thermally decoupled reconstruction of balconies on building frontages and achieving a significant increase in the energy performance of the thermal renovation measure.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Test stand method for the determination of system efficiency and emission factors of small-scale biomass combustion systems

Determination of key data with practical relevance of typical applications in only one test run. Monitoring of air pollutants and efficiency and continuous improvement of technology possible with test stand method.