aspern Vienna´s Urban Lakeside - subproject 6a: Energy Consumption Monitoring

This subproject of the flagship project "aspern plus" derived the basis for a centralised monitoring of the energy consumption in Seestadt aspern.

Short Description

This project is a sub project of the flagship project “aspern Vienna´s Urban Lakeside“.




Starting point / motivation

In the next 20-25 years, energy efficient buildings with a total floor space of approx. 2.2 million sq m will be construction in the urban development area Seestadt Aspern. Within the scope of the research project Energie der Zukunft, thermal-energetic quality criteria for the buildings in the area have been developed. As a matter of fact, however, also energy efficient buildings may be operated inefficiently, which puts paid to the achieved energy savings.

Contents and goals

Therefore the project proposal develops the basis for a centralised energy consumption monitoring system (EMS) which should be available for all buildings in the future Seestadt Aspern. The centralised EMS enables building users to compare user behaviour and energy consumption, to identify disruptions and inefficient operation quickly and to optimise the operation of the building based on this information. In addition the central EMS may serve as an important information basis for an optimised energy supply to the Seestadt Aspern (demand side management).


The EMS of Seestadt Aspern comprises two parts: the first one concerns the collection of the relevant EMS data in each building. This topic is explained in detail in the requirements specification concerning measuring concept and hardware requirements of Seestadt Aspern (Kuh, et al. 2013). This file can be found as an appendix to this document. The other part is related to the central monitoring station, i.e. the operator of the central energy consumption monitoring, the Seestadt Aspern.

Different actors are involved in the construction and operation of a central EMS. Each of these actors has to bear different costs and all of them can benefit simultaneously in different aspects.

In addition to the costs which arise for the construction and maintenance of the monitoring hardware inside the buildings, which have to be borne by the building installers, further costs accrue with regard to the central monitoring. These consist of the costs for commissioning in the starting phase (preparation of EMS software and preparation of the operability of the overall system) as well as the ongoing operating costs in subsequent years. A rough cost estimate comes to the conclusion that annual costs of about € 0.30 per m2 of floor space have to be covered by the central monitoring agency.

The summary final report is intended to serve as a recommendable process manual for interested parties who want to implement a similar project. Insights and potential improvements identified in the process, and recommendations for the implementation of such a project will be presented in the report. A final outlook gives information about activities that could be implemented in the near future.

Prospects / Suggestions for future research

Currently, the first buildings are about to be built in Seestadt Aspern. These first buildings will show, how the measurement concept and the hardware requirements are actually implemented in reality. Problems have already occurred regarding the collection interval of battery -powered billing counters. Therefore, billing companies and power companies have been contacted and a solution has been worked out. However, the decision concerning the final implementation into practice is still pending. Of course, this should be done in any case within the scope of the second developer tender. Considering the definition of the XML document as well as the data representation, it has also become obvious in the course of the project, that further measures, which will increase the practical use of standardized monitoring data collection, will have to be taken.

A central operator has not been found until now. In retrospect, the approach to find a single operator for the central energy consumption monitoring of Seestadt Aspern was rather unrealistic. Intensive discussions with potential prospects as well as a serious discussion of the role as a central operator led to no result. However, a different approach which appears more realistic for a practical implementation emerged during the process:

  1. Installation of EMS hardware in the buildings
  2. The development company actively seeks potential EMS service provider (EMS-P)
  3. Several EMS-P actively approach buildings or the development company makes contact between buildings and EMS-P.

Project Partners

Project management

DI Dr. Christoph Pollak
Wien 3420 Aspern Development AG

Project or cooperation partners

Contact Address

DI Dr. Christoph Pollak
Wien 3420 Aspern Development AG
Rosthorngasse 5
A-1220 Wien
Tel.: +43 (1) 774 02 74