aspern Vienna´s Urban Lakeside - subproject 6b: Monitoring of Energy Consumption in Demonstration Buildings in Seestadt Aspern

The project deals wtih the energy consumption monitoring of demonstration buildings, which are erected within the framework of the landmark project "aspern+". As both, office/manufacturing as well as residential buildings will be constructed, these different user groups will have to be considered. The derivation of the concepts will be done in accordance of the specific needs of the individual demonstration buildings.

Short Description

This project is a sub project of the flagship project "aspern Vienna´s Urban Lakeside".




The HdZplus programme management requires the implementation of an energy consumption monitoring (ECM) systems for every single demonstration project. Therefore the sub-project 6b aims the preparation and implementation of an ECM system for the two demonstration projects to be constructed in the urban development area Seestadt Aspern. One demonstration project is the technology centre “aspern IQ” (research and administration building), the other one is a multifamily residential building.

The project relates to the sub-project 6a which develops the basis for a centralised energy consumption monitoring system which should be available for all buildings in the future Seestadt Aspern. The ECM-system for the demonstration project, however, goes beyond the “standard monitoring approach” which is supposed to cover all buildings of the centralised system. Therefore the monitoring concept for the demonstration projects uses the approach developed for the centralised system as a starting point but will enlarge and further develop its contents.

The sub-project is going to be implemented within three work packages:

  • In WP1 a detailed ECM-concept will be developed. Based on this concept requirements for the monitoring hardware to be installed in the demonstration projects will be derived, which in turn will be integrated in the planning process. The ECM-concept will reflect the needs and interests of different target groups in a well-balanced way, i.e. the building owners, the building operation team and the building users as well as the research-oriented requirements.
  • WP2 puts the focus on the design of Feedback-systems to the customers in a way that building users become engaged in adapting their behaviour towards energy savings. This includes an assessment of the information needed as well as an analysis of the visual presentation of this information. The results of this analysis will be integrated directly into the development of the demonstration projects.
  • WP3 will be implemented after the demonstration projects started to operate. It includes a comprehensive appraisal of the ECM results and a well-targeted communication of these results to the different target groups. Within the WP 3 training for the operational stuff will be provided to ensure the ongoing usage of the ECM System.

The project sees one of its starting points in the general monitoring requirements set for HdZplus projects in the frame of the project monitorPlus implemented by the Austrian Ecology Institute. In addition it will use the synergies to be derived from a close co-operation with other HdZplus projects dealing with energy consumption monitoring.

Contact Address

Wien 3420 AG
Rosthorngasse 5
Tel.: +43 (1) 7740274-0