Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Fabrik der Zukunft

Cascading BIOMATTERS for wellness and life-style

This application oriented and basic research aims to develop a pilot-master-project in the region of eastern Styria and Burgenland for the cascading use of regional cultivated plants and plant-residues in order to produce wellness and lifestyle-products - by which the creation of value is strongly realated to the functional qualities of the available biomatters.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Green Biorefinery - Development of key separation technologies to extract lactic acid and other valuable substances from silage juice

Juice from pressed silage grass has a high content of lactate and free amino acids. The goal of this project is to develop a technology for the separation of these valuable products.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Production management for sawmills based on flow of material, energy and production orders

A comprehensive planning approach for the short term flow of material, energy and production orders in sawmills in order to improve the value added in the wood supply network.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Villach KlimaFit - Municipal Transformation Process to Achieve Climate Neutrality in Villach

The strategic framework for achieving climate neutrality has been decided in Villach and the city itself can already point to good results in its own sphere of action (buildings, photovoltaics). However, the lack of own energy and mobility operations, the type and scope of construction/investment projects (third-party projects) and the limited scope for action in strategic development topics (little land owned by the city of Villach) require the adaptation (transformation) of municipal instruments in order to implement climate neutrality holistically.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Long-term scenarios of the austrian electricity system

Economic analyses and scenarios of the evolution of the Austrian electricity supply system until 2050 in consideration of various technology options in order to provide energy services optimally from society's point of view.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Sustainable trend-setters - LOHAS on the way to a sustainable society

"Sustainable trendsetters" investigated the consumer group "cultural creatives" by applying the Q-methodology. It provides criteria for product development and promotion of LOHAS products and services in the sustainable textile sector and for sustainable tourism.

Haus der Zukunft

E_PROFIL - neighborhood profiles for optimized energy transformation processes

E_PROFIL is a set of methods (an IT-supported toolkit) for the elaboration of neighbourhood profiles. The aim of the project is to facilitate an energy and resource efficient development in the planning practice of Austrian cities. Furthermore, the project is an important asset for research and planning activities in Europe and can also be applied to other neighbourhoods.

Stadt der Zukunft

50 green houses - Development and demonstration of a low-tech façade greening system

Development of a cost-efficient all-in façade greening system („Greening-Toolkit“) including a maintenance concept, involving all trades and processes, for a broad (facing roads) implementation on facades in the urban built environment, combined with a process innovation for simplification of all necessary coordination processes.

Haus der Zukunft

Catalogue of Passivhouse Details for Refurbishments

A Catalogue of Passivhouse Details for Refurbishments for buildings of all building periods from the 1870 to the 1980s. Special consideration to the refurbishment of building parts in contact with the earth. Integration of controlled ventilation services. Construction elements description with drawings, building physical data and ecological life cycle assessment. This project aimed at contributing to "Replicable refurbishment concepts for meeting passive house (or comparable) standard in buildings of all building periods".

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Strategic optimisation of the regulation of air moisture through ventilation systems to reduce energy demand for humidifiers and dehumidifiers

For the validation of coupled room and building component simulations, an analytical solution of this unsteady problem was developed. Finally, a simplified method for determining the humidification and dehumidification demands considering a room's effective moisture capacity was developed.

Haus der Zukunft

Development of the first legally compliant verification procedure for plus-energy buildings by a complete revision of the ÖNORMS

Within the project the current Austrian standards concerning building services and building physics have been revised and further developed to provide the designers with standardized calculation algorithms for the design of plus-energy buildings.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Conference: Smart Grids Week - Salzburg 2013

13th to 17th of May 2013
Salzburg Congress and Salzburg AG5020 Salzburg, AT

The Smart Grids Week - Salzburg 2013 aims to significantly contribute to the further development of electricity infrastructures.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Chemical modification of wood particles for high value wood plastic composites

Based on promising preliminary work feasibility and recycling strategy of the modifying process shall be evaluated economically and ecologically.

Fabrik der Zukunft

INTOKI- Methods and tools for consumers' and stakeholder involvement in the development of sustainable products and services

Supporting SME bakeries in the involvement process of their stakeholders in sustainability oriented product service innovation processes. Development and pilot testing of a dialogue oriented toolkit ("The INNOVATIVE Bakery Dialogue" Handbook).

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Transnationale Ausschreibung "ERA-NET Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity"

Gesucht werden mobilitätsrelevante Forschungsvorhaben sowohl zu personen- als auch zu gütermobilitätsrelevanten Herausforderungen im urbanen Kontext. Einreichschluss: 17. März 2020.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

Linz with Ambitio3xn - Linz with ambition for climate neutrality: governance, infrastructure and climate-social neighborhood Franckviertel

The project "Linz with Ambitio3xn" supports the city of Linz in becoming climate neutral by 2040. Contributing to this ambitious goal requires aligning urban planning instruments with urban climate mitigation and decarbonizing existing gas infrastructure in the Franckviertel neighborhood. In the project, standards for net zero non-profit housing will be tested in practice and shared learning are promoted.

Klimaneutrale Stadt

IntEGrity - Integration and Diffusion of Energy Communities

IntEGrity aims at fully integrating energy communities in the existing energy landscape in order to push for efficient diffusion and to use the potential of the positive contribution to energy awareness, efficiency and climate neutrality. In order to fully enable integration, the project explores innovative developments on three levels - social level, energy community level and service level.

Stadt der Zukunft

StirliQ+ Component development of the expansion Stirling generator with supercritical fluid as working & lubrication medium

Technical research and further development of details or components of the novel StirliQ engine, which has the potential to overcome the technical hurdles of conventional Stirling engines. On the basis of simulations as well as a laboratory plant, a narrowing down of the process parameters with regard to a resilient pre-dimension of apparatus components is carried out.

Stadt der Zukunft

BIMstocks - Digital Urban Mining Platform: Assessing the material composition of building stocks through coupling of BIM to GIS

The main goal of BIMstocks is the development of a method for the digital capturing of the material composition of the existing building stock for follow up modelling of an Urban Mining Platform as well as for the prediction of the recycling potentials.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Sustainable outdoor use of larch wood through classification of durability by means of innovative measurement methods

In this project the utilisation of untreated larch wood is promoted by means of innovative measuring-technologies. optic-spectroscopic measurements are linked to extractive contents and mass-decay, in order to predict the "natural durability". The innovative measurement process allows a quick and accurate estimate of natural durability during the manufacturing process.