Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Haus der Zukunft

Lehm - Passiv Bürohaus Tattendorf

Lehm-Passivhaus, nach allen Grundsätzen der Nachhaltigkeit und der Baubiologie aus industriell vorgefertigten, großflächigen Bauteilen errichtet.

Haus der Zukunft

Strat-CON - Strategische Aktionsplanung im Rahmen der Umsetzung von ICT innerhalb der Bauindustrie

Verfeinerung und Validierung der Implementierungsvorschläge zur Erreichung der gestellten ROADCON-Visionsziele mittels stakeholder-wokshops, strukturierter Interviews und Fragebögen.

Haus der Zukunft


Innovative Nutzung von Nachwachsenden Rohstoffen am Beispiel eines Büro- und Ausstellungsgebäudes

Haus der Zukunft

Kriterienkatalog zur Qualitätssicherung in der Ausführung von Passivhäusern in Holzbauweise

Mögliche Fehlerquellen bei der Ausführung von Passivhäusern in Holzbauweise sollen gewerkspezifisch und beim Einbau haustechnischer Anlagen durch einen Kriterienkatalog aufgezeigt, Lösungen erarbeitet und ein baustellentaugliches Kontrollinstrument zur Verfügung gestellt werden.

Haus der Zukunft

Erste Altbausanierung auf Passivhausstandard mit Vakuum-Isolations-Paneelen (VIPs)

Demonstration der Sanierungsmöglichkeit eines Bauwerkes des 19 Jhd. auf Passivhausstandard unter Berücksichtigung von hygrischen Vorgängen sowie in der Demonstration des Einsatzes von Vakuumdämmung.

Haus der Zukunft

Development of a solid-wood-passivehouse-window

Based on experience with low-energy-windows, a solid wood window is being developed, which meets passivehouse-standards.

Haus der Zukunft

Entwicklung eines Passivhaus-Vollholzfensters

Auf Basis der Erfahrungen mit Niedrigenergiefenstern wird ein Passivhausfenster aus Vollholz entwickelt

Haus der Zukunft

LifeCycle Tower - Energieeffizientes Holzhochhaus in Systembauweise

Aufbauend auf den Ergebnissen vorangegangener Forschungsarbeiten wurde im vorliegenden Projekt ein Holzfertigteil-Baukastensystem zur Errichtung energieeffizienter Bürohochhäuser mit bis zu 20 Geschoßen entwickelt, das sowohl nachhaltig ist, als auch Kostensicherheit während des gesamten Lebenszyklus bietet.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Insulation material made of cattail

Development of the production technology for cattail insulating materials. Basis study to the feasibility of a serial production.

Haus der Zukunft

Catalogue of Passivhouse Details for Refurbishments

A Catalogue of Passivhouse Details for Refurbishments for buildings of all building periods from the 1870 to the 1980s. Special consideration to the refurbishment of building parts in contact with the earth. Integration of controlled ventilation services. Construction elements description with drawings, building physical data and ecological life cycle assessment. This project aimed at contributing to "Replicable refurbishment concepts for meeting passive house (or comparable) standard in buildings of all building periods".

Haus der Zukunft

Formation of an Austrian EPD-Platform for building products

The objective of the project at hand was to create the general program guidelines for the "Austrian EPD-platform for building products": basic guidelines, general guidelines for LCA, general guideline for determination of emissions to indoor air and environment during operation phase.

Haus der Zukunft

ABC - DisposaL - Assessment of Building and Construction - Disposal LCA Indicators for the disposal performance of construction

A framework of assessment for the disposal of building materials, constructions and buildings will be developed. The results will be included in the OI3-indicator and in the building assessment tool Total Quality Building. Demonstration projects of the programme Building of Tomorrow will be assessed with the new method.

Haus der Zukunft

"gugler! build & print triple zero" - subproject 2: building with recycros

Building with recycros is working out basics in order to close the cycle of materials in the building sector as well as to increase the usage of recycled materials (recycros). The existing material cycles in the building sector are going to be analysed. Furthermore, there will be a catalogue presented, covering the actual situation of which materials are used in today´s engineering and how the waste is treated. The project will be completed with a summary of results and a proposal of concrete materials and constructional systems for the building project gugler.

Haus der Zukunft

Network material ecology for hospitals

The use of sustainable building materials is a key issue for sustainable development of the building sector. Emission free indoor air, minimized embodied energy of construction materials and health risk for construction workers are three main aspects. Between five hospital operators in Austria, Germany and Switzerland a practical exchange of experience focused on material ecology will be initiated and moderated.

Haus der Zukunft

Beacon of innovation gugler cross media, ecoeffective zero energy cross media enterprise featuring zero-emission, zero energy, zero waste

The aim of the flagship project is a new dimension of sustainability (cradle to cradle, ecoeffective zero energy enterprise) for business operation and building, which means zero emission, zero energy, zero waste. This will be shown on the basis of a beacon of innovation: Gugler GmbH, a modern sustainable media services enterprise (traditional print and new media) will extend their current building from about 2100 square meters and about 90 employees to about 5,000 square meters.

Haus der Zukunft

baubookPlus - Expansion of an extensive knowledge database of sustainable buildings

By the foundation of the baubook GmbH in 2008 the two databases of building products "öbox" and "" have been merged. The new database baubook was expanded. Essential functions (central product declaration, decentral quality management) and fields of products were added.

Haus der Zukunft

Demonstration building of the eco²building system: First passive house prefabricated wood building system for commercial and industrial buildings

The EU funded "eco2building" construction system in a timber-frame based modular design represents a systematic approach for energy efficient commercial and industrial buildings. The object of the eco²building demonstration project - the logistics centre in passive-house quality for "Eine Welt Handel AG" - in Niklasdorf was to optimize the planning and construction processes and prepare for the market launch of the eco²building construction system. Accompanying research monitored and disseminated the experience.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Development of high quality ecological solutions for thermal insulation systems on the basis of reed

Exterior and interior insulation systems containing reed as insulation material were developed. The solutions integrate insulation material, fastening and plaster (as well as optional heating for the interior insulation). A concept for the renovation of an old building using a reed insulation system was developed.

Haus der Zukunft

Criteria catalogue for quality assurance in the construction of passive houses built in wood

By means of a criteria catalogue possible sources of error in the construction of passive houses built in wood will be identified both craft specific and concerning the installation of house automation facilities. Solutions will be acquired, a controlling tool for construction sites will be offered.

Haus der Zukunft

Alternative insulation made from modified lignocellulosic fibers

Wood as the raw material for a new insulation material