Suchergebnisse für "Factsheet: Energietechnologien gestalten, die für alle sinnvoll und nutzbar sind"

Stadt der Zukunft

EM Städte - Monitoring and evaluation of urban energy flows

In the first phase of the project, the data source of the energy statistics will be analyzed. Based on the findings of the analysis a methodology on build up regional energy balances will be developed. The methodology will be integrated into the Senflusk tool and tested on five reference cities in Austria.

Haus der Zukunft

LifeCycle Tower - Energy efficient prefabricated multi-storey timber houses

Based on the results of previous research projects, the project at hand deals with the development of a wooden prefabricated module construction for energy efficient office buildings with up to 20 storeys. This sustainable system ensures cost certainty through the whole life cycle of the building.

Haus der Zukunft

IEA SHC, Task Solar Thermal Plants with Advance Thermal Storage Technologies for Low Energy Buildings

Participation in TASK 32 "Storage concepts for solar buildings". Subtask leader of the subtask for heat storage based on phase change materials

Haus der Zukunft

Pilot project gaining-building-land Pongau

Gaining extra space for additional households through sustainable renovation and/or extension of 8 detached houses by integrating consulting, planning, energy efficiency concepts and financing.

Haus der Zukunft

Innovative moth-protection system for sheepwool insulation

This project developed a novel "bio-pesticide"-formula by screening plant extracts and minerals for their strong repellant activity in order to protect sheepwool insulation from cloth moth infestation. It was investigated and examined by state-of-the-art-technology that the anti-moth-mixture extracted from plants and minerals, acts as a valid alternative to existing pest control agents.

Stadt der Zukunft

CoolAIR - Predictive control of natural nighttime ventilation and daylight-optimized shading for passive building cooling

Natural nighttime ventilation and daylight-optimized shadowing are high potential approaches to efficiently and economical cool buildings. Nevertheless, the full potential cannot be acquired, since, if at all, such behavior is manually initiated by users. Goal of this project is the development of an automated, self-learning system that can assess the full cooling capabilities and establish an alternative to conventional air conditioning systems.

Haus der Zukunft

Contracting as a instrument for renovation

Development of contracting models for comprehensive renovation service packages.

Stadt der Zukunft

Reallabor 100% renewable energy Waldviertel

Under the motto "Always one step ahead", the aim is to develop a content-related and economic implementation concept for a "Reallabor 100% erneuerbare Energie Waldviertel".

Haus der Zukunft

EnergieAudioAkademie - Development and usage of audiofiles for the training of professionals from the building sector

Important issues in building energy efficiency will be prepared as audio files. The target groups are builders and plumbers. The files complement existing training and educational programs and will be disseminated via CDs and/or USB sticks to the target groups via craftsmen networks and an internet platform.

Haus der Zukunft

Connection of innovative strategies and technologies to a holistic, resources-friendly plus energy building (FUTUREbase)

On the basis of a construction project in Giefinggasse 4 in Vienna the combination of new, innovative strategies and technologies to an integrated, resources conserving plus energy building with high signaling and multiplication effect had been tested for feasibility. A regional, energetical bond between the buildings TECHbase, ENERGYbase and the Klima-Windkanal had been developed.

Stadt der Zukunft

Sozial100%Erneuerbar: 100% renewable heating and cooling supply in social housing - the demonstration project Käthe-Dorsch-Gasse

100 % renewable (on-site) heating and cooling supply in social housing while achieving good living comfort. Implementation, monitoring and optimisation of an overall heating and cooling system that has not yet been implemented in this combination (especially in social housing).

Haus der Zukunft

Urban consolidation Lehen - Subproject 2: Development - intelligent E-Monitoring

In the oppositional subproject 2 technical and organisational requirements for the transformation of the innovative Smart Metering-concept will be developed. Through the connection of the application of Smart Metering with an active integration of the inhabitants over mutual communication the concept, which is planned for the key project Urban Consolidation Lehen stands out of other comparable antedated activities.

Haus der Zukunft

New Standards for Old Houses. Sustainable Renovation Concepts for Houses on Estates Built Between the Wars and Post-War

The many housing estates of detached houses in Austria built in the times of economic crisis between the wars and post-war as part of publicly funded housing programmes are the starting point for this research project. The aim is to offer detailed guidelines with basic planning principles for the renovation of these housing estates with detached houses, aiming to reach the standard of a low-energy house or a passive house.

Stadt der Zukunft

M-DAB2: Material intensity of inner development - resource assessment and localization of urban development potentials

For the first time, the material intensity of inner development (in terms of material quantities) for different design variants is to be considered in the evaluation of inner development potentials. A set of methods for the holistic evaluation of potential areas and different development variants and scenarios for resource-saving inner development will be created.

Stadt der Zukunft

Energy-Sponge: The Building as an Energy-Sponge - Electricity In - Heat Out

Innovative, dynamic control concepts had been developed which enable (air) heat pumps in combination with PV- or renewable grid electricity to use the building mass of a multi-familiy house as heat storage. User acceptance had been evaluated and possible business models had been developed.

Stadt der Zukunft

EnerPHit-green concept Modernisation of a historic building with application of an aerogel insulation plaster

This demonstration project shows the comprehensive modernization of a historic building within the constraints of a regional protection zone. By using the Aerogel high-performance insulating plaster, a comprehensive energy-efficient building refurbishment had been realized without changing the outer appearance of the façade.

Haus der Zukunft

RENEW SCHOOL Austria: Examples and financing models for school renovations

The project aimed at learning from 14 Austrian school buildings, from their financial and cooperation models, meaning successful cooperation between involved parties. The success factors have been derived from these projects and together with 10 best practice schools been published in a brochure. The project supported the Austrian activities in the IEE EU-Projekt RENEW SCHOOL (

Haus der Zukunft

aspern Vienna´s Urban Lakeside - subproject 3a: Technology Centre aspern IQ

The demonstration project "Technology centre aspern IQ" showed that the energy required for space conditioning (heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting, hot water) can be covered from domestic energy production.

Stadt der Zukunft

Energy-storage concrete: Thermal Component Activation

This planning guide provides information on the option of solely heating and cooling small-volume residential buildings by means of thermal component activation (TCA). Concrete instructions on the planning of residential buildings with thermally-activated ceilings are also provided. Felix Friembichler, Simon Handler, Klaus Krec, Harald Kuster
Herausgeber: BMVIT
Englisch, 122 Seiten

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Haus der Zukunft

CityCalc - Calculation Tool for Energy-Efficiency in Urban Planning

To assess the energy performance of urban planning projects in early design stages with low input and evaluation effort within the project CityCalc, an easily applicable planning and evaluation tool has been developed.