
Es wurden 670 Einträge gefunden.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA Bioenergy Conference 2015

26. - 29. October 2015
Berlin, DE

The 2015 Conference will provide stakeholders from industry, academia and policy with an insight into recent research and market developments in bioenergy.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

Webinar: Electric Motor Systems - The Motor Policy Toolkit

22. October 2015

There is no single instrument that is able to bring along energy savings swiftly. Therefore, a mix of policy instruments is needed to overcome the barriers for energy efficiency. The IEA 4E Electric Motor Systems Annex has developed Policy Guidelines for Electric Motor Systems.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

21st SolarPACES Conference

13. - 16. October 2015
Cape Town, ZA

Annual Conference of the IEA-Programme SolarPACES

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

13. Österreichische Photovoltaik Tagung

5. - 7. Oktober 2015
SZentrum, Andreas-Hofer-Straße 106130 Schwaz/Tirol, AT

Die Österreichische Photovoltaik Fachtagung - diesmal eine Kooperation mit dem Land Tirol und dem Cluster Erneuerbare Energien der Standortagentur Tirol - hat sich als der Treffpunkt der heimischen Photovoltaikwirtschaft und -forschung etabliert und soll auch heuer wieder für Impulse, Innovationen und neue Ideen sorgen.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

EGRD Workshop: Island Energy - Status and Perspectives

5. - 6. October 2015
Tokyo, JP

This workshop focussed on the energy challenges, strategy and technological solutions on islands and remote, sparsely populated areas. The workshop explored the similarities and differences in a variety of cases in order to summarize lessons learnt, not least in terms of technological solutions.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA EBC Annex 61 - Workshop zum Thema Contracting und hochwertige thermische Sanierung

21. September 2015
St. Nikolai i.S., AT

Am 21. September 2015 fand ein internationaler Workshop im Rahmen des IEA EBC Annex 61 statt. Die Vorträge stehen zum Download bereit.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

31st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC 2015)

14. - 18. September 2015
CCH Congress Center HamburgHamburg, DE

The EU PVSEC is the largest international Conference for Photovoltaic research, technologies and applications, and at the same time a top international PV Industry Exhibition.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

Industrial Workshop: SHIP 2015 - Solar Heat for Industrial Processes day

15. September 2015
125 bis Avenue de PalavasMontpellier, FR

The event will give the floor to international experts and industrial players having deep knowledge and experience in dealing with solar heat and industrial processes. They will provide the final outcomes of their intensive work undertaken within the IEA-SHC Task 49.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

3rd Post Combustion Capture Conference

8. - 11. September 2015
Saskatchewan, CA

The conference will focus on current Post Combustion Capture (PCC) issues, developments and future trends in CO2 post combustion capture technology.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Session: Demand Flexibilty - Dream or Reality

29. June 2015
IEEE PowerTechEindhoven, NL

In Vorträgen und einer Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema Flexibilität von Verbrauchern (Demand Response) im Rahmen der IEEE PowerTech Konferenz in Eindhoven (Holland) wurde über aktuelle Entwicklungen diskutiert. Themen waren die Entwicklung und Herausforderungen an die Energiemärkte, um Flexibilität der Endverbraucher für System- und Netz-dienliche Dienstleistungen konform mit der Regulierung einzuführen. Sprecher aus dem akademischen Bereich, Netzbetreiber, Regierung und Industrie präsentierten ihre Sichtweisen und Hürden.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

22nd International Conference On Fluidized Bed Conversion (FBC)

14. - 17. June 2015
Radisson Blu Marina Palace HotelTurku, FI

The 22nd FBC-Conference will cover the latest issues in fluidized bed combustion technology for power production, co-generation and waste incineration including fundamental research, equipment design, application and performance experience in pilot and demonstration plants as well as in industrial sites.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

70th IEA Fluidized Bed Conversion (FBC) Meeting

13. - 14. June 2015
Åbo Akademi University, building: Axelia IITurku, FI

Das nächste internationale IEA Wirbelschichttechnologie Treffen findet in Turku, Finnland statt. Interessierte können sich jetzt anmelden.

Energie 2050

IEA PVPS Task 13 Workshop at Intersolar Munich 2015

9. June 2015
ICM - International Congress Center MunichMunich, DE

The PV Module Reliability and System Performance Analysis workshop organized by IEA PVPS Task 13 at the Intersolar in Munic presents information on state-of-the-art of PV module degradation, and material related problems and risk estimations achieved of the joined work of the task experts.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

Workshop: Will a smarter grid lead to smarter end users - or vice versa

3. - 4. June 2015
Oslo, NO

The workshop will focus on the potential benefits of smart grids for end-users and society at large, with the goal of identifying novel approaches and critical aspects for realising this potential as well as core R&D needs on this topic and similar areas that need attention.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

7th International Conference on Clean Coal Technologies (CCT2015)

17. - 21. May 2015
Kraków, PL

With strong international participation from both the coal power industry and research institutes, the conference represents an ideal platform for networking within the global coal research community.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

13th International Conference on Energy Storage GREENSTOCK 2015

19. - 21. May 2015
Beijing, CN

The conference will focus on energy storage material, equipment and systems for residential, commercial and industrial applications.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

ERA-Net SG+ Knowledge Community/ISGAN Annex 7 Matchmaking & Open Space Workshop on Storage

19. May 2015
Siemens City, Siemensstraße 90Vienna, AT

The workshop offers the opportunity to exchange expertise in working groups on cross-cutting topics regarding Smart Energy Systems and Smart Grid Transition and to take the next step to establishing a productive cooperation with the ERA-Net SG+ initiative. Furthermore, the workshop offers an Open Space to exchange ideas and opinions as well as the opportunity to engage in scheduled B2B sessions.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

Joint Workshop IEA-ISGAN Annex 6 & IEA-PVPS Task 14

18. Mai 2015
AIT Wien, Giefinggasse 21210 Wien, AT

International Workshop on "the Use of Variable Renewables as Flexible Resources to Support Grid Operation and Power Transmission and Distribution Interaction".

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

Conference: Air Source Heat Pumps in Retrofitting Applications

7th May 2015
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Giefinggasse 21210 Vienna, AT

During the conference you will get an overview concerning the state of the art, current development in R&D, trends and perspectives in the field of air source heat pumps for retrofitting applications in urban areas.

Fabrik der Zukunft

Tagung: Highlights der Energieforschung 2015 - Kann eine Effizienzrevolution gelingen?

29. April 2015
Urania, Uraniastraße 11010 Wien, AT

Die Steigerung der Energieeffizienz ist ein wichtiger Schlüsselfaktor zur Erreichung von langfristigen Energie- und Klimazielen.