72nd IEA Fluidized Bed Conversion Meeting

28. - 29. April 2016
Budapest, HU

IEA Fluidzed Bed Conversion Meeting with the focus on biomass and waste utilization, visit of the new Dunaujvaros CFB plant

Content Description

28th April (Thu), 9 AM: Technical Session

29th April (Fri): Site visit (Dunaújváros, Hamburger Hungaria CFB)

The technical session and site visit is open for all members and interested colleagues from companies in the field of plant engeneering, plant operation and research in the field of fluidised bed conversion technology.

A registration has to be sent to Prof. Pal Szentannai, szentannai@energia.bme.hu until 24th March 2016. 

29th EXCO Meeting

The EXCO meeting will be for members and invited people only.


The programme can be found on the FBC-Website soon.


Contact Address

Technische Universität Wien
Institute of Chemical Engineering
Prof. Franz Winter
Getreidemarkt 9/166
A-1060 Wien