6th SOPHIA Photovoltaic Reliability Workshop
The 2016 workshop will feature reliability aspects in connection to building integration with focus on innovative functional materials and components as well as detailed discussions on PV system reliability.
- AIT Energy Department
- Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE - Group Service Life Analysis, Division Solar Thermal and Optics
The event is supported by:
tppv – Austrian Photovoltaics Technology Platform
Content Description
Innovative Materials And Building Integration Aspects
In the center of attention are
- Back-sheets, encapsulants and PID-barriers;
- Novel non-destructive analytical methods;
- Stresses on building integrated modules and systems along with presentations on innovative modules.
- System aspects of reliability.
The program topics will be presented by experts and further developed in discussion groups.
- Block 1: Novel materials and challenges for reliability testing
- Block 2: Building integration
- Block 3: Reliability issues on system level
- Block 4: Novel developments in characterization
Plenary discussion with presentation of discussion group results
Optional: Visit of the facilities of AIT
Target Audience
People all along the value chain of photovoltaics, from PV components manufacturers and research and test institutes to installers and O&M companies.Participant Information
- Regular Registration fees : 400 EUR
- Early Bird Discount until March 31st: 320 EUR
- Registration fees for students: 300 EUR
- Early Bird Discount for students until March 31st: 240 EUR
Members of the Austrian PV-Technology Platform TPPV get also the student discount rates.
Contact Address
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Energy Department - Photovoltaic Systems
Karl A. Berger
Giefinggasse 2
A-1210 Vienna
Tel.: +43 (664) 825 10 33
Fax: +43 (0) 50550-6311
E-mail: karl.berger@ait.ac.at
Web: www.ait.ac.at