IEA Tasks & Annexe

There are 273 results.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA Experts Group "R&D Priority Setting and Evaluation" (EGRD). Working period 2024 - 2026

The IEA Experts Group (EGRD) was established by the Committee on Energy Research and Technology (CERT). It examines analytical approaches to energy technologies, policies, and research and development and evaluates the benefits of RTI policies. Its results and recommendations feed into IEA analysis, and enable a broad perspective of energy technology issues.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA HPT Annex: Digital Services for Heat Pumps

Digital services such as advanced modelling, big data methods and augmented reality are not yet widespread in the heat pump industry, although they can be essential for market penetration and decarbonisation. In the project it will be analysed how such services can be used over the life cycle, especially for product design/testing, integration, and operation/maintenance. Expertise from R&D and practice will be collected in an international database and disseminated in the industry.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA EV Task 52: EVs and Circularity

Electric vehicles have specific challenges to reach circularity, which must be identified and solved adequately. Circularity issues are relevant in all phases of the life cycle – production, use and end of life – so circularity is strongly linked to Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of electric vehicles. Austria leads this task and is responsible for the scientific assessment of circularity in LCA. Relevant case studies for the Austrian industry are analysed and the national R&D demand is identified.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA IETS Task 17: Membrane processes in biorefineries (Working period 2024 - 2025)

Membrane technologies in biorefineries are essential for industrial development in order to enable the transition to a bio-based industry. Biomass as a raw material requires efficient processes. The IEA IETS Task XVII (24-26) project promotes the transfer of know-how between research, industry and membrane manufacturers for resource-efficient applications. The national task strengthens the Austrian research landscape through networking activities.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA AFC Task 30: Electrolysis (Working period 2024 - 2027)

IEA AFC Task 30 deals with the production of hydrogen through electrolysis. Questions regarding material costs and durability, efficiency and reliability are at the core of research efforts. This is addressed through the development of new materials and advanced monitoring strategies to detect aging phenomena, as well as the optimisation of operating strategies. Within Task 30, developments shared among the world's leading research institutions and companies.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA Bioenergy Task 33: Gasification of biogenic and waste feedstocks for a sustainable future (Working Period 2025 - 2027)

Thermal gasification will be crucial for the energy transition. Austria’s participation in the project strengthens the exchange of information and networking between stakeholders. This ensures that Austrian actors are regularly informed about gasification activities in other member countries. In the task workshops, they can also present their own research and industry projects and benefit from international knowledge sharing.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA AMF Task 65: Powertrain options for non-road mobile machinery (NRMM)

Hydrogen drives are considered to be particularly important for energy-intensive applications in non-road mobile machinery (NRMM) applications. This will allow gaining a climate-effective contribution for decarbonisation of large construction and agricultural machinery. Based on the automotive sector H2 regulatory framework, the task is to develop the basis for the conformity requirements for hydrogen-powered mobile machinery and to identify approval strategies for highly mobile H2 refuelling suitable for construction sites.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA AMF Task 66: Recent Progress in SAF Research (working period 2024 - 2026)

AMF Task 66 will build on the work and results of AMF Task 63 on Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF). The Task will conduct workshops to exchange information and results on current research on SAF production and its application, as well as on related policy measures. This will enable the Task countries to better understand the state of the art, identify further research needs and derive recommendations for governments seeking to expand SAF production or use.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA AMF Task EATS: Exhaust gas aftertreatment systems (working period 2024 - 2027)

Internal combustion engines with renewable fuels are indispensable for the decarbonization of the hard-to-electrify industrial and transport sectors. The AMF TCP EATS Task is investigating effective exhaust aftertreatment technologies to achieve air quality comparable to electrified applications. Emissions are being analysed, suitable measurement methods identified and guidelines for limiting emissions developed.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA HPT Annex: Industrial High-Temperature Heat Pumps

High-temperature heat pumps are key elements in the decarbonisation of industrial process heat. In this project, existing activities to promote the market ramp-up of this technology will be continued. An existing technology database of manufacturers, their close-to-market or market-available products and demonstration projects will be continued. Moreover, recommendations for sector-specific solutions and training materials will be developed and disseminated to relevant target groups.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA PVPS Actiongroup „Agri-photovoltaics“ (Working period 2025 - 2026)

Agri-photovoltaics combines open-field PV systems with agriculture to promote sustainable land use. This working group aims to collect and analyse international insights on agri-PV. Key focuses include efficient land use, climate resilience in agriculture, and enhancing public acceptance of solar energy.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA PVPS Task 1: Strategic PV Analysis and Outreach (Working period from 2025)

This task, which is mandatory for all countries participating in the IEA-PVPS program, has been producing global reports on photovoltaic development since 1993. In addition, content-related priorities are set, or new topics and tasks are developed, which are then sent to the ExCo for decision-making. This gives Task 1 strategic importance for the overall IEA PVPS program.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA Bioenergy Task 39: Biofuels to Decarbonize Transport (Working period 2025)

IEA Bioenergy Task 39 is a network of international experts that aims to drive forward the decarbonization of transport with the help of sustainable biofuels, with a focus on the long-distance transport sector (aviation, shipping, heavy duty vehicles), which is more difficult to electrify. The aim of the national work is to collect and analyze information on the global technological and political status of biofuels and thus contribute to the development of sustainable, socially and environmentally compatible biofuel systems.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA Bioenergy Task 37: Energy from Biogas (Working Period 2025 - 2027)

Anaerobic digestion systems are an important component in waste and wastewater management as well as in agriculture. The state of the art of the technologies and the development of the sector vary greatly internationally. The main topics of the exchange of experience in task 37 are Co-benefits of biogas in the circular economy, framework conditions for digestate utilization, monitoring of microbial cultures in biogas plants, and comparison of economic framework conditions.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA Bioenergy Task 44: Flexibilization and System Integration (Working Period 2025 - 2027)

What are the benefits of more integrated processes and systems? How can we measure integration and what should we look for when coupling between different sectors? IEA Bioenergy Task 44 provides answers to these and similar questions, especially in relation to a circular bioeconomy and the energy transition.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA IETS Task 11: Industry-based Biorefineries Towards Sustainability (Working Period 2024-2026)

Industrial-scale biorefineries play a central role in the transition to a climate-neutral and integrated circular economy. The international IEA IETS Task 11 supports this development by investigating and evaluating technologies and concepts for reducing emissions and conserving resources.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA IETS Task 21: Decarbonizing industrial systems in a circular economy framework (working period 2025 - 2027)

Energy and CO2 savings through CCUS, and resource and energy efficiency through industrial symbiosis are key approaches to decarbonizing industry. The subtasks “Carbon Dioxide Capture in Industry” and “Facilitation of Industrial Symbiosis” of the IEA IETS Task 21 deal with CO2 management, legal requirements for CCUS, new value chains and associated stakeholders, technological integration in industry, tools to enable industrial symbiosis and a non-technical assessment of the status of cooperation.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA DHC Annex TS9: Digitalisation of District Heating and Cooling – Improving Efficiency and Performance Through Data Integration (Working period 2024 - 2028)

To successfully digitalize district heating and cooling (DHC), it is important to understand the benefits of incorporating digital processes into DHC networks. The purpose of this project is to investigate solutions for data transfer and processing between the components of DHC networks, with a focus on interoperability and standardization. Furthermore, non-technical hurdles and enablers to digitization processes in the DHC sector are assessed.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA SHC Task 72: Solar Photoreactors for Fuels and Chemicals (working period 2024 - 2028)

With the increasing demand for green fuels and chemicals, solar-based photoprocesses that utilize direct sunlight are gaining importance. The IEA SHC Task 72 aims to develop new materials, reactor designs and system integration strategies as well as standardized test and evaluation protocols in an interdisciplinary approach to ultimately pave the way for future solar photoreactors as new market segments for the solar industry.

Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)

IEA Wind Task 51: Forecasting for the weather driven energy system (Working period 2024 - 2027)

The project aims to improve forecasting accuracy for weather-dependent energy systems to enable the efficient integration of renewable energies. The focus is on physical/statistical and machine learning-based modelling of energy production from renewable energy sources, reducing uncertainties, and enhancing the communication of forecast information to the energy sector. International collaboration within the framework of the task aims to help develop standards and best practices that advance both research and practical applications.